I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 994

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:58 AM

Chapter 994: Decide

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After Zi Feng’s words were uttered, the treasure house hadn’t done anything yet, but the eyes of Lin Hang-1 and Jade Lingxian directly lit up. They didn’t expect that Zi Feng’s heart was like this. One thing in "Purple Cold Island" is so firm. At the beginning, it was determined to agree to the suggestions and ideas of the treasure house. This time, I returned to this "Purple Cold Island", what Zi Feng did. It turned out to be just to persuade the many clansmen of "Purple Cold Island" one by one, but now, depending on the situation, there are some statements made by Zi Feng, and Zi Feng has already achieved his goal.

The treasure house envoy did not seem to be surprised. At this time, he also looked at Zi Feng with a smile on his face. After looking around, he found that many "Purple Cold Island" appeared in this banquet. The senior executives of "Island" didn't show any unexpected expression when they heard Zi Feng's words. He already knew that there was nothing wrong with Zi Feng's words.

After Jingzhi had made his choice, it was Lin Hang’s turn to be another clone of Lin Hang. At this time, he was in the late Jindan cultivation base, and he was also the identity of the human race, but it seemed that the blood was not so pure. Lin Hang also asked this point. After careful understanding, he realized that the origin of Jingyan is not small. He is an elite disciple of human forces and the illegitimate son of a descendant of "Ziweigong". He has been living in the westernmost inland sea since he was a child. With some simple cultivation techniques given by his parents and some opportunities afterwards, he can be regarded as a person with very strong willpower after he has cultivated to his current level. Regarding the identity of Jinyan, Lin Hang believes that everyone present can check I found it, so Lin Hang went straight to it and wanted to join "Ziwei Palace" directly!

I would like to say that the external performance is an ordinary face, but the look of a resolute human race boy. At this time, he took a step forward, and then said after a salute, "My disciple, I would like to join the "Purple Palace"!"

As the voice fell, the purple-clothed woman in the "Purple Micro Palace" on the high platform sighed invisibly, and then gently waved her hand to pull Jinyan above the high platform. The four monks who climbed into the fairyland slightly checked and confirmed There is no problem with the identity of Jinyan, and there is no doubt that Jinyan will join the "Ziwei Palace". After all, everyone knows the origin of this Jinyan. His mother is The core disciple of "Ziweigong", if not combined with the disciples of the human forces, still has great potential, and the most important thing is that the mother is the purple-clothed woman sent by "Ziweigong" this time. His disciple can also be said to be the most beloved disciple ever. The purple-clothed woman looked at the face of the disciple that was five points similar to that of the disciple of the year, and the previous things emerged again, and a trace of guilt rose in her heart, and this trace of guilt was also directly in a short time. Transferred to Jinyan, now it is determined that there is no problem with Jinyan, so the purple-clothed woman also made up her mind. After returning to the inland, she must make up for this kind words and make up for the debts she owed to her disciples. .

The purple-clothed woman gently touched Jinyan's head, and then pulled Jinyan behind her, without any special movement, and said something to Jinyan softly, as if she had no interest in the next choice.

Regardless of this, the next choice has continued. After the choice is over, it is also Yuan Yi's turn at this time. Yuan Yi's cultivation is in the early stage of Yuanying. Yuan Yi is tall and full of masculinity. But he is a wood element cultivator, close combat is one of his weaknesses. At this time, Yuan Yi also took a step forward and said loudly, "Under Yuan Yi, I would like to join the forces of the City Lord's Mansion!"

On the high platform, the monk of Dengxianjing who represents the power of the city lord’s mansion is an old woman with a cane. At this time, there is no extra action. Lightly tap the ground with the cane in his hand and see Yuan Yi disappear in place and come to the old woman’s. In front of him, the old woman actually noticed the existence of Yuan Yi at the very beginning, and she had to investigate Yuan Yi early and found nothing wrong. So at this time, under the sign of the old woman, the other three The cultivator of Mingdeng Fairyland didn't have any big reaction, and acquiesced to the old woman's actions. Looking at this situation, it was obvious that the old woman's position among the few people was still very good, and he could get everyone's attention.

In fact, this old woman is one of the great congenital gods of Ziwei Emperor City’s City Lord’s Mansion, and she was born very early. She was the predecessor of everyone present, named Shu Lingpo, who was the congenital spirit of wood. The control of the elements can be said to be the strongest on the entire Ziwei Emperor star, so after seeing Yuan Yi’s cultivation direction, the tree spirit lady also has a look of interest, because Yuan Yi’s wood element cultivation direction is very good. Unlike some of the previous cultivators, they seemed very thoughtful, and it was precisely because of this that aroused Shu Lingpo’s interest. Originally, I didn’t know how Yuan Yi would choose. At this time, it happened to be joining the city lord’s mansion of Ziwei Emperor. It also made Shu Lingpo feel good, and she felt that she was finally looking for a suitable heir.

However, what the tree spirit woman and others did not know is that the reason why Yuan Yi's wood element cultivation can reach the present level, in addition to his own aptitude, is the help of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan. , You must know that Liu Ruyan itself is transformed by a golden lotus, and the control of wood elements is naturally very powerful. The most important thing is Liu Ruyan’s strong insight and memory, which is very important for shaping the road, so Yuan Yi's gains can be said to be very huge, and at this time Yuan Yi is still controlled by Lin Hang, so it is quite normal to be able to achieve such an effect.

The treasure trove asked Zi Feng, "Zi Feng, then, this time, after more than ten days of explanation, you have already agreed with my idea in "Purple Cold Island". The Fragment Continent in the core area of ​​Ziwei Emperor Star where "Purple Cold Island" merged into me has become a part of each other? There is no turning back for such a decision. Once you decide to follow me, it may be overwhelming. In the end, even if this is the case, are you still willing to make such a decision?"

Zifeng listened to the plain words of the treasure troupe. He knew that the treasure troupe’s words were not exaggerated. Following the treasure troupe’s actions, there were more opportunities, but the risks behind it were also Will rise simultaneously.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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