I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 968

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:35 AM

Chapter 968: the whole story

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Treasure Treasury clearly made him feel very good at this time, because he had only relied on his ancient memories to find the goal guidance stone. There was no too accurate information guidance, plus the outer periphery of these masks. Basically, you can't clearly see some of these situations. It is really not easy for the treasure house to directly and accurately find the area where the guiding stone is located for the first time.

This idea is not only for Lin Hang, we must know that if Lin Hang can break through to the realm of ascending immortality, then everything of the whole person, whether it is the physical body, the soul, the spiritual power, and all kinds of all merge into one, at that time Lin Hang’s special and powerful copying ability will definitely be greatly strengthened. As long as Lin Hang can become stronger and stronger, then these forces that have a friendly relationship with Lin Hang will definitely be able to get greater help and benefits. Although this is equivalent to their selfishness, it is understandable. After all, they also have to think about their respective races. The most important thing is that when Lin Hang needs help, they basically spare no effort, so Judging from the current situation, these forces and Lin Hang are basically in a state of binding, both prospering and losing all. If Lin Hang can break through to the realm of Dengxian during this trip to Ziwei Emperor Star This is good news for everyone, which means that the entire China behind Lin Hang has gradually the right to dialogue and cooperate with them on an equal footing, instead of relying solely on Lin Hang and Wang Lao as before. The illusory potential has come to invest.

There was also the army’s Lao Jiang, Si Meng, and Zhuo Sheng who were standing opposite Lin Hang and others, waiting for Lin Hang to speak.

Lin Hang looked at the twenty-something close to thirty-something figure in front of him, and felt the strong spiritual power fluctuations in their bodies. He knew that there were quite a few of them. These days, they have been trapped at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. , Hardship to make progress, and depending on the situation, it is not a day or two things, this also made Lin Hang's heart a trace of emotion, when the cultivation to the later stage, it is really more difficult, these people in front of it depends on their talents. In fact, they are all very outstanding. They are all characters who broke through to the innate realm under the turbulent situation when the road to cultivation was cut off and difficult. Needless to say, this aspect of talent is completely inexhaustible. In the realm of, I have to say that in the course of cultivation, talent, opportunity, and perception are really indispensable. Originally, Ye Lao was in the same situation as them. Although he has all his talent and perception, he lacks a trace of opportunity. If Lin Hang gifted Ye Lao with that delicate and soft water to help him break through the final barrier, Ye Lao said that he would not be able to stand in a stalemate for a long time under such circumstances.

After his thoughts drifted back, Lin Hang cleared his throat and said, "Seniors, I believe you have already known our plan this time before. That's right, this time we are not a simple plan of action, but to leave Earth Star. , To go to the grander Ziwei Emperor Star full of opportunities! During these days, I believe you already have some understanding of the general situation of Ziwei Emperor Star. I won’t go into more details here, just one thing I want I want to emphasize that this trip to Ziwei Emperor Stars is just an experiment. Although I have been there, there is no guarantee that the experience that I have had in these days will not be useful, so I hope you can listen to me. Arrangement, I’m ugly in front. This time if you have no objections and agree to go to Ziwei Emperor Star with me, then if you do not obey the command after arriving at Ziwei Emperor Star, I will directly send you Send it back, and there will be no chance to go to Ziwei Emperor Star again! So, I will ask again now, do you have any comments on what I just said?"

In fact, the news that Lin Hang is about to take some people to Ziwei Emperor Star this time, these people have also learned from Ye Lao Wang Lao and others, and they also know that they can go to Ziwei Emperor Star this time. What a great opportunity, maybe their breakthrough opportunity is this time, if they miss it, then I really don't know how long it will take. Therefore, they did not have any opinions on the arrangements and requirements mentioned by Lin Hang. This was related to their own breakthrough, and they would never be sloppy. Moreover, don’t look at Lin Hang’s current call of respect and kindness by a senior, but they also know in their hearts that Lin Hang is no longer a junior they can easily handle. The peak cultivation level is enough to make them respectful, rather than almost equal as they are now. All this is because Lin Hang himself is very friendly, but they also know that this is only the appearance of harmony between the two parties. If their performance is in line with Lin If Hang's expectations didn't match, then Lin Hang might face them in another way.

In fact, the treasure house's own strength and his realm can forcibly control this fragmented continent to complete the position change and its own movement. After all, at the beginning, the formation of this fragmented continent in the ancient times was also the same. The treasure trove has an inseparable relationship. It can even be said that the fragmented continent in this place is completely formed because of the treasure trove’s own efforts. Under such circumstances, the treasure trove allows him to control such a situation by his own strength There is no problem with a fragment continent, but the reason why he did not do it is because that would be a huge burden for him. Therefore, when the fragment continent formed in this place, the treasure house was based on My own strength and the composition of the fragmented continent itself have condensed into a guiding stone. With the help of this guiding stone, the treasure house will be able to more easily carry out other tasks on this fragmented continent. The operation was done, but what the treasure trove didn't expect was that he had waited so many years for such a very convenient action to be able to use it.

After the treasure house settled, he returned to the current problem and said, "Lin Hang, look, this is the guiding stone for the birth of this fragmented continent! It depends on this guiding stone. Help, we can easily control the movement of the debris continent in this place, but I don’t know where we are commanding this guiding stone, and where to move the debris continent in this place. ?"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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