I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 967

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:36 AM

Chapter 967: enter

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And with the sufficient spiritual support of the three top-grade spirit stones, the process of breaking the ban on the outer mask of this area also appeared to be extremely smooth. Two of the top-grade spirit stones completely consumed the spiritual power in them, turned into powder and dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and the remaining one was directly put away by Linhang 1, and at this time, the mask in front of it was also blocked. A circular hole about five meters in diameter was successfully opened by "Broken the Umbrella". It is already possible to see the scene in this area through such a hole.

Lin Hang No.1 collected the best spirit stone and "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella", and turned around and smiled at the treasure house agent, and then made a gesture of please. The treasure house agent didn't say anything much. The action on the Lin Hang No.1 Below, it was also the first to step into the area of ​​this place, and then Lin Hang No. 1 Jade Spirit Immortal Zifeng and Qianjun also entered this area one by one.

Yao Xingan laughed bitterly again when he heard Lin Hang's words, and then said, "Senior, you don't know anything! The little old man is indeed very confident that he can rely on the help of this soul flower to break through to the initial stage of the catastrophe. The reason why I didn’t take this step was because if I broke through and the news was not blocked, it would inevitably spread to the ears of other forces, even though I was not very afraid of the current'Western Pole Three Ba', the number of cultivators during the Tribulation Period among them is actually not very large. I am afraid of the inland forces behind them! You know, according to their ruling philosophy, they will never be allowed to spawn in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. The forces that can impact their position have emerged, especially in the current situation. They cannot sit back and watch the current control situation beyond their expectations, and my next fate can be expected, and it must be straightforward. After being cleansed, there will be no accidents! And if I conceal my breakthroughs, I will not be able to easily appear in the public’s sight after I come, which will cause a lot of trouble to the operation of "Western Gate". It’s a big trouble. Secondly, if we don’t announce our identity, we actually have no secret influence on "Xijimen". So in the case of huge risks and small gains, the young man forcibly stopped his thinking. The idea of ​​breaking through has been maintained until now!"

After listening to Yao Xing’an’s words, Lin Hang also understood what happened. He was not from the Ziwei Emperor. He only knew the general distribution. For the three major inland forces, there is no desire to control the West Antarctic Inland Sea. Xing’an has such a strong feeling. Now that he listens to Yao Xing’an’s analysis, Lin Hang can also understand the truth. Yao Xing’an, as a character who walked through the extremely prosperous era of "Western Gate", read all of them. With the changes in the world, it is natural to understand the behavior styles of the three major inland forces no more thoroughly. Therefore, for the good development of "Xijimen", facing the realm restrictions that have been plagued me, a breakthrough has been made at this time. When the opportunity came, Yao Xingan was able to stop his desire to break through in his heart. This gave Lin Hang a hint of appreciation for Yao Xingan in his heart. Obviously, Yao Xingan is a character similar to Wang Lao. , Is able to dedicate everything for oneself to this race.

Lin Hang nodded, and another flash of light flashed in his heart. Lin Hang also had a little new idea about the arrangement of "Western Gate". The current situation of "Western Gate" is more or less. There are all three major inland forces intervening, so the entire "Western Gate" is not particularly friendly to the major forces in the inland, just to maintain the existence of the martial arts on the surface, and Yao Xingan's inner heart Deep down all the time, I don’t want to restore the glory of the martial art in the previous days. Therefore, this also makes the whole "Western Gate" and the ideas in Lin Hang's heart have a further integration trend, but at this time Lin Hang is only in There is only the prototype of the idea in his mind. If you want to use "Western Gate" as a help, you still need to wait for the opportunity. At this time, Lin Hang is still going to investigate the information first, and then think about the next thing.

Although I understand Yao Xing’an’s difficulties, Lin Hang still has some different opinions on Yao Xing’an’s approach. According to Lin Hang’s thinking, if the "Western Gate" continues to develop in the current situation Sooner or later, their power will retreat step by step. There is a triennial selection of inland powers. The outstanding geniuses in the western inland sea have all gathered in the inland, and their "Western Gate" is also getting more and more. It is difficult to absorb fresh and excellent blood. This situation is equivalent to chronic death, because they are unwilling to surrender to the feet of the inland forces, they will inevitably be treated in this way. This is also a matter of the ruling class.

Therefore, Lin Hang doesn’t think that Yao Xing’an and others’ approach is correct. If “Western Gate” wants to develop under such circumstances, then the best way is to make a secret breakthrough and not let outsiders know it. For example, by absorbing the soul flower gifted by Lin Hang, Yao Xing'an forcibly broke through to the point of crossing the catastrophe. At that time, Yao Xing'an's comprehension of the rules of the world and his own path would definitely rise to a higher level. Xing'an conveys his breakthrough experience, so the "Western Gate" who has been tolerant of hiding himself may not fail to have more catastrophe monks emerge, and then let these people continue to improve their "Western Gate" merits. Law and path.

After everyone came in, Linhang-1 also looked at the scene in this area. After a while, Linhang-1 also directly retracted its gaze to investigate, because the situation in this area is also very different. Concise and clear, it can be said to be clear at a glance, because the range of this area is not very large. In this small range, there is a beam of light in the center, and the beam of light emits a soft purple light. , There is a triangle-shaped red gem suspended quietly.

No introduction from the treasure house, Linhang No. 1 and others can also see that this triangular stone should be the guiding stone the treasure house said, and can control this place. The fragments of the continent have moved and moved, and the current situation seems that the treasure house did not find the wrong location, but found the location of this guiding stone in the first time.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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