I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 98

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:53 AM

Chapter 98: Gratifying results

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The cultivation progress of the four is different. The first to complete the transformation of the spiritual power in the body is Ye Guangyuan. Because he has the lowest cultivation base among the four, he only needs to focus on the spiritual power cultivation, so it does not cost much. It took a long time to complete the transformation of spiritual power, and the rest of the time was to steadily stabilize the cultivation base in the mid-stage of refining.

Lin Hang has also completed this process. His cultivation time is still short, and he is not very ingrained in the original cultivation mode, so it is easier to change. But because of the distraction in the study of the body and soul, the progress was slightly slower than Ye Guangyuan. However, although the progress of the transformation was sacrificed, there was also a lot of experience in the physical realization.

The situation of Ye Lao and Wang Lao is not so easy. Under the guidance of the great elder, the two of them are not eager to break through the realm after obtaining the follow-up exercises, and are working hard to suppress them. But it is true that the years of cultivation are too long. The ten huge psionic **** in the dantian, after two decades of polishing, some of them are difficult to refine into pure spiritual power, so it takes a lot of work every day to complete this The process, so far, the two have not been completely transformed.

Although this is the case, neither Ye Lao nor Wang Lao is impatient. They know that only by going steadily and steadily in this step can the subsequent cultivation be more smooth, so they are actively refining every day.

Lin Hang sends people to "Emperor Realm" every day to learn about the outside world, but according to the news that comes, Lin Hang feels that other countries are a little restless. I don't know if he knows what the situation is, or he wants to act secretly. Up.

On this day, after practicing, Lin Hang and Wang Lao were drinking tea in the room, and Lin Hang and Wang Lao also reported the news from outside.

After listening to Lin Hang's simple narrative, Wang frowned, feeling a bit headache for the current situation.

Old Wang said, "Hang'er, according to what you said, the United States and some other allied countries are a bit dishonest! Now China has some subtle forms in the international arena, is it because I haven't shown up in some days? , So they all started to test?"

Mr. Wang is a nuclear weapon in China's military, and it frightens the ambitions of other countries. From time to time, he will walk in other countries, so that they should not be too arrogant and presumptuous. But since returning from the last mission, it has been a long time since he showed up. Under such circumstances, other countries have begun to think carefully, look at China's reaction, and then consider the next action.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, they don’t have any big moves yet, and we don’t need to pay too much attention. The most important thing now is to break through the Qi training stage and reach the base building stage. In this case, you will treat the superpowers of other countries It will form a state of crushing. At that time, all their small movements can be directly crushed."

Old Wang nodded, and still said with some dissatisfaction, "Hang'er, I also know that this is the most correct choice, but I am still a little angry. Do you know, I have disclosed information about the imminent disaster to other countries? I'm thinking about it, but their current performance really makes me angry, and the situation is too small!"

Instead, Lin Hang comforted, "Teacher, you don’t have to be like this. It doesn’t matter if their structure is small, but they will definitely see the difference in strength. When our retreat is completed, then in the international community, our voice will have to be taken seriously. At that time, speaking about the situation of the catastrophe, the effect will be much better than the current situation."

Lao Wang also knew that Lin Hang's words were very reasonable, said a few more words, and began to ask about Lin Hang's recent practice.

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Teacher, I have already turned to spiritual power cultivation a month ago. Now after a month of groping, and the guidance of the elders and others, I have clearly understood some tricks. Indeed, After entering the orthodox cultivation system, I feel that the path of cultivation has become smoother. Although it has only been a month, I feel that the later stage of Qi training is not far away. Although this is because the cultivation method is better, but The right path also played a very important role."

Mr. Wang nodded. In fact, Mr. Wang was very relieved about Lin Hang's cultivation. Lin Hang's talent is also very optimistic about him, and he is also excellent in terms of perception, coupled with a persevering character and top-notch inheritance, it is not surprising that he has such a speed of improvement.

Wang Lao also began to talk about his own cultivation, "I am not as smooth as you! It is also my fault. I have never believed in evil, and I want to break through to a higher realm by myself, but it has become my current obstacle. The psionic energy in the psionic orb is certainly more abundant than others, but this has also resulted in the psionic orb being extremely strong. In two months now, I have just refined seven psionic orbs, and the distance has been completely transformed. , It will take some days."

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Teacher, it's okay, this is also a good thing. After your psychic energy is transformed into psychic power, you are definitely stronger than those of the same stage in the Qi refining period. This way you have a solid foundation, and you can step by step. The gap with others is widened. Besides, at the beginning, you are not familiar with it. I estimate that for the remaining three psionic balls, at most one week, you can definitely complete it!"

Old Wang smiled and cursed, "You kid, you know to make me happy! Okay, go back to practice! I vaguely learned from the elder that your task of cultivation is not easy, and the elder has high hopes for you, you But you must not let his pains go!"

Lin Hang thought in his heart that the great elder's expectation of Wang Lao was not inferior to him, but now, the great elder didn't seem to tell him, Lin Hang didn't talk much anymore, responded, turned and left the room. .

Lin Hang checked the cultivation situation of Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan again, and Ye Guangyuan needless to say, he had already consolidated, began to cultivate slowly to accumulate spiritual power, and worked hard towards the next stage of Qi training. But Ye Lao's situation was similar to Wang Lao's. It was all due to decades of polishing, which made the psionic ball a barrier to their breakthrough. However, Ye Lao obviously worked very hard, so the day when the transformation is completed is not far away.

Lin Hang returned to his room and began daily routine physical and spiritual practice.

During the two months of Lin Hang, the focus of his cultivation was on the inherited "Spiritual Power", so the cultivation of the physical body was not completely involved. Now that he has consolidated his cultivation base, he has also increased his investment in physical cultivation.

The cultivation of the physical body begins by absorbing spiritual power into the physical body, and then gradually strengthening it. When it becomes impossible to absorb it, the strength of the physical body must be increased. This is the beginning of cultivation.

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