I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 962

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:42 AM

Chapter 962: See the sun again

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Now that the itinerary has been determined, everything in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" has also been settled. Therefore, at this time, the treasure house and Linhang No.1 and others have no idea of ​​delaying time. I want to leave this area and move towards another place.

The treasure house patted his hands lightly, and then took Lin Hang-1, Yu Lingxian, Zi Feng and Qianjun to leave this place in the "Tibetan Treasure House" building, and returned to the open space outside. However, the current situation is nothing special, and the past time has not been special. Therefore, the mask area that entered this place before is blocked, and it is still being broken by Linhang No. 1’s "Broken Umbrella" In the situation, the treasure house saw this situation and snapped his fingers again, and saw that this huge nine-story building "The Treasure House of Soldiers" turned into a light and disappeared directly into the body of the treasure house. It was obviously Beizhi Street was taken into the body by the treasure house.

And this is also the function of the treasure house as the weapon of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and it can only have a function after the cultivation level reaches a certain level. The treasure house itself has reached the current point, and it is no longer like an ordinary monk. There is a difference. According to this situation, he can actually get rid of the shackles of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" here, but the treasure house has always remembered some things in his heart, so for Ziwei Some of the responsibilities that the emperor assigned to him have never been forgotten. Under such circumstances, the treasure house will naturally not leave this place in the "Treasure House of Soldiers" and its massive spiritual treasures. In the treasure house's heart, these things belonged to the former Ziwei Emperor, and he needed to take good care of these things for the Ziwei Emperor, waiting for the return of the Ziwei Emperor.

As for Lin Hang’s first clone, returning to this "Candle World", Lin Hang did not feel a particularly big difference. Although it has been more than half a year, several years have passed in "Candle World". Time, but the time in the past few years is not enough to cause a great transformation of Huaxia's strength. Of course, those disciples have achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation, but they have not reached the level of qualitative change. Lin Hang's thoughts this time are: It is necessary to bring the hundreds of disciples who participated in the Earth Star Hunting Plan to enter the Ziwei Emperor Star. This is also the first batch of disciples. These disciples can stand out in the first time, and they can already prove their excellence, especially Among them, the most outstanding people have the potential to impact very high realm. Lin Hang also has high hopes for them, so it is possible to deal with them simply.

Of course, after returning to Earth Star "Candle World", Lin Hang was of course going to visit the high priest the first time. After all, it has been a long time since I saw the high priest. Lin Hang still misses it, and Lin Hang knows these days. Since then, the high priest must have been worried about the situation of him and Liu Ruyan in Ziwei Emperor Star, so now that he is back, he must meet with the high priest, so that the high priest can feel relieved.

It’s just that when Lin Hang rushed to the priest’s hall where the high priest was, he did not see the high priest. After thinking about it in his heart, Lin Hang went to a small room in the depths as well. As expected, the place where the treasure of the "Candle World", the Pearl of Time, was stored. After arriving here, Lin Hang also felt the familiar aura of the high priest. Lin Hang's guess was not wrong. The high priest was here and the high priest had Zhou Shu. The two elders were in contact.

The appearance of Lin Hang naturally did not escape the high priest's induction. After Lin Hang entered this small room, the high priest also smiled. When he first wanted to speak, he suddenly felt something, and asked in shock and confusion. "Lin Hang, are you a clone?!"

The high priest also had to wonder. You must know that Lin Hang's aura was far beyond the average monk at the peak of the Tribulation Period. The high priest still felt that Lin Hang had something in his cultivation. Feeling, but the next moment I felt a trace of the breath that belonged to the realm of virtual immortality in Lin Hang's body. The high priest was also here, and naturally he would not admit his mistakes. After thinking about it, I understood Lin Hang. The situation at this time must be the clone created by Lin Hang after breaking into the fairyland.

The high priest can figure it out, but the light and shadow of the high elder and high priest floating in the air can't perceive Lin Hang's situation. They don't know the meaning of Lin Hang's clone in the high priest's mouth, and they all looked at it strangely. High priest.

Hou Lin even asked, "Lin Hang is back! But why are you so surprised, sister Zhu Yue? Isn't Lin Hang's clone a very common thing, why should you be so surprised?"

At this time, Zhu Yue had already consolidated her mood, and she said, "Brother Hou, you haven't invested in your divine consciousness, and you don’t know the truth. The clone of Lin Hang standing in front of us can be called a A cultivator in a weak fairyland, you should be able to understand the truth in this!"

After hearing Zhu Yue's words, the elder murmured, "Weak Wonderland, Weak Wonderland..."

In the next moment, the great elder suddenly opened his eyes, and said in disbelief, "The clone is the cultivation base of the Weak Wonderland!! Then such words..."

"The body has already broken through to the level of the virtual fairyland?!", the next side was followed by the words of the great elder.

Lin Hang also nodded with a smile at this time. After Zhuyue, Lin Zhou Shu's trio could be regarded as watching him grow to where he is now, so Lin Hang's cultivation base at this time has a breakthrough, and it is also very important. I hope that these elders will be recognized. At this time, the reaction displayed by the three Zhu Yue also made Lin Hang's heart very happy. This is a kind of affirmation for him!

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "High Priest, don't just look at this time. You have to know that before I go to Ziwei Emperor Star for the second time, I have only left to break into the realm of virtual immortality. It’s a step away, so it’s not very unexpected to have such results, right? There is also good news, that is, my teacher, who has also achieved breakthroughs, reached the level of virtual fairyland, and The time for the breakthrough is before me! Look at how many of you, is this better news?"

After clearing up the situation here, the treasure house envoy also took Linhang-1 and the others, and left the banned treasure house from a mask that was broken by Linhang-1 using "Break the Umbrella". After leaving this area for many years, the treasure house also feels a sense of relaxation from the inside out. This is a sense of final relief, and it also allows the treasure house to truly feel the breath of freedom. .

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