I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 966

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:37 AM

Chapter 966: Treasury shocked

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At this moment, when I can’t solve some of my current problems and doubts, Linhang-1 has no meaning to go into it. In the current situation, we still have to crack the area mask ban in front of this place. At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 did not pay much attention to the special reaction of "Broken the Umbrella", and directly took a step forward and came to the mask of that place.

After having the previous experience, Linhang No. 1 did not hesitate or understand this time. It directly put the "Broken Umbrella" on top of the mask, and then directly released it. I saw that "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" was also automatically suspended, opened its umbrella, and the position of the umbrella tip was directly above the mask.

Then, among the shocked gazes of the treasure house, Lin Hang 1 lightly took out three of the best spirit stones and placed them directly on the small umbrella, and then "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" was launched with full force and started. The process of cracking the mask.

At this time, the situation is doomed, and because Zhao Kangping has a very bottom line, he did not take away all the translucent jelly, leaving a buffer space between his own human forces and the alliance of ten thousand races, which also allowed Carlo and the others were unable to find Zhao Kangping and the troubles of the human forces in the first time. The current first priority is to return to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, to rectify the internal environment of the alliance that has been decadent for a long time, and to digest it. The harvest this time, as for the human forces on the side of Zhao Kangping and the "Purple Palace" behind it, they have to wait until later.

After Caro finished speaking, the rest of Kagan and others also nodded, Kagan waved his hands, and saw that the huge formation he had arranged for a long time enveloped the entire depths of the planet and began to slowly fade away. , And disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.

After completing such an action, Kagan said to Carlo, "Carro, I already have some clues about the use of this treasure. This time, after returning to the clan, it will not take long. The usefulness of it can be developed! There is just one thing, since Zhao Kangping has obtained the method to collect this treasure in advance, it means that he still has a deeper understanding of this treasure, I don’t know them. We have obtained half of the treasures, can we be ahead of us in the research of the treasures, although we have mastered many conditions in advance, we can immediately put into research and use after returning, but we don’t know if their ancestors' classics are better than ours For detailed information, we also have to guard against this!"

Carlo nodded, and then said, "Uncle Clan, there is nothing wrong with your idea. If their classics do contain more detailed information than ours, there is indeed a great possibility that they will be completed earlier than us. Research, this is what I am most annoyed about after losing half of my treasures! It’s just that we don’t have any good solutions in the current situation. We can only pray that their experience of classics is not as good as ours! And we are doing it now! There are no other things, so after returning to the Ziwei Emperor Star Alliance Association, we still have to rely on our own strength. After all, we have prepared for this goal for so long. I don’t believe that they are getting the news for a while. Within this period, we will be able to surpass our preparations for so many years! Therefore, after returning to Ziwei Emperor Star, the follow-up research work will still have to ask the Clan Uncle for your hard work!

After saying this, Carlo turned his head to look at Yinchuan and another leader of the "Turn Spirits", and continued, "Everyone, thank you very much for your help this time. If it weren't for you here, we would be very happy. More benefits may be lost! And in my heart, I very much believe that you and the top of the two races, they will definitely not be the ones who have been infiltrated by the human forces and the "Purple Palace"! But, I hope For the cleansing operation that may be launched in the future, your two major races can completely stand on our side of the "Kashgar" and fully support us in carrying out a cleansing operation that has been covered up. I hereby guarantee that if we go through such a cleansing operation. After a cleansing operation, the unity of our entire alliance of 10,000 races has reached a new level, and our leading position in "Kashgar" is also stabilized, the two races will inevitably get more resources to support. These are all things I want to do in the future. I hope you can support us as you do now. I thank you Carol here in advance!"

Following the export of Kahlo’s words, at the end, his expression and attitude became extremely serious. Yinchuan and others also saw Kahlo’s sincerity. Perhaps Kahlo has a trace of selfishness for "Kashgar" in his heart, but Fundamentally, Kaluo still wants to strengthen their entire 10,000-zu alliance from the inside out. Yinchuan and the others actually have the same idea as Kaluo. You must know that a loose organization like the 10,000-zu alliance has been for so many years. In the past, there has never been a powerful composition that can unify the opinions of all the major ethnic groups. It is for this reason that it is very easy for them to do what a large organization should do. Infiltrated by the other two major forces, they cannot control the thoughts and attitudes of the other ethnic groups. After all, their status is strictly equal to "Kashgar". It is difficult for an organization such as the alliance to really gather together.

Such a scene also made Treasure Treasure a little unacceptable in his heart, because he thought that "Broken the Umbrella" was really so magical that it could easily break the bans of these masks, but he did not expect to spend such a large price. Go ahead, the best spirit stones brought out by Lin Hang 1 are extremely precious even if they are treasure troupers. In the treasure trove’s heart, use such three best spiritual stones to spur this "Breaking Umbrella". The act of cracking the ban on the mask is really too wasteful. If he had known this long ago, he would definitely not let Linhang-1 perform such an action. It was a waste of resources.

However, the treasure trove can also see that among the few people present, there is no need to mention the Lin Hang-1, the Jade Spirit Immortal Zifeng and Qianjun are not too shocked, and they obviously accepted it. Linhang-1 was such a wasteful behavior, and the treasure house didn't speak immediately after seeing the situation, and he was ready to wait for Linhang-1 to finish this cracking before saying something.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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