I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 963

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:40 AM

Chapter 963: Determine the location

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After leaving the mask area of ​​this place, the treasure house floated in mid-air at this time, looking for the location of the area where the guiding stone was hidden, although the fragmented continent in this place was finally left in shape, It was inseparable from some of the efforts made by the treasure house at the time, so he actually understood the situation on the debris continent in this place, but the current situation is different from before. After all, the treasure house has such a I haven't been in contact with some things outside of his area for many years, so at this time the treasure house naturally needs to spend some time to determine where the area where the guiding stone is located.

After the treasure house made a little observation, then Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian and Zifeng also informed the treasure house about the location and information of some other areas, such as the location of the law of that place, and The location of the spiritual field area, the location of the Mithril vein area, and the location of these different functional areas also allow the treasurer to quickly determine his own thoughts and circumstances. Without too much time, the treasurer can directly determine it. The location where the area of ​​the guiding stone should appear.

This light array is called the battlefield. It is a light array carved on all the islands of a certain size in the inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica. It is specially used to start the battle for the ownership of islands like this one today. If you win on the battlefield, you will also have the benefits contained therein. That is to be able to get the further recognition of this Qingling Island, and it will be more convenient to control this Qingling Island in the following days, but before For a long time, the battlefield for the Qingling Island has not been opened. After all, it has not been for many years. This challenge has happened. Not only the situation on Qingling Island, but also many other islands. In the same situation, everything is due to the rule of the'Three Western Overlords', which has greatly suppressed the prosperity and diversity in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea.

Seeing this battlefield taking shape, both sides understand in their hearts that today, no matter what purpose the two sides are for and what stand they have, today’s challenge has to be launched. Of course, Lingxian wanted to defend this Qingling Island, and Hua Ke came with the task assigned by Lin Hang, and the goal of Qingling Island was bound to be obtained, so the final result of this collision How, it still depends on the methods of both sides.

Burning Tianke, as the first candidate to appear on the challenged Qingling Island side, also remained silent. Without a word, he directly came to the side of the battle in mid-air, waiting for the challenge from the opponent. On the side of "Hua Xia Gate", a plain-looking young man walked out of the crowd behind him. The fluctuations in his breath were also dispensable, but this seemingly harmless young man stepped into the battle. At that moment, the face of Tianke Burning, who had been full of confidence and shock, also showed a look of shock and horror.

"Cross, cross the catastrophe period?!"

Burning Tianke’s words were unconscious words after he was extremely shocked, so without the slightest concealment and suppression, it was naturally heard by everyone present, but everyone did not understand it very well. This new emergence Wasn't "Huaxia Gate" inflated because of the existence of a casual cultivator in the early stage of transforming gods? How could there be a monk who had crossed the catastrophe in the mouth of Burning Tianke now? You must know that the monks who crossed the Tribulation Period are not comparable to those in the Deity Transformation Period. Among all the forces that have existed in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, there are only the "Western Gate" that once dominated the Western Antarctic Inland Sea and today's The cultivators in the transitional catastrophe period appeared in the'Three Overlords of the West', among some other forces and casual cultivators, as long as they did not join the inland forces, there was never a transitional catastrophe cultivator. This incident has never happened. At this time, due to the situation of the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea, if there is no external interference, relying on some incomplete inheritance here or it is impossible to integrate all the resources of the West Antarctic Inland Sea like the previous "Western Gate". Those who have entered the Tribulation Period, so the burned Tianke called the monk who had just played the previous year as the Tribulation Period monk, which also caused the mood of the audience to rise again to a certain extent.

This plain-looking boy is a clone of Lin Hang, alias Ling Yu. He was originally just to witness the victory of Huake and others. By the way, as a guarantee, he did not expect that it would actually wait for the "Burning Heaven". One of the hall masters at the peak of the transformation stage was also a surprise. As the clone of Lin Hang during the Tribulation Period, Ling Yu's cultivation base is too far away from the others present, so they can't perceive Lin Hang's true cultivation base, but after all, Burning Tianke is only one step away from the Tribulation Period. , So the moment Ling Yu came on the field, he also saw the other side’s details. He had a similar feeling only when facing Fen Juecheng with that terrifying aura. Now that such a feeling appeared, it also made Fen Tian The guest understood that this time they had worshipped, and they were defeated by the opponent's adequate preparation and the powerful strength that did not know where it came from.

Although there is only one layer of Heavenly Tribulation left before Burning Heavenly Tribulation Period, everyone knows that it is this layer of Heavenly Tribulation that completely separates the two realms, through the Heavenly Tribulation and the Heavenly Tribulation The cultivators in the Tribulation Period of the baptism are no longer the ones that the cultivators of the Transcendental Stage can fight against. This is equivalent to not having a level of combat power. Even today’s Burning Tianke does not even have the qualifications to injure Ling Yu. This is what The reward for passing through the tribulation, although the tribulation is very difficult, but it also has great benefits after going through it. The gap between Burning Tianke and Ling Yu is not just a delineated realm.

At this time, after the treasure house had determined his goal and location, he didn’t hesitate to point out the location area where the guiding stone was located. According to the treasure house’s thoughts and determination, this The location of the Guiding Stone happened to be at the nuclear center of all blocked areas in this fragmented continent. It didn’t take long for the treasure house to come here with Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian Zifeng. At the periphery of the area.

Lin Hang 1 looked at the area enclosed by the mask. He also explored the area before, but he didn’t see the situation clearly. He didn’t know what was in it, so he didn’t. Choosing this place as a breakthrough area for the first time, it seems that it should be the place where the guiding stone is.

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