I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 982

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:21 AM

Chapter 982: Bad taste

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After Qianjun responded to this incident, he heard the last sentence, and a strange color appeared in Lin Hang-1's heart, because at this time, the Purple Emperor Star Continent represented "Hua Xia Gate". It must not be Wang Lao or Liu Ruyan who handles the affairs. It must be his deity, Lin Hang, who is taking care of everything. Since this time the deity and Lin Hang No. 1 are a bit too far away, so this section During the time, Lin Hang’s deity didn’t know about these things that Lin Hang 1 experienced, including the experience of Zifeng Qianjun and the treasure envoy, etc., Lin Hang did not know at this moment. Yes, and if Qianjun took the jade slips made by Lin Hang 1 back at such a time, and really saw Lin Hang's deity, Lin Hang 1 would not know how to imagine the situation at that time.

However, at this time, the evil interest in Lin Hang-1's heart rose, and he was not ready to tell Qianjun about such things. He wanted Qianjun to be on the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, and when he really saw his deity, What kind of look and reaction will it show?

Regarding Lin Hang’s arrangement, these 34 casual cultivators were a little confused, but more of the excitement in their hearts. They could have felt that their strength had soared in these days, and now they have a chance. Of course, they are very willing to go out to show and practice. For the six people including Jingzhi and Jinyan who have already appeared in the inland, Lin Hang deliberately disguised them so that people could not perceive them. After arranging these loose repairs in place, Lin Hang directly sent them away from Fenglei Island to a teleportation point in the central area of ​​the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. Lin Hang is not going to devote himself to the next thing. After paying attention, he believes that these thirty-four casual cultivators are all with great potential. At this time, when they join together, they will be able to burst out different reactions.

After completing the arrangements for these casual repairs, Lin Hang and Wang Lao came to Dengxian Island where the old people from the earth and stars were originally placed. According to Lin Hang’s plan, it was planned to be in about half a year. At the time, Dengxian Island was unblocked, but because of Wang Lao and his own affairs, there was a slight delay, but it did not have much impact. When the two of them arrived near Dengxian Island, they did not notice anything abnormal. The situation, obviously, no outsider had discovered Dengxian Island in the past half a year, and Ye Lao and others on the island showed no signs of coming out.

After waving their hands to lift the original insurance arrangement, Lin Hang and Wang Lao passed through the heavy fog and entered the long-lost Dengxian Island. After entering the island, they felt a little bit, Lin Hang and Wang Lao I also met Ye Lao and others. What surprised Lin Hang and Wang Lao was that the aura on the Immortal Island at this time was very peculiar, because the old people, except Ye Lao, broke through to the stage of transforming gods. , The other people are in the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, and now, when I come over to see, the entire Dengxian Island is no longer the aura of the Nascent Stage Stage, and it is full of strong fluctuations in the transformation stage! In other words, in the past half a year, the original more than 20 Yuan Ying late Huaxia monks have all broken through the original realm and entered the stage of transforming gods. Such changes still make Lin Hang very satisfied. , You must know that according to Lin Hang’s estimation, half of these "old people" can enter the deification stage to satisfy him, but I don’t know if the stimulation between each other has a benign promotion, and finally Lin Hang and Wang Lao are still very happy when they have achieved their current results.

The arrival of Lin Hang and Wang Lao did not hide their aura. Naturally, they could not hide the feelings of the people on Dengxian Island at this time. Soon, more than 20 people gathered in the position of Lin Hang and Wang Lao, Lin Hang and When Mr. Wang saw these long-lost old friends, he was in a very good mood, and Lin Hang even smiled and said, “It seems that in the past six months, your harvest is really good! Now you are all The cultivation base of the **** stage, this cultivation base can already be regarded as high-level combat power in the West Polar Inland Sea. You must know that because of the control and suppression of the inland forces in the West Polar Inland Sea, only the West Polar There are cultivators who cross the Tribulation Period in the Three Overlords, so if you, as a whole of the Deity Transformation Period, be thrown into this Western Antarctic Inland Sea, it must be able to produce a very strong response, and you may be able to control this. The situation in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea has changed!"

These words of Lin Hang did not cause the mood swings of the'old people' present, because they can still have a trace of pride in front of others. After all, they have reached a relatively advanced level, which is enough to prove their talent and excellence, but The two people in front of them are perverts that will not appear in ten thousand years. In any aspect, they can crush their existence, so in front of Lin Hang and Wang Lao, these people will not show pride and complacency anyway. They looked like they didn't have this face, they were far behind Lin Hang and Wang Lao.

Ye Lao immediately replied, "Heh, Lin Hang, you really didn’t know how to deal with us when you said this to us! With your help, and such generous training conditions and resources, we If the old guy doesn't have any results, wouldn't I be too sorry for you? The results like this are really normal in my opinion. If there is an old friend who has not made a breakthrough, I will really feel strange! "

As a person who entered the Deity Transformation Stage before coming to the Ziwei Emperor Star, he has not been abandoned for more than half a year, although Ye Lao's cultivation level has not gone further, reaching the point of the middle transformation stage. , But compared to when he first came here, he has undoubtedly improved a lot. It can be said that Ye Lao's cultivation level is still ahead of the other twenty people. After all, he is the first to break through and has some advantages in it.

At this time, after Lin Hang No. 1 confession, Qianjun once again bowed his hands with Zi Feng and the treasure house. Then there was no further delay, crushing a piece of "Random Teleportation Stone" and disappearing here. Above a piece of fragmented continent, he started to rush back to the Purple Emperor Star Continent.

And after Qianjun left, Zi Feng also said, "Well, now, Senior Treasury Envoy, Lin Hang, and fellow Taoist Jade Spirit, please go to the next "Purple Cold Island"! I believe I will go back this time. Afterwards, I discussed with the people and we should be able to draw conclusions. According to this situation, I also hope that the final result is the result we all hope!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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