I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 953

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:21:09 AM

Chapter 953: Fusion

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Seeing the result of this scene, both Linhang-1 and the treasure house were relieved, although they both had their own judgments before starting the test, knowing that Linhang-1 should have completed the integration of these three elements. It's a problem, but it is the first time for Linhang-1, so naturally it will not be so relieved, but now the results have come out, Linhang-1 is perfectly completed this time with the three elements of water, fire and earth. The fusion of the two forms a sticky dark red energy cluster product. And this dark red sticky substance gave Linhang 1 and the treasure house a very strange feeling. It seems that after the three elemental forces of water, fire and earth merge, they become a kind of magma. It’s just that the energy intensity contained in it is very bursting, which is not comparable to simple magma.

The treasure house also nodded at the time. He could see that Lin Hang 1 was using this time "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" to integrate the power of the three elements, which consumed most of the spiritual power. , And the current situation has shown that Linhang No. 1 is no longer capable of completing the fusion of the four elemental powers, not to mention that the four elemental powers are only one more than the three elemental powers. It’s just kind of, but the fusion between each other requires more mental power control. This mental power consumption will definitely increase exponentially. The current situation of Linhang-1 is absolutely nothing too good. The way to manipulate the fusion of the energy of the four elements, if used forcibly, there will be a risk of hurting yourself, and this kind of injury is not one aspect, but a mental injury. It is definitely not worthwhile To joke and experiment at will.

The words of Lin Hang 1 also aroused Zi Feng's great curiosity. He also wanted to know what kind of effect this small umbrella had, so he also showed a very interested look, and then said, " Lin Hang, don't sell it at this time! Hurry up and tell us what this small umbrella really does!"

Lin Hang 1 laughed, and then said, "Well, when I first encountered this small umbrella, its function was very single, but because of its own spiritual relationship, it can automatically resist the attack for me. , This can be regarded as its only good point. Under such circumstances, I still feel that it is very effective, so that later on, some of the effects of my life spirit treasure are similar to its initial effects. The ability to automatically resist attacks. It’s just a later experience. It also flew out as it is today, and broke a strong blocking mask for me. It is precisely because of this experience that it has moved from the original foundation The Lingbao, which has become the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, just after this unexpected change, I thought I could get some information about its function, but after the incident, I still It’s impossible to control its complete action. Until today, I didn’t know that it was absolutely damaged in the past, so that many of its functions were unable to function. Under such circumstances, naturally there would be no What kind of reaction? Only when it encounters something or a situation that can improve itself, can it be able to stimulate its effect, such as this special mithril essence encountered today!

After pointing out the functional change experience of this small umbrella, Linhang No.1 also continued, “Today we encountered this very rare mithril essence, which naturally caused the reaction of this small umbrella. This Mithril Essence can greatly help its damage, so I couldn’t restrain myself, and took the initiative to swallow that piece of Mithril Essence, and as we saw it, swallowed it. After a piece of Mithril Essence, it really got a lot of repair and improvement, although I can feel that the realm of virtual immortality today or the realm of true immortality that can be reached in the future is not the end of its heyday. But now the situation has improved to a very good level! I have mastered some of its functions, and it is precisely based on the functions that can be displayed at this time. I gave it a name, which is " Break the Umbrella!"

""Broken the Umbrella"?" After hearing the introduction of Lin Hang 1 and the name, Zi Feng, Yuling Xian Qianjun and others all showed thoughtful expressions. Lin Hang 1 said The name of this small umbrella is too explicit, so they all thought of the possible functions of this small umbrella, plus the introduction of Linhang No.1. The precedent for a small umbrella to break a powerful mask is also to make them sure in their hearts that this anonymous small umbrella named "Broken Umbrella" by Lin Hang No.1, the function and utility possessed at this time should be broken Functions such as prohibition and prohibition are now.

Lin Hang 1 also laughed at this time, nodded and said, "Yes, it is "Break the Umbrella". Its original heyday should be much stronger than it is now, but it is only restored to today. The realm of imaginary fairyland has already achieved considerable effect. I am not sure about the specifics, but for these masks on this fragmented continent, I can let "Break the Umbrella" go Give it a try, I am 70% sure that it should be effective in this respect!"

Although it was said slowly from Linhang No.1, Yulingxian, Qianjun and Zifeng were somewhat aware of the possible effects of this "Break the Forbidden Umbrella", but they really listened to Linhang No.1. , Zi Feng and others still showed an expression that could not be believed, because the masks that they had been exhausted before could be completely removed by a small Lingbao umbrella? Although such a result is not harmful to them, it can make them relaxed, but it is still a little beyond their acceptance range, and they can't help but show unbelievable looks in their hearts.

In today's situation, such a group of energy of the three elemental forces of water, fire, and earth is fused together. Through the powerful transformation and fusion of "A Thousand Spirit Mirror", such a group of dark red mixture has been generated. The new energy, the next thing is to test the power of such a new energy. Although the test has not yet started, there are already some judgments in the heart of Linhang-1. The power of this energy is bound to It is very earth-shattering.

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