I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 969

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:34 AM

Chapter 969: Introduction

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The words of the treasure house seem to be a questioning, but in fact he is thinking in his heart. He really doesn’t know where to move this fragmented continent to, because in so many years. Here, the treasure trove has always been trapped in this area without any action. Under such circumstances, he finally got out of the trap after many years. In fact, the treasure trove has completely blurred the current starry sky and the composition of some forces. Yes, including the "Purple Cold Island" to which Zi Feng belongs, and the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent where Qianjun and Lin Hang No. 1 are located, are places that the treasure house has never heard of. Under such circumstances, the treasure trove is naturally a little confused, even if he finds the location of the guiding stone, the treasure trove still does not know how to act.

Carlo’s heart was completely relieved. In his analysis, although Zhao Kangping’s human forces knew of their actions this time, they were also ready to pick their peaches at the last moment, just because of the last The action plan Carlo did not inform any outsiders, so no one in the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance knew that they had dispatched ten cultivators to the fairyland this time! After seeing the human forces dispatched five cultivators to the fairyland this time, Carlo was already amazed by the capital invested by the human forces, but he was relieved for his caution, if not for the presence of the ten cultivators of the fairyland, Moreover, it can be regarded as a person he can rely on, and he will really be succeeded by the forces of the human race. Now it seems that Zhao Kangping's five cultivators who have climbed into the fairyland are indeed a very good threat, but it is still far away. It’s not far enough to make the ten of them fearful, so Kahlo was just a little frustrated because of the breakthrough process in Kagan, but from the bottom of my heart, Kahlo is not at all afraid of these menacing enemies in front of him. !

Zhao Kangping also understood what Caro meant, knowing that Caro wanted to delay time so that Kagan could complete the breakthrough and thus liberate the current shackled environment. However, even though he knew this, Zhao Kangping was not in a hurry and did not rush. Launching an attack at this opportunity, instead he smiled and replied, "Yes, Carlo, you are still so cautious! I thought that this time I brought so many companions who climbed into the fairyland, it was enough, but I did not expect you Actually, he will directly mobilize ten cultivators who climbed into the fairyland to ensure the success of this operation. He is indeed a leader of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance!"

Zhao Kangping’s praise did not receive a response from Carlo. In his opinion, Zhao Kangping’s performance and reaction at this time were somewhat abnormal, because the current situation is very obvious. Carlo does not believe that Zhao Kangping can’t see it. , Because Kagan’s breakthrough has shackled a lot of their energy, hands and feet, and because of the gap in the number of people, it has been flattened by this. If Zhao Kangping still wants to achieve the goal, then the current situation is The best offensive opportunity. Although Kahlo does not think that Zhao Kangping can achieve the plan, it is obviously not a good way to spend time with them like this. When Kagan finally completes the breakthrough, the situation on the field Then there will be changes again. At that time, there will be eleven monks who have climbed into the fairyland on their side. Facing the situation that Zhao Kangping and a few people will be crushed again, Carlo is very puzzled, I don’t know what Zhao Kangping’s heart is What kind of medicine was sold, but Zhao Kangping did not change his strategy because of this. He still kept the situation on the scene unchanged, and let the five monks who climbed into the fairyland maintain the spiritual mask to protect Kagan, and he and Yinchuan There are three other monks who climbed into the fairyland, while protecting the translucent jelly, faintly and Zhao Kangping formed a confrontation.

Carlo knew that with Zhao Kangping’s vision, he could not hide this group of translucent jelly, and because he could not collect it for a while, he could only expose this treasure to Zhao. Kang Ping’s vision and perception, so although Carlo seemed very relaxed when talking to Zhao Kangping, he was full of guard in his heart, although they finally made this group of translucent jelly through their efforts. , But it can only be regarded as theirs until it is truly obtained, otherwise, if it is lost, it will only be nothing, so Carlo will not relax his vigilance before it is truly obtained.

Then, the situation on the field was strangely calm. When Zhao Kangping did not attack, Kahlo would not take the initiative to attack. Their current strategy should be based on protection, not only from Kagan. The breakthrough is still the semi-transparent jelly that has not yet been collected. They are all things that need their distraction to protect. So at this time, Zhao Kangping did not take the initiative to attack. Carlo and others are also happy to see such a situation, and Zhao Kangping. It still maintains its current state.

The time in the field is also passing by little by little, including Lin Hang and the others, they all silently watched the scene in front of them and did not speak, but in Lin Hang's heart, although he didn't know Zhao Kangping's plan, he felt that Zhao Kangping will definitely not come without preparation this time. During this short break, Zhao Kangping will inevitably start his preparations before Kagan’s breakthrough is successful. Otherwise, Lin Hang would never think of any other way to make The five cultivators who climbed into the fairyland were able to forcibly obtain the treasures of this time from the hands of the eleven cultivators who climbed into the fairyland. Therefore, Lin Hang was waiting for Zhao Kangping's troubles, and as Kagan was about to break through successfully, so did Kharo Became more tense.

The current situation and thoughts of the treasure house, Lin Hang-1 still has some guesses, so at this time, I felt some entanglements in the treasure house, and began to introduce some of the general situation today, "the treasure house, seniors, we are now The place where it is located is called "The Wild Star Field". It is a remote place in the starry sky. There are some barriers from other places in the starry sky. Therefore, it is generally not connected with other starry sky locations. After the Ziwei Emperor Star was broken, it should have been transformed into many fragmented continents similar to this place, like the "Purple Cold Island" where the owner of Zifeng Island is located, and the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent where we are. They were all transformed into fragments of the former Ziwei Emperor Star. Now that I have found the fragmented continent in this place, I can say that in this "Desert Star Region", the former Ziwei Emperor Star fragments , It has also reached three places. The current situation is roughly the same. No matter how the treasure trove makes your decision, we will support it!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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