I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 96

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:54 AM

Chapter 96: Practice begins

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After being silent for a while, Lin Hang asked strangely, "Elder, you said my master is a witch clan, but how can he practice my human clan?"

The elder replied, "This is what I said about his special feature. I observed him. Although he is the bloodline of the ancient witch clan, his body is different from our witch clan. He is the same as human beings and possesses the soul! You have to know that our witches are born without spirits. Although our bodies are powerful, their strength is far less rapid than that of humans. The most important reason is that humans have unique spirits! Now, your master has spirits, but the bloodline is still the most witches. Pure blood. Therefore, his future achievements are really limitless!"

Lin Hang didn't know the origin of Wang Lao, so he asked, "Elder, don't you know the specific reason? What has happened to cause my master's current situation?"

The elder shook his head and said, "I just can't determine the cause, so I didn't tell him directly. But I can be sure that this is a very positive change, and your Master has benefited greatly from this. So, don’t worry too much, we will definitely find the root cause later."

Lin Hang also nodded, since it is a good thing, I won't think about it for now.

The old elder turned the conversation and said with a smile, "Now let's talk about your problem! You haven't studied the content on that light curtain. Take it out and let's take a look."

Lin Hang is naturally willing to let the great elder guide his own cultivation, after all, the experience of the great elder can be said to be unmatched.

Lin Hang took the light curtain out of the dantian and placed it in front of the two of them, but when his realization noticed the light curtain, Lin Hang was a little shocked and couldn't help but say, "How come, why is it gone? , Do you know what's going on?"

I saw that on the huge light curtain, the original inheritance of the witch clan had disappeared completely, which was really strange.

The elder said with a smile, "During your time out, with my help, Yu'er has initially mastered the inheritance of the ancestors. And the inheritance of the ancestors can only be learned by one person, so after Yuer has mastered it , Other information about this inheritance will automatically disappear, so the current situation will appear."

Lin Hang checked the progress of the light curtain in his mind, and found that the inheritance on it was gone. It was really amazing.

The Grand Elder laughed and said, "This has no effect on you. Anyway, what you want to learn is not the inheritance. This also gives you a reference. As long as the light curtain becomes smooth again, it will represent your success. Mastered this set of exercises."

The reason why Zhou Yu was able to spend such a short time to master the inheritance was mainly due to the guidance of the great elder, which made him more than ten times faster, otherwise, he did not know when he would get started.

The elder elder began to watch the exercises on the light curtain carefully. Since it was the first time to come into contact with such exercises, based on the knowledge of the elders, this process also lasted a long time. Looking at the great elder who frowned from time to time and lowered his head to think, Lin Hang's heart also fluctuated.

After an hour, the Great Elder finally turned around and faced Lin Hang.

Lin Hang asked anxiously, "Elder, what do you see?"

The elder did not immediately answer. After waiting for a while, he finally said, "Lin Hang, from my insight, I can't see anything wrong with this technique, and there is absolutely no problem in the realm before ascending to the immortal. Yes. But afterwards, forgive me for my limited ability, I still can’t see anything.”

Instead, Lin Hang smiled and said lightly, "Elder, since there are no problems before this, I believe I can solve the problems after that! Let's hurry up and start practicing this exercise!"

After Lin Hang’s reminder, the elder also felt that he was thinking too far, and that he had to walk step by step. If he really reached that step, no one would know the situation at that time. Now, the most important thing is to stand on your feet. Take this most basic path first.

The elder also laughed and said, "I think too much! Lin Hang, the practice of this exercise, said to be one, can actually be practiced as a three-part exercise in the early stage. You not only need to refine your spiritual power. , The physical body, and the most important spiritual power. These are the unique abilities of your human beings. So your cultivation task is very heavy. People only need to cultivate one path, but you have to walk three paths together. The effort to pay is not as simple as three copies!"

Lin Hang did not show a heavy expression. Instead, he smiled and said, "Elder, don't worry! No matter how painful the time of cultivation, I will feel happy, because the feeling that my strength is gradually improving is really very Wonderful, I really enjoy this feeling, so you can just increase my training mission, I can bear it!"

The great elder nodded in satisfaction. Aside from his talent, Lin Hang's enthusiasm for cultivation and desire to improve his strength is very worthy of recognition. The elder believes that even if Lin Hang's personality and mentality are not enough, he will definitely become a master.

The elder began to explain the exercises, "This exercise is divided into four chapters-"Physique", "Spiritual Power", "Soul Soul" and the final fusion part. Of course, at this stage, you only need to practice the first three. A single part is fine. You will not be able to touch the following fusion for the time being. I will focus on teaching you the two parts of "Physical Body" and "Spiritual Power", but "Soul" is up to you. I don't Divine Soul, so there is no way to help you."

Lin Hang said hurriedly, "You have given me a lot of help. I know that everything depends on my own efforts in the end! Don't worry, I will master these three disciplines!"

The elder nodded and began to talk about the key points of the first two parts of the exercise, and Lin Hang listened carefully.

The great elder talked about the cultivation of spiritual power, "Lin Hang, I see that although this spiritual power exists in your dantian, it is too scattered. According to your cultivation method, not only need to accumulate enough spiritual power. When the ball breaks through the big realm, it needs to be recombined. This is a very thankless method in my opinion. But when we practice Qi, we only improve the spiritual power content and quality in the dantian, and we don’t need this. It’s cumbersome. So, the first step in your practice now is to convert your spiritual power into a normal Qi training form according to the cultivation method in the "Spiritual Power" chapter, instead of returning to the normal way of psionic orb existence. Qi refining period, you know?"

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