I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 986

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:16 AM

Chapter 986: Worry

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In fact, Lin Hang-1 and Zi Feng are quite clear about this point. According to the general situation, the "Purple Cold Island" in this place is among all the fragmented continents of the Ziwei Emperor. , Can be regarded as a very small part of it. This can be easily seen from the entry quota of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". When the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" was opened, Lin Hang was at that time. The Ziwei Emperor Star Continent in that place had a full number of eight people. On the other hand, in the "Purple Cold Island" at that time, only Jingjing entered it. This quota is actually limited to these Ziwei The size of the Emperor Star Fragment Continent is closely related. The larger the Fragment Continent, the more places it can enter. Regardless of the strength of the forces in it, the quota is only determined by the respective size of the Fragment Continent.

At this time, Lin Hang had already gathered with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan. After learning that Lin Hang had accomplished their goals, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan were both very happy and pleasantly surprised. As the two people who Lin Hang is most familiar with, they naturally know how much Lin Hang has paid in these days to achieve such a goal. Not only the Wu Clan but also the Demon Clan, Lin Hang will be able to ask for it. Everyone begged once, and now they finally got their last needs on this Ziwei Emperor star, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan felt a sense of difficulty.

Old Wang smiled at Lin Hang and said, "Hang'er, now you have finally collected all the materials used for this breakthrough. I don't know when you are going to start the breakthrough?"

Lin Hang also replied with a smile, "Teacher, don't you know me! The confidence in the disciple's heart was actually there for a long time, just because I haven't been able to get these suitable materials until now, and now it is finally Let me get these materials together, so naturally I can't delay any longer! My disciple prepares, on this Fenglei Island, at this moment, I am going to break through the realm of Immortals!"

Mr. Wang nodded, he knew that Lin Hang would make such a decision. After all, as Lin Hang’s teacher, Mr. Wang really knew Lin Hang very well. He knew that although Lin Hang did not show it on the surface, he knew it in his heart. It is very uncomfortable for him to be stuck on the edge of a breakthrough. After all, Lin Hang’s training career has been smooth sailing, with almost no bottlenecks. This time the bottleneck makes Lin Hang very uncomfortable, but Wang Lao also knows that although Lin Hang’s heart is about breaking through The matter was very urgent, but he did not lose himself because of this. After all, Lin Hang's mind was also very firm. Although he wanted to break through, he did not form a magic barrier because of this. The plan on this road also appeared to be quite normal, there was nothing too much. Overly aggressive behavior, now that Lin Hang's step-by-step preparations finally obtained the conditions for the final arrangement of the array, Wang Lao was also happy for Lin Hang from the bottom of his heart.

But Liu Ruyan has been silently accompanying Lin Hang. From the first time she came to Ziwei Emperor Star to obtain the clues to break through to the fairyland, to now she has actually obtained all the materials for the arrangement of the magic circle. She has seen more things than Wang Lao. Many, I also know that Lin Hang has put in a lot of effort. Now that Lin Hang has swept away the previous decline, showing a sense of spirit, Liu Ruyan is also very pleased.

Mr. Wang said, "Hang'er, you have also seen the scene of Kashgar's breakthrough in "Kashgar", and as far as the teacher knows, although the clues of each cultivator who climbed into the fairyland are different, they have broken through. The process is somewhat similar. No matter what kind of cultivation system and path it was before, at this point, everything on the body will be integrated. For example, as a teacher, the body is the soul, and the soul is It is spiritual power. Although this feeling sounds incredible, you will be able to understand the mystery after the real breakthrough. Ascending to the fairyland is indeed another level of life. Therefore, it is best not to disturb during the breakthrough process, and The preparation for spiritual power must be sufficient. If you only rely on spiritual power in the heavens and the earth, your breakthrough time will be much longer!

Lin Hang did not feel anxious about the breakthrough after the break, but quietly listened to Wang Lao's instructions. Although Lin Hang has also gained a lot of breakthrough experience from many seniors to climb the fairyland, but Wang Lao is a talent after all. The breakthrough has just been completed, so some of the details that Wang Lao said are really worth learning for Lin Hang. We must know that Wang Lao has only recently made a breakthrough. It must be the most similar to Lin Hang’s breakthrough, so Lin Hang It is also carefully collecting the breakthrough experience that belongs to Wang Lao himself, without the slightest expression of impatience.

Soon after Wang Lao's instructions were completed, the three of them began to come to a hidden place on Fenglei Island, which was far away from those places for casual repairs, and Wang Lao smoothly arranged an isolated space here. The magic circle, to prevent other people's exploration, according to Wang Lao’s current realm, the magic circle, especially the one that is isolated from space, can be said to be basically undetected by the other cultivators of the fairyland above the Ziwei Emperor. Therefore, Lin Hang was also very relieved and started his preparations for this breakthrough.

Lin Hang took out twelve middle-grade spirit stones and arranged two embedded spirit gathering circles. According to Wang Lao’s estimation, these two spirit gathering circles and twelve middle-grade spirit stones The stone is already enough for Lin Hang to complete the final breakthrough in the shortest time, and the time will reach the shortest time limit. As long as Lin Hang can break his fairyland gate through the mysterious circle, then the subsequent breakthrough There is no need for Lin Hang to worry about the matter. These spirit gathering formations and spirit stones are enough to support Lin Hang to complete the breakthrough.

At this time, Lin Hang One could vaguely see something from the Treasury Envoy’s questions, so after Zi Feng’s almost self-deprecating answer, Lin Hang One also spoke at this time, “Treasure Envoy, you Isn’t it because I’m worried about the future of fusing the fragmented continents of the Ziwei Emperor Star together. What is the difficulty? Tell you the truth, the "Purple Cold Island" here is not big enough. Compared with the other fragmented continents of Ziwei Emperor Star, it is much smaller, so in the future, you don’t need to integrate such "Purple Cold Island" one by one, the real ones. There are actually not so many fragmented continents of Ziwei Emperor Star!"

After listening to the words confirmed by Lin Hang 1, the treasure house finally nodded and let go of some of the worries in his heart.

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