I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 992

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:20:01 AM

Chapter 992: Questioning

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Faced with such a warm reception from Zifeng, Lin Hang No.1 and others had no dissatisfaction in their hearts, so at this time, they all raised the glass in front of them, and then put the "Purple Cold Wine" in it. After drinking them all, after putting down their glasses, Lin Hang No. 1, Yulingxian and Zifeng also began to taste the strange ice-blue fruits on the table. These fruits are all in "Purple Cold Island" It can only be cultivated under the special environment of the fruit. It has a unique flavor. Not only is the entrance cold, but also the taste is excellent. Most importantly, the ones that can be placed here to entertain the Linhang No. 1 and others are all treasures among these fruits. , The taste and texture are all top choices.

And what makes Lin Hang's heart more at ease is that the six clones that Lin Hang sent this time did not arouse much suspicion. The most important thing is that even if these clones first joined these forces in the early period, they will still Subject to a certain degree of supervision and review, but Lin Hang’s ultimate goal is not known to them. As long as Lin Hang’s six clones secretly perform tasks in accordance with the established action goals and plans, Lin Hang has great confidence. Able to achieve their ultimate goal.

After the six clones followed the fat old man, the tree spirit lady and others back to their respective forces, they were also treated differently. Among them, because Jingzhi's cultivation base was relatively low, and he was still a pure human race, So soon after joining the human force, he received a lot of attention. At least Jingzhi received the least suspicion and censorship, but Jingzhi's cultivation level is still a bit too low. For the time being, even if the potential is good, it is not enough. If it takes too much attention, it will not get the attention of the high-level human forces in a short time. Naturally, it will be more difficult to contact the treasure house of that human race.

I would like to say that with Jin Dan’s later cultivation base, he joined the most mysterious "Ziwei Palace" among the three major forces. Although he was not treated unfairly, he did not pay any special attention to it. The core group of people in "Gong" has always been inherited from the old forces of Emperor Ziwei. This has never changed. Therefore, outsiders like Jinyan, after joining "Ziwei Palace", if they have not established a particularly big With credit, it’s impossible to enter the core high-level of "Ziweigong". This is not because of the ability to speak, but the system of "Ziweigong". However, Lin Hang did not put hope in the sincere. In terms of Yan, I would like to join the "Ziwei Palace" just to be less eye-catching. If I also want to join the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion, then there are five casual practitioners who choose our City Lord's Mansion at the same time. Therefore, the kind words at this time are not the main direction. The four talents of Yuan Yi who joined the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion are the focus of Lin Hang's action plan this time!

The reason for using this Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion as the entry point was mentioned before, so Lin Hang’s attention and focus were also placed on the four people who joined the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion. The other Jingzhi and Jinyan are just cover-ups. As long as the two of them can maintain a stable development among the human forces and the "Purple Palace", if they don't cause any mistakes, they can be regarded as joining the City Lord's Mansion. These four people played a good cover, which from another aspect also reduced the risk of Yuan Yi and others being suspected, and it could be regarded as another layer of insurance set by Lin Hang.

And this time, Lin Hang deliberately awakened in his heart. This time, the six avatars who joined the three major forces in the inland, have such a forbidden area, which is inaccessible, and that is the mystery that exists among the four major forces. The open space, although after the last Lin Hang’s action, these four mysterious open spaces have lost what they carried and become extremely common, but this matter must have caused a lot in the hearts of the four major forces. The influence of is equivalent to a thorn, and the four major forces blocked the news very tightly. It is impossible for the casual repairs in the West Antarctic inland sea to get so much news, so if Lin Hang’s clone shows The curiosity and interest in these four mysterious open spaces will inevitably be suspected, so Lin Hang has a special vigilance in this respect, and will not leave other people with the opportunity to doubt him.

Unlike Jingzhi and Jinyan, after joining the human forces and the "Purple Palace", they received insufficient attention. Now they are only peripheral members, and the resource support they receive is only a small part. The resources are already much higher than what they used to be a casual practitioner in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, but this situation prevents them from accessing the very core things, unless they can show greater value, but show value. The price is the possibility of increased suspicion, so after Jingzhi and Jinyan are arranged, they are also quite regular, and there are no flaws in them, waiting for the actions of the other clones.

But Yuan Yi's people are completely different. All four of them have received the attention of Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion, and among them, Yuan Yi is the most. Yuan Yi’s own cultivation direction is the manipulation and control of the wood element. This is also because Yuan Yi’s ancestor has a powerful ancestor of the demon species’ grass and wood spirit, which makes his bloodline have a powerful wood element talent. Because of this, Yuan Yi, the congenital wood spirit of the Tree Lingpo, is particularly pleasing to the eye. Coupled with Liu Ruyan’s guidance and help, the avatar of Yuan Yi that Lin Hang has transformed is even worse than Yuan Yi himself. To be outstanding, it is inevitable that Shu Lingpo can't hold it, and wanting to turn Yuan Yi into her own disciple and inherit her mantle is a big regret in Shu Lingpo's life.

And when this reception is going on, the treasure house also put down the fruit in his hand, then looked directly at Zi Feng, and said, "Zi Feng, since this point has been reached, then you should also talk about this. After one return, what is the result of your discussion? I told you the truth. No matter what decision you make this time, I will not have any intention of interfering in it. You make it. I am very supportive of any conclusions made by me. I just want a result. Regarding my suggestion, at the end of your discussion of "Purple Cold Island", is it a support or a direct rejection?"

At this moment, Zi Feng was sitting next to Jingjing and Jingjing’s mother. Facing the somewhat aggressive speech made by Treasury, Jingjing and her mother looked as normal at this moment. There is nothing unusual. Obviously, during this period of time, Zi Feng greeted him in advance, knowing the origin and strength of the treasure house, so at this time, both of them looked at Zi Feng and waited for Zi Feng to answer. .

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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