I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 955

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:53 AM

Chapter 955: End the test

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Seeing such a situation, although both Linhang No. 1 and Baokuzhan had already had such a guess, especially when they saw the performance of the previous situations, there was no doubt about it, but now it is truly Seeing the power of the fusion of the three elements, Linhang No. 1 and the treasure house were still amazed. The result was indeed too magical. None of the three elements can be regarded as true in the realm of virtual fairy. The powerful elemental energy group, after the absorption, transformation and fusion of the "A Thousand Spirits Mirror", the final energy group product of this elemental fusion force actually has such a powerful destructive power, and because it is the "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" "As the subject of fusion, Linhang No. 1 has no particular difficulties except for putting in a lot of mental energy. In addition, the process and time of fusion are also very small. Let this kind of means, even if it is It is also a means that can be easily used in the battle with other monks.

Lin Hang 1 also had some thoughts in his mind at this time. After obtaining such a "Thousand Spirit Mirror", his later fighting style can have a certain degree of evolution, and because of the many different elements he has mastered , Energy and the power of law, some of the products that can be obtained through this "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" will also become more and more different, with countless integration methods. In this case, the previous set of Lin Hang himself will do everything in the world. The monk’s strong confidence is able to come back again. No matter how powerful the enemy he encounters, Lin Hang can rely on his changeable abilities and the fusion effect of this "Thousand Spirit Mirror" to find a suitable one that can be targeted at this. The method of naming the enemy will not be an evenly matched battle at that time, it will only be a unilateral crush by Lin Hang, there is no suspense, and the monks who can restrain all are really doing whatever they want.

And after the attack of the fusion power of these three elements is completed, Linhang-1 cannot continue the subsequent attempts of the fusion energy group of the four element powers, so there is no need to conduct subsequent tests. The treasure house is watching Lin Hang 1, also laughed, and then said, "How about? Lin Hang, are you satisfied with the power effect of this side of "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror"? Can you just enter the realm of virtual fairy? Under the circumstances, you can have the powerful offensive power to kill the cultivator at the peak of the Void Fairy Realm. Are you particularly satisfied? And I didn’t lie to you, this piece of "A Thousand Spirits Mirror" is indeed the one for you It is the most suitable Xiantian Lingbao! I hope you can treat it well in the days to come and don't let it lose its luster in your hands!"

Lin Hang nodded, and then replied, "Well, treasure trove, don't worry! I am also very satisfied with this "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror", and I will use it well in the future. You will never be disappointed!"

At this stage and realm strength, Lin Hang No. 1 can have an offensive power comparable to that of a middle-level monk in the virtual fairy realm. It is already a very good thing, after all, in this late stage of the virtual fairy realm Above the level of cultivation, this means that Linhang-1 still has the ability to leapfrog challenges. Although it cannot be suppressed across a large realm, in the same realm, Linhang-1 is still very powerful, and this All the reasons are also inseparable from the situation that Lin Hang 1 is a clone. After all, Lin Hang 1 is a newcomer to the realm of virtual immortality. It is true that he himself is true, but this It just means that the total amount of spiritual power and the total amount of spiritual power of Lin Hang 1 are in the early stage of the virtual fairy realm, but the monks in the virtual fairy realm are already beginning to feel the power of some laws. In this situation Next, Lin Hang 1 himself inherited the sentiment of Lin Hang’s deity. The use of various elements and laws is actually very good, so he can explode with no less than the powerful power of the cultivator of the virtual fairyland. , This is also the reason why some of Lin Hang's clones are so strong, it is because the perception has not been weakened, and they still maintain the strength of the deity.

At this time, Lin Hang 1 did not hesitate anymore after listening to the treasure house's words, and slowly penetrated its spiritual power and consciousness into such a bronze mirror, and after the divine consciousness entered, it really As the treasure house said, there is no danger in this kind of work of divine sense penetration, and with the scanning of divine sense, Lin Hang-1 also instantly understood the role of such a bronze mirror innate spirit treasure. , And then I also understood why the treasure house would say that such an innate spirit treasure with a bronze mirror was the most suitable for Lin Hang's innate spirit treasure.

After scanning, Lin Hang 1 slowly withdrew his consciousness, smiled and said to the treasure house agent, "Senior treasure house agent, you really did not lie to me! You have already said that, and we have nothing to do. There is a reason for rejection! And listening to what you mean, as well as some previous experiences, how could we miss such an opportunity to obtain the legendary innate spirit treasure! So, Senior Treasury Envoy, we are all I have decided, not to choose the spiritual treasures refined by the day after tomorrow, but let this opportunity flow out, everyone chooses an innate spiritual treasure!"

At this time, the treasure trove also waved his hand directly, realizing that except for a test doll, there was also a huge large light bulb above the doll’s head. This light bulb was now white, and the doll was standing in the forest. In front of Hang 1 and the treasure house, they stayed motionless, and there was no other reaction.

The space in the third floor space is also relatively vast, not only a huge range, but also a certain length extension, which is specially made to meet the characteristics and abilities of most spirit treasures.

After the two of them finished this test, they did not delay anymore. They were directly used by the treasure house to bring Linhang 1 back to the ninth floor of the "Treasure House" and left the third test. space.

In the space on the ninth floor at this time, Zi Feng and others are waiting for the return of Lin Hang 1 and the treasure house. They are all staring at the area of ​​the mysterious small room, because since Lin Hang 1 and After the treasure house agent entered, the door was closed again, and Zi Feng and others could not know the situation. At this time, although they did not have any anxious and impatient expressions, they were still very curious. After leaving here with Lin Hang 1, and entering the mysterious little room, what kind of situation did you have?

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