I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 99

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:52 AM

Chapter 99: Exit

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Although Lin Hang hadn't cultivated his physical body much in two months, just as he absorbed spiritual energy every day, Lin Hang's physical body had almost reached its first limit.

Now that the cultivation of spiritual power has been stabilized, Lin Hang is ready to begin to exercise his physical body.

Recalling the "Physical Body" in his mind, Lin Hang began to move about the initial method of tempering the physical body. Zhou Sheng also briefly said to Lin Hang before that after the spiritual power that the physical body can absorb reaches the limit, it needs to increase the physical body's carrying capacity to continue to absorb it. Different exercises record different exercises, and the level of exercises determines the speed and extent of physical improvement.

Because it was the first time, Lin Hang slowly performed a set of postures, changing back and forth in a total of eight forms. Slowly, Lin Hang became proficient and began to speed up his movements. With the repeated actions, Lin Hang gradually felt feverish in every part of his body, including the skin, bones, and internal organs. Obviously, every part was being strengthened.

After practicing for about half an hour, Lin Hang stopped. Some of him couldn’t support it. This kind of strengthening process was very painful. Lin Hang also clenched his teeth and persisted for half an hour. It was really unsupportable. Stopped.

The cultivation of the physical body is very boring and painful. Increase the strength of the physical body, and then absorb the spiritual power. These two processes are repeated continuously. Everyone except for the first practice, every subsequent improvement will have to endure huge torture, so the physical body Cultivation has not been very popular in the history of mankind. The main reason is that the early results are slow and the process is painful. The most important thing is that the human body's potential is too small to reach the height of the Witch, so it has been very unpopular.

Lin Hang is different. He is half-human and half-witch, so although his physical body is not as good as the witch at the beginning, it has greater potential. He only needs to rely on uninterrupted hard work to cultivate, and his later achievements will surpass most. The witch tribe, chasing the ancestor of the witch tribe.

The key to Lin Hang’s inheritance is not in the three separate parts, but in "The Fusion". Lin Hang can only slowly start practicing "The Fusion" after his spiritual power, physical body, and spirit have reached a certain level. , This not only allows him to unify the strength in his body, but more importantly, they influence and improve each other. The three parts of strength are added together, and the result is very terrifying.

Lin Hang naturally knows this path, so he has always been more attentive in the cultivation of the three parties, because he has never been in contact with physical cultivation, so he will inevitably spend more time and energy in this aspect. At this stage, because of the consolidation of the new spiritual power cultivation system, Lin Hang can allocate more time to the cultivation of the physical body, which is also the cultivation direction he is planning now.

Soon, after another half a month passed, Lin Hang brought the three of them to see the elder.

"You want to leave?" the elder asked with confusion. Indeed, Lin Hang and the others' cultivation is now slowly on the right track, but at this juncture they say they want to leave, no wonder the elder is a little puzzled.

Lin Hang explained with a smile, "Thank you for your unreserved teaching and guidance these days. Here, I thank you on behalf of everyone! But now we have a reason to go out."

Elder Wang on the side also spoke and said, "The Great Elder, I told you before that now it is China that rules the land of China, and it is also the inherited and ancient Emperor Yan and Huang, but we have lost our dominance in the ancient times. There are many other countries that can compete with us. Originally, I can be regarded as the background of China, which shocked the power of other countries. Now, because I have not shown up for some days, their courage is getting more and more. When I got older, I received the news. Recently, they dare to come to our Huaxia territory to provoke them. I have to take action to teach them."

The elder nodded to express that he understood the situation, thought a little, and said with a smile, "According to your current progress, the so-called top masters from the outside world should not be your opponents. That's right, your cultivation path has been re-determined. Whether you stay in the "Emperor World" is really not that important anymore, the spiritual power of the outside world is more abundant, which is more conducive to your improvement."

In this half month's time, both Wang Lao and Ye Lao completed the transformation of spiritual power, and then successfully built the foundation with the help of the great elder. Now they are both cultivators in the early stage of foundation building. And the top combat power of other countries in the outside world is only the innate peak. The old Wang can crush them. Now that they have broken through the realm, it is not to mention.

Lin Hang said hurriedly, "We will definitely come in from time to time. After all, we can't ask for the guidance of an elder like the Great Elder on the road of cultivation. We just hope that the Great Elder will not be annoying!"

The great elder smiled and shook his head. After getting acquainted with it, Lin Hang's occasional improper behavior naturally could not escape the eyes of the great elder.

At this time, Ye Guangyuan spoke, "Grandpa, Lin Hang, I want to stay here, can I?"

During these two months, Ye Guangyuan felt a feeling that he had never had before, and his strength knowledge was also growing rapidly, which made him see the hope of catching up with Lin Hang, so he felt that he would also go out. Can't help much, so I want to continue to stay in the "Emperor World" practice.

Lin Hang also understood Ye Guangyuan’s thoughts. Seeing that Ye Laogang was about to reprimand, Lin Hang said, “Ye, Brother Guangyuan also has his own plans. He also wants to go further on this road, so you agree. Him!"

Ye Lao had to agree. After Lin Hang explained to everyone, he opened the light door and left the "Emperor World" with Ye Lao and Wang Lao.

After coming out, Wang Lao said to Ye Lao, "Old man Ye, how about it, are you interested in going with me and watching a good show?"

Ye Lao said with a smile, "I have this idea, I also want to see how people in other countries panic!"

Lao Wang took out a mobile phone, made a call, determined a target location, and put his hands on Lin Hang and Ye Lao respectively, and launched a long-distance spatial teleportation.

Lin Hang quietly felt the changes in this space, and found that in these times of "Emperor Realm", Wang Lao not only improved his spiritual power, but also had better control of his abilities. The most important point was that even Lin Hang did his best. Induction, still can't feel the fluctuation of space, Wang Lao obviously learned the strengths of the people in "Emperor Realm" and merged with his own space abilities to make this change.

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