I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 993

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:59 AM

Chapter 993: Reply

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At this time, facing the question from the treasure house, Zi Feng's expression did not change. He put down the fruit in his hand, and then smiled and replied, "Senior treasure house, as you said, in this half a month During the time, I also discussed the proposal you made with all the people of the entire "Purple Cold Island". To tell you the truth, at the beginning, almost all the people expressed opposition. , You also know that our "Purple Cold Island" has been passed down in this starry sky region for so many years. Of course, everyone will be blinded by the small achievements they have made now. See There is no powerful situation in the outside world, so in their opinion, the reunion of the Ziwei Emperor is actually a very slim thing. They can't imagine how vast and majestic this is, and our "Purple Cold Island" "It is their foundation for thousands of years, so at the beginning, everyone did not agree to conduct such an experiment!"

After Yuanfu spoke, the Shu Lingpo, who was still watching the show, was stunned. She was already satisfied after receiving Yuan Yi's joining, but she did not expect Yuanfu now also chose their City Lord Mansion. When the forces joined, the stunner of the tree spirit was only a moment, and she quickly reacted, and also cast Yuan Fu to his side. After passing the exploration of the several cultivators in the fairyland, he was facing the original Fu tree spirit. Although not as important as Yuan Yi, but Haosheng said a few words, and then let Yuanfu come behind him and stand with Yuan Yi before.

At this time, Shu Lingpo's mood is even better. With Yuan Yi and Yuan Fu joining, Shu Lingpo's heart will inevitably have a little bit of longing. There are still two people in the late Yuan Ying and the early stage of Hua Shen. After cultivating casually, if these two people can join their city lord mansion, then returning to Ziwei Imperial City would be a good reinforcement for the strength of Ziwei Imperial City.

The tree lingu looked in the direction of the sound, and she saw a tall and beautiful woman standing below, with a veil covering her face, but this veil was useless to the tree ling. I quickly saw that the face of the woman in the veil had several scars, and this was also a major feature of the previous loose repairs. It was a feature that was widely circulated. These scars were left by the fate. Even Lin Hang didn't ask what was the reason, but knew that there must be a tortuous story behind it.

Shu Lingpo’s review was only a moment, and the next moment he pulled Yuan Yang to her side. Yuan Yang’s reputation in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea was still very good. After all, it was originally Yuan Yingqi’s cultivation base. Coupled with the eye-catching appearance, Yuan Chen has a very good reputation. At this time, Yuan Chen Yuan Ying’s later cultivation base is stronger than that in the legend, which naturally attracted more attention. , If a person with such cultivation level joins his own forces, he must ensure that there is no problem. Therefore, it takes a long time to investigate the fate, until several cultivators in the fairyland are sure that there is no problem with fate, the tree spirit Only then did the wife show a smile, and kindly pulled Yuan Chen to her side, waiting for the last person's choice.

It’s just that, looking at this last person, the look of the four famous people who climbed into the fairyland, including the tree spirit lady and the fat old man, are a little strange, because in their cognition, almost all the independent gods in the western inner sea are not belonging to the major forces. Ninety-nine percent of them may not be able to appear here, and this is not an unfamiliar person in the early stage of the transformation of gods, but a former cultivator in the late stage of Yuan Ying. It seems that Appearing here at this time, it should have only recently broken through to the early stage of transforming gods, which can also explain why this happened.

The last monk in the transformation stage was named Hua Ke. He was indeed a prolonged cultivator in the late Yuan Ying of the Western Antarctic Inner Sea. The practice is quite complicated, but the strange thing is that he has achieved it in all aspects. A good level of attainments, this can also reflect the talent of this Huake. If it can be guided correctly, the subsequent achievements will definitely not be low.

Hua Ke didn't delay anything, but smiled and said directly, "In Xia Hua Ke, I would like to join the forces of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Although Hua Ke is the person with the highest cultivation level among the seven winners off the field, he received the least suspicion. After all, according to the thinking of normal people, they generally dare not send out under such a situation. A candidate with such a high level of cultivation, after a routine investigation, Hua Ke came to Shu Lingpo without any problems.

And now, this selection conference is about to end, but the look of the four monks who climbed into the fairyland in the field is very different. The tree spirit and the Ziwei Emperor City Lord Mansion behind it are undoubtedly the biggest selection conference this time. The winner, not only has the four talents and potentials that are all upper-level casual cultivators, but the four casual cultivators are still relatively high. If they are trained a little later, they have a great possibility of becoming the future Ziwei Imperial City. The pillars of the City Lord’s Mansion, and the fat old man and the purple-clothed woman in "Ziwei Palace" can also accept this result. Although their gains are not as good as the tree spirits, they do not return empty-handed, but belong to the ten thousand races. The cultivator who climbed into the fairyland of the alliance was more pitiful. He came for nothing, and found nothing. Seeing the triumphant expression and unconcealed smile of the tree spirit lady, the heart of the cultivator of the fairyland Very depressed.

Therefore, after completing the selection meeting, this cultivator of the Wonderland who belonged to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races did not say much. After saying hello to the other three, he immediately entered the teleportation circle first, activated the power of teleportation, and left directly. After leaving the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, he returned to the headquarters of the Union of Ten Thousand Races.

When Zi Feng said this, he also showed a wry smile. After a pause, he continued to say, "However, Senior Treasury Envoy, when he heard you put forward this opinion and idea at the beginning, he said Deep down, I already have something to support you! The reason why I didn’t promise you in the first time is because I can’t be so selfish. Before making a decision, I have to let the entire "Purple Cold Island" "The disciples know about such a thing, so in this half a month, it is not really a discussion, but the process of persuading everyone. After half a month of hard work, the final result , I met my expectations!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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