I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 977

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:27 AM

Chapter 977: Stand by

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Zi Feng took a step forward, and after bowing to the treasure house ambassador, he also smiled and said, "The treasure house ambassador, Lin Hang is not wrong. To tell the truth, our current position and boundary of "Purple Cold Island" used to be It is impossible to deny the facts from the Ziwei Emperor Star, but if we let our "Purple Cold Island" be directly integrated into this fragmented continent now, I think it is not so simple to achieve and promise. Yes! After all, there are so many tribes behind us. We don’t think about ourselves, but also for those tribes! So, senior treasure house, you should go to our respective places to take a look. Carefully consider our own thoughts, and after we go back, we will discuss with the people again to see how we should make a decision! Our "Purple Cold Island" is nearby, so it's better to have the treasure house let the seniors visit it. how is it?"

"Things left from ancient times?" Lin Hang didn't quite understand the meaning of the high priest. He only briefly introduced the situation on the Ziwei Emperor Star to the high priest, so the high priest also knew that the current Ziwei Emperor star was the original one. It was transformed by a large fragment of the Ziwei Emperor Star that resounded through the world, and the high priest had only a simple understanding of the distribution on the Ziwei Emperor star. Lin Hang couldn’t think of it. The high priest was How to judge the situation outside the West Pole.

The high priest looked a little serious at this time, nodded and said, "According to your description, in the unexplored West Pole, there are many monsters with low intelligence but strong power. As far as I know, The existence of monster beasts was solved by the monster clan very early. In other words, monster beasts were almost impossible to produce. There are definitely some changes that we don't know about in the outer sea of ​​the West Pole. This has caused the situation like this. Maybe it is this change that led to the formation of this fragment. I think the four major forces on the inland today must know something, otherwise they would never let it go. They are also a force inherited from ancient times. Although the strength of the ethnic group is not as good as before, there is no shortage of various classics and inheritance. Such vision is still there, so Lin Hanging, I’m not against you to explore the waters outside the West Pole, but you must keep your eyes wide open when you explore, and be extremely cautious. I don’t want you to make any mistakes in the waters outside the West Pole!"

The words of the high priest also aroused Lin Hang's vigilance. He had indeed forgotten this matter. Under the impact of his recent breakthrough, he made such a plan, and some of them forgot the danger in the sea outside the West. In fact, he has always been very strange not knowing why the inland forces are not advancing towards the outer seas of the West Antarctica. You must know that the area of ​​the outer seas of the West Antarctica is much larger than their entire inland. If it is developed, These forces of them can certainly get greater development. Originally, Lin Hang thought that it was because of the powerful monsters in the outer seas of the West, but these monsters were so powerful but not wise, they could only be slaughtered in the face of powerful cultivators who climbed the fairyland. If you are well prepared, you should have a great opportunity to explore a large area after so many years, but the situation is still the same as it was at the beginning, except for the small area of ​​the West Antarctic Inland Sea, other areas The West Pole has not yet been developed. Now Lin Hang, under the reminder of the high priest, thinks it carefully, and feels that there are indeed some problems in this.

After Lin Hang figured it out, his expression was also solemn, and he saluted the high priest and said, "Thank you for the high priest reminding, the kid almost fell into the ecstasy after the increase in strength! According to your statement, this is the West There are indeed a lot of strange things in the outer seas. I must do more to prepare for exploring the outer seas of the West Pole. Fortunately, my six clones have now entered this inland force, and there are four of them. People have joined the forces of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion. As you know, the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion is composed of the innate gods above the Ziwei Emperor Star. I believe that the native gods of the Ziwei Emperor Star are absolutely for Ziwei Emperor's understanding will be a step deeper than other forces. I can let these clones of mine inquire about some news in this regard, and provide some informational help for my future exploration of the West Antarctica. In this case, there should be nothing. Problem!"

The high priest waved his hand, knowing that Lin Hang was already aware of the problem, so he didn't say anything. Lin Hang's current situation is also normal for the high priest. The change is also understandable, and the high priest also believes in Lin Hang's own willpower, so there will be no problem with a little dial.

Old Wang also smiled and nodded. He knew that Lin Hang could think of this, but some authorities may have been fascinated before and could not make accurate judgments in a short time. He only needs to dial a little, and Lin Hang can also Resuscitated immediately.

After the two discussed for a while, the high priest said in a deep voice again, "Lin Hang, I think I should tell you something, because I am the controller of this "Candle World", so I can feel the "Candle World" There are many subtle changes. In the recent period, I can feel that the connection between "Candle World" and the outside world has become clearer and clearer, and this change also shows one thing, that is our candle world. The passage to the Earth Star will be fully opened soon! At that time, it will not only be that you can freely enter and exit, it means that our Wu Clan will come back into the world!"

Qianjun also continued Zifeng’s words and said, "Well, I also agree with what Lin Hang and Zifeng Island Master said just now. It’s a bit too difficult for us to make a decision now, and the Ziwei Emperor in our place The situation in Star Continent is even more complicated. Although my strength is now at the top there, I still can’t make a decisive decision. I have to go back and discuss it together before I can come to a conclusion, just like the Purple Sealed Island Master just now. What you said, you can take a look at our respective places first, and give each other some time, so that subsequent decisions can be made more comprehensive!"

After listening to Zi Feng and Qianjun’s statements, the treasure trove also nodded. When he was facing Lin Hang 1 and the others, he was actually not that strong. Now that he heard their answers, the treasure trove also decided Go and take a look at those two areas, and then take a look at what to do next.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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