I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 958

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:50 AM

Chapter 958: Express

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Zi Feng arched his hand at the treasure house agent, and then said, "Predecessor treasure house agent, before the fragment continent in this place, we still don’t know the origin and function of it, so we have the intention to explore it to the end. Now that I have met you, seniors, we have also learned about many secrets in ancient times and the reason why this fragmented continent finally took shape. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for us to explore as before. The current situation is not how we want, but what kind of thoughts and arrangements the treasure trove has in your mind! As outsiders, although we are all related to the inheritance of Ziwei Emperor, we still need specific arrangements. Listen to you!"

This sentence of Zi Feng is not only for the treasure troupe to hear, but also to remind Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian that under such circumstances, although they are currently getting along with the treasure trove, they are considered to be relatively harmonious. But the current problem is related to many situations. They are not too arrogant in front of the treasure house. After all, the origin of the fragment continent in this place is not different from the core area of ​​the ancient Ziwei Emperor star. According to the treasure house, the formation of the debris continent in this place has a certain relationship with the treasure house himself. Under such circumstances, they naturally cannot replace such a debris continent. The decisive approach depends on the decision of the treasure house.

Just in an instant, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian also understood the meaning of Zi Feng, and they also realized that the exchanges with the treasure house just now were a bit too smooth, which caused a trace of their thoughts to appear. Deviation, Lin Hang 1 himself also looked dazed, because the movement of this small umbrella was completely beyond his expectations, until the small umbrella swallowed all the mithril essence, Lin Hang first No. did not respond, and it was too late to say anything at this time. This small umbrella had already swallowed this mithril essence. Everyone present could not say anything to Lin Hang, but They were all looking at Linhang-1, waiting for his explanation.

Lin Hang One looked at this small umbrella that was spinning, and recalled the origin of this small umbrella, thinking that he was just a little monk in the Qi refining period, and entered the "Candle World" for the first time. , Showed their own powerful talents. Later, because of their half-human and half-witch status and their help to the entire "Candle World", they got the inheritance of their ancestors that they had not been able to touch for a long time. Under such circumstances , Just when we first met, the High Priest Zhu Yue also took Lin Hang directly into their "Candle World" treasure house, and chose two treasures for Lin Hang to give him, and among these two treasures , In addition to the one-time consumables, the still pearl, there is another mysterious umbrella.

When he chose, what Lin Hang needed was a treasure that could act on his own and defend him automatically. At that time, High Priest Zhu Yue recommended this small umbrella, and this small umbrella was always there. At the initial stage of foundation building, it has an extraordinary spiritual existence, capable of automatically defending the user from the upcoming attack, but later because of Lin Hang’s own cultivation speed is too fast, so that his cultivation level soon surpassed Given the limitations of the foundation construction period, under such circumstances, this small umbrella naturally cannot be used, because how could the enemy that Lin Hang faces is a small foundation construction period spirit treasure that can be defended? What?

And for this, there is another most critical reason, that is, Lin Hang later obtained a very precious small innate spiritual cloud from the great elder Zhou Shu of "Emperor Realm", and then went to "The Candle "World", with the help of the high priest, copy this piece of innate spiritual cloud, and then make the volume large enough to give birth to the innate spiritual treasure, and finally in a special dense land, use the acceleration of time to make this piece The Xiantian Lingbao quickly took shape, and finally, in accordance with his own will, he formed an innate Lingbao that was in line with Lin Hang's own intentions—"Dijiang Arrow".

During the production of "Emperor Arrow", Lin Hang obviously had some meaning to refer to the function and principle of this small umbrella, so although the main ability of "Emperor Arrow" after being formed is to shuttle in space It is above the offensive power, but still has a very strong protective ability. It can block many offensives that he can't react to Lin Hang. It can be called an evolved version of the umbrella. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities. The presence of the board.

It is precisely because of these reasons that this small umbrella has been eating ashes in Lin Hang’s portable space. It was only during Lin Hang’s exploration of the huge "The Reincarnation of Heavens and Souls" under the earth and stars. Array, when I saw the big pond with a lot of spirit power springs, it was originally blocked by the powerful protective light shield covering the pond. When I was a little anxious, it was this A small umbrella took the initiative to attack and directly swallowed and absorbed this powerful mask in just a few seconds! It is precisely because of this that Lin Hang was able to obtain some spring water from the spring of soul power so smoothly during that action, and through the spring water of this spring of soul power, he cultivated a soul power lotus flower to help Liu Ru Yan completed the ceremony of resurrection.

After that action, Lin Hang has actually been studying a small umbrella all the time, but this small umbrella is too autonomous and has not lacked spirituality. How did he pay attention to Lin Hang’s instructions? Under such circumstances, Lin Hang couldn’t study the reason. He just knew one thing, that is, this small umbrella absorbed which Kagan at that time. After the powerful spiritual mask that was placed, it was also upgraded in grade, directly surpassing multiple thresholds, and the Lingbao in the early days of the foundation became the peak of the Nascent Soul!

After thinking about it in my mind, Lin Hang 1 also said aloud, "Senior Treasury Envoy, what the owner of the Purple Seal Island said is exactly the idea below! Originally, we came here with some thoughts of exploration In the Fragment Continent, I don’t know the origin of this Fragment Continent. If you are now free, then you will arrange the situation of the Fragment Continent next. Of course we cannot replace You make the decision! And, if you need our help in the future, even if you ask, I believe that several fellow daoists have no opinion!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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