I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 97

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:54 AM

Chapter 97: Choice of road

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Lin Hang nodded. After these days of understanding, he also knew that the psychic energy cultivated by relying on the previous exercises was actually the same as spiritual power in essence. But in terms of the way of storing spiritual power, the existence of the psionic ball actually borrowed some of the later condensation methods of the golden core, although it will be more solid, the disadvantage is that the entry is slow and it is quite cumbersome. If all the psychic energy in the psionic energy ball is now converted into spiritual power and stored in the dantian, that will also be very helpful for the later cultivation speed.

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Elder, what you said, I had planned before. If I want to pursue a higher realm, I will definitely embark on the orthodox road. Now I have obtained this exercise, just right Let my plan be implemented. But, I want to know, if I exercise my body now, what should I pay attention to?"

Regarding the physical body, Lin Hang was indeed more concerned about it, because he had never exercised, so he wanted to get advice from the elder in this regard.

The elder smiled and said, "I know that you have no experience with physical body cultivation, but you have practiced a little bit in Zhou Qiong's village. Don't worry, I will help you. I have checked your situation because there is no Because of your practice, your body is like a piece of uncut jade, and you still can’t see anything, but I know that your body has great potential and it goes straight to the ancestral witch. So, in this regard, I treat you I am also very confident."

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "Elder, let's practice directly! Listening to the introduction of Brother Zhou Sheng, I am still at the very first step, which is to absorb full energy from my body so that I can start. The next step in the process of strengthening the physical body. From this point of view, it seems that I don't need to use this technique yet."

The elder nodded and said, "Indeed, your current physical body can still absorb a lot of spiritual power. You don't need to practice that practice before it is fully absorbed. Now, your focus is temporarily on the transformation of spiritual power. Above, the cultivation of the physical body and the soul is second, and it only requires daily routine cultivation."

Lin Hang nodded and agreed with the elder's statement, and then stepped back to practice.

The great elder didn't stay in the main hall much, but immediately came to Wang Lao.

Seeing the great elder, Wang hurriedly put away the classics in his hand and bowed respectfully. For this old man, Mr. Wang still respects him very much.

The elder waved his hand and asked with a smile, "How is it, are there any gains?"

Elder Wang also smiled and replied, "I still have to thank the Grand Elder! After reading these ancient human ancestors' classics, I have a better understanding of the follow-up realm. Now, I only need to get the follow-up exercises, I am confident. , You can break through immediately!"

The Grand Elder said solemnly, "Don't be impatient! I'm just afraid that you are too eager to break through. I just finished guiding Lin Hang, so I hurried over. Wang Min, I know you absolutely have the strength to break through continuously, but now The most important thing is to first transform your own cultivation system. You are different from Lin Hang. Lin Hang's cultivation time is still very short, but you have been immersed in this set of cultivation methods for decades. So, you have to spend time to change this."

Elder Wang can also be said to be experienced in cultivation. After careful thinking, Elder Wang also felt that the words of the elder were very reasonable. He held a fist and gave a salute, and said solemnly, "Thank you for the guidance of the elder, otherwise I will have to Going into a forked road!"

Seeing Mr. Wang’s attitude, the elder smiled and waved his hand, and said, “It’s nothing. In fact, your current cultivation base is still very low. After the transformation of spiritual power is completed, it is only the peak of Qi training. So, even if you are eager to break through, After that, there will be no big hidden dangers, but it will take more time to slowly make up. It's just that time is not waiting for others, so we still have to lay the foundation so that we can accumulate more!"

Elder Wang nodded his head to accept, and asked some questions about his cultivation.

About an hour later, the great elder got up, took out two ancient books, and gave them to Mr. Wang.

Old Wang looked at it in a puzzled way, and found that a book called "Ren Huang Jue" was a method of spiritual power cultivation. There is also a book called "Air Speed ​​Decision", Wang Lao didn't know its purpose.

Looking at the confused Elder Wang, the elder said with a smile, "During this period of time, first follow the cultivation method in the "Ren Huang Jue" to slowly transform the psychic energy in the body. I estimate that this process will take half a month. Time. In the gap between cultivation and transformation, you can turn over this "Air Speed ​​Judgment" which has been handed down from our "Emperor Realm". This is the practice we have always used to cultivate the physical body. We are descendants of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, So the development of the physical body is also for higher speed and the ability to withstand space, so it is also very helpful to you, and you can also study more."

Mr. Wang was also very curious about the cultivation of the physical body, and he had never studied it before. Although after so many years of development, there are some families in China who specialize in the physical body, but because of the short period of time, there is no climate. However, Wang Lao is still very interested in the "Air Speed ​​Decision", the inheritance method of the "Emperor Realm" Wu Clan.

Elder Wang nodded and expressed his thanks again. The Great Elder said a few words and left directly.

The great elder didn't decide to tell Elder Wang his identity for the time being, mainly because he didn't understand what happened. But Lao Wang is the flesh body of the Wu clan after all. Therefore, the great elder naturally cannot look at the waste of Wang Lao’s talents and directly took out "Air Speed ​​Decision". After Wang Lao cultivates himself, he will discover his physical cultivation. It can be promoted out of control, which avoids wasting this time.

After leaving Wang Lao's place, the Great Elder went to check the situation of Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan. The two of them are nothing special, but as human races, they have awakened part of the witch race's talents. Therefore, what we have to do now is to complete the transformation of spiritual power with peace of mind, and then break through the realm, so that their special abilities will also slow down. Slow growth.

I read some of the classics handed down from the "Emperor Realm". The above methods of controlling water still gave the two masters a lot of inspiration. After all, the ancestral witches who worked together back then had the power of water. In this respect, no one can compare Get past him. Although the two Ye Lao didn't see the feelings of the Gonggong Zuwu, they would still be very helpful to them.

In this way, the four of Lin Hang began a rare time of cultivation. They were first exposed to orthodox cultivation, so they were more careful and cautious at the beginning, and didn't want to leave any hidden dangers. Time flies, and two months have passed.

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