I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 961

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:43 AM

Chapter 961: Decide

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At this time, Linhang 1 also understood the meaning of the treasure house. According to the current situation, the treasure house is obviously not ready to explore all the areas above the debris continent at this place. After all, according to the current situation In terms of the situation, the situation on the debris continent in this place, the treasure trove makes me more clear, and now the treasure trove makes the mind out of trap, then this fragment of the continent does not need any verbal explanation, the ownership here is also I belong to the treasure trove. The treasure trove proposed the existence of the guiding stone. Obviously, he wanted to stop the debris continent in this place from drifting freely in the starry sky and regain control of certain situations. So this If the treasure trove already had a relatively definite goal, Lin Hang No.1 and others would naturally have no objection.

Lin Hang No.1 nodded, and then said, "Senior Treasury Envoy, if this is the case, let us go to the area of ​​the Guiding Stone first! I believe that as long as we can find the guidance here As for the location of the stone, we will be able to control the fragmented continent to a certain extent. In this way, we can control the area without opening the mask blockade of all those areas. The Fragment Continent is moving and changing positions in this starry sky!"

The treasure trove smiled and nodded, and then replied, "Hehe, there is no problem. This stone of guidance is my last resort. If I look for it, there won’t be any big problems. I was Because I’m trapped in the area of ​​this area, I can’t move. Otherwise, I would have been to the guiding stone of this place. As long as I can control such a guiding stone, it’s not just It is possible to control this debris continent to move and change its position, and there are many functions that can be explored!"

At this time, the treasure trove has already fulfilled some of his previous promises, and he has given away all the innate spirit treasures of the Linhang No.1 and others. According to the current situation, the treasure trove has also completed himself. Some of the causal problems of Ziwei were not punished and pursued by Emperor Ziwei after the fact. It’s just that if such problems are left unchecked, it is inevitable that they will be somewhat unfair to the monks who have spent a lot of credit, so Ziwei The emperor would carry out such a simple and rude behavior, which further strengthened the recognition function of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and has greater spirituality and recognition strength. Under such circumstances, the later stage will also Without such a situation, only those who have truly received the token or mark of the Ziwei Emperor's reward are eligible to enter.

At this time, Jade Lingxian also continued to say, “And after this time, it’s not that no cultivator has continued to try such a move, but none of the cultivators has had a good end. The previous time was Ziwei. The emperor does not care about the behavior of the monks, but after the refining of "The Treasure of Hidden Soldiers" by the emperor of Ziwei, there are still people who have to challenge such rules, and the emperor of Ziwei and "The Treasure of Hidden Soldiers" will never show mercy. Meaning, the fate of these monks was rather miserable. I have only heard of some monks who seemed to have been swallowed directly by this "Treasure Treasure House of Arms", and never appeared again after that. They seemed to be directly transformed into The fertilizer accumulated in "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is extremely cruel, but it is also a reminder for the world. Although Emperor Ziwei is weak in nature, his majesty is still inviolable. When it develops later, it is basically eliminated. Something similar happened!"

And this time, the Jade Spirit Fairy had to bring many people into it. In fact, it was not using loopholes to act, but because his own piece of "Lagerstroemia Order" is a relatively special existence, but it was specially for him by Emperor Ziwei. Except for the Jade Lingxian, few people have such privileges. Although the "Lagerstroemia Order" by Jade Lingxian can bring many people into the "Tibetan Treasure House", it is just like What he said, everything shouldn’t be too conspicuous, keeping the user’s spiritual power and spiritual power consistent, that is, the spiritual power and spiritual power of the Jade Spirit Immortal can be achieved without consequences for everyone. Entering it, otherwise, once exposed, the Jade Spirit Fairy would not be able to guarantee that his special "Lagerstroemia Order" could protect everyone, after all, the "Tibetan Arms Treasure" here is An extremely powerful acquired spirit treasure, although not in the ranks of the innate, it was carefully crafted by Emperor Ziwei, and at this time, there is no consciousness and blessing of Emperor Ziwei. It is completely possible that "Tibetan Treasure House" cannot be recognized. If he is a celebrity of the Ziwei Emperor like Jade Lingxian, if this is the case, then if it is swallowed into fertilizer by this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", it will inevitably be impossible to end.

After Yu Lingxian's introduction and various reminders, Linhang-1 also put away some of the contempt and carelessness in his heart. He knew that although he was a clone, he was not afraid of such a situation and swallowing. Jade Lingxian still has his spiritual power seeds in his hands, and he can be re-emerged at any time. Therefore, the cost of Linhang-1’s sacrifice is very low, but he also understands that if he enters this time, Jade Spirit The immortal needs to carefully transform the four of them into a temporary spiritual entity, so as to integrate the four into one through the effect of "The Order of Ziwei". If it is because of him, what is wrong with this whole? If this happens, he may not be the only one who will be unlucky at that time. Zi Feng and Qianjun may also suffer from unreasonable disasters when they are safe. If this happens, Lin Hang-1 will never forgive themselves. , You must know that Zi Feng and Qianjun are not like him. They are just clones. They are not very afraid of death. The level of "Tibetan Soldier Treasure" here is so high that Yulingxian will be so rigorous, of course outstanding. Given the strength and incomprehensibility of this place, even if Zi Feng’s cultivation is superb, it should not be able to resist. Once Zi Feng and Qianjun are exposed to this level of testing, they may be "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was eaten directly by illegal elements.

Treasury's thinking now is also very simple, he just wants to find the location of the Guiding Stone, and then obtain the authority to manipulate the debris continent in this place, so as to consider the future.

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