I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 988

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:14 AM

Chapter 988: eve

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With this action of Zifeng, Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian and the treasure troupe did not have any doubts. They all knew what Zifeng was doing at this time. At this time, it was because of the previous treasure trove. Zifeng’s thoughts and suggestions, so we must carefully consider where the future "Purple Cold Island" should go. Obviously, this kind of thing is not something that Zi Feng can make such a light decision alone, otherwise you don’t have to wait until you come back. Feng was able to directly reply to the treasure house at that time. Although Zifeng was the person with the highest cultivation level of "Purple Cold Island" in this place, and as the owner of the island, he has always led the people of "Purple Cold Island", but Zi Feng this person generally acts more democratically. He doesn't like to decide something by himself. Under such circumstances, if such a major event happens every time, Zi Feng will generally agree. My wife had some discussions with the elders of "Purple Cold Island", and this time Zi Feng should be doing such a thing.

Fortunately, this gloom did not last for a long time. Yuan Yi quickly felt his feet fall on the entity, and then his eyes lit up. A huge square appeared in front of Yuan Yi’s eyes. It’s not enough to describe it as being huge. Yuan Yi can’t see the end anyway, and neither can the end on the left or right. On such a square, there are countless pillars of light standing in it. The distance between them is about five meters. According to this scale, the number of beams on this square is really an undetectable number.

Seeing such a situation, Yuan Yi didn’t know what it meant for a while. Looking around, he saw a simple stone stele at the entrance of the square, which was simply engraved with some words, and read it. Later, Yuan Yi also understood the purpose and general rules of this square.

First of all, this is indeed the treasure house of Ziwei Imperial City’s City Lord’s Mansion. It is a magical area built by the owner of Ziwei Imperial City himself. According to the introduction of the stone stele, this square actually has boundaries, but it is also very vast. According to Yuan Yi’s current speed, half an hour should be able to travel from one side to the other, and the operating rules of the treasure house have been set at the beginning. Everyone who enters here has an hour’s time. , After an hour is over, you will be directly teleported out of here. There will be no chance to stay. In addition, everyone who enters here can only choose one treasure to leave. Once the chosen thing is determined, just return to the entrance Stay there and wait for more than ten minutes will be directly sent away.

And this is the basic rule of this treasure house square. There are no special examples. Everyone enters here. This is not a particularly cheating place. You should know that the scope of this square is huge, and every place The beams of light contain a different treasure. The quality of these treasures is high or low. The beams of light that envelop them have the effect of isolating the exploration of the spirits. Only when you come to the beam of light can you see these treasures. It looks like, and then hold it in your hand to be able to use the divine sense to detect. It is precisely because of this that the process of selecting treasures has become somewhat dependent on luck, because the treasure you want may be far away or on the edge. The location of this is impossible to know in advance, only when you come to the front and use it to probe with the spirit can you have the opportunity to distinguish.

The most important thing is that the basic rules stipulate that everyone can only stay on this square for one hour. After one hour is over, they will definitely be teleported away, and one hour is definitely not enough. Walking around such a square also makes the choice more difficult, so before entering this treasure house, the tree Lingpo specially reminded that he hoped that Yuan Yi would have the opportunity to get the precious golden spirit tree. Mu Xin, but she didn’t have complete hope, because the tree spirit lady didn’t know the location of the golden spirit tree’s Mu Xin, so she could only hope that Yuan Yi could pass by or explore within the beam of light within this hour. , It happens to have the existence of this golden spirit tree heart. Although this cannot be 100% guaranteed, with the reminder of the tree spirit lady, she believes that Yuan Yi's chance to find this golden spirit tree heart will definitely increase again.

After understanding the rules, Yuan Yi's face was a bit ugly, not because he might not be able to get the wooden heart of the golden spirit tree emphasized by the tree spirit lady, but because he might not get what he wanted through this opportunity Those two materials! Originally, Yuan Yi thought that even if he could only bring out one treasure, he only needed to touch the two pieces of material, and he should be able to copy them, and he did not need to bring them out, so that he could cover himself more perfectly. Yuan Yi’s plan went bankrupt. He could not search for the material he wanted according to the general spiritual sense, because he just tried it, and it turned out that he couldn’t use the spiritual sense to penetrate the beam of light to obtain it. The information about the treasures preserved in it can only be seen with the naked eye, but if one wants to explore the past one by one, time is simply too late, and Yuan Yi is in a difficult situation.

At this time, Lin Hang was even more uncomfortable, because the situation Yuan Yi discovered this time reminded him that even if Yuanqi, Yuanfu and others get the opportunity to enter the treasure house, they will also face this problem. And if the luck of several people is not good, they may not find the material they want after four opportunities. Lin Hang didn't expect such a variable to appear. This was something he couldn't predict and prevent beforehand. Lin Hang was also somewhat helpless for a while.

Linhang-1 knew that in a while, Zifeng’s side should not have made a decision so easily. Under such circumstances, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian also relaxed and prepared for this time. I wandered around here in "Purple Cold Island", and the greeting that appeared at this time was a suitable guide. Of course, Linhang No. 1 and Jade Lingxian were not going to stroll alone. The treasure house on the side was the first This time they escaped from the regional ban in that place. The loneliness of these tens of millions of years is not easy for them to understand. Therefore, although they can't help the treasure house to resolve any distress, naturally they will not neglect the treasure house. During this period of time, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian were going to take a treasure trove to stroll around in "Purple Cold Island."

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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