I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 995

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:57 AM

Chapter 995: Zifeng's determination

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However, Zi Feng has always been a determined person. For his decision before entering "Purple Cold Island", Zi Feng was already extremely certain, and in this half a month, he was convinced The process of many people who wrote "Purple Cold Island" is also strengthening Zi Feng's belief step by step. Therefore, at this time, no matter how the words are stimulated by the treasure house, Zi Feng's heart is not shaken. .

Before Lin Hang came, he carefully analyzed the characteristics of the two final treasure materials he needed, and understood a truth. The reason why these two materials were not found is not because of how precious they are, but It is because it is too widely used that it will basically be consumed when it is obtained, and it will not survive at all. That is why the current situation is caused. And Lin Hang estimates that there are also the Ten Thousand Race Alliance and the " In "Purple Palace", maybe the same situation, as long as these three powers are not stupid, they should also consume these materials, so if Lin Hang consumes a lot of energy on this, maybe in the end It’s an empty basket. According to Lin Hang’s analysis, although the scale of Ziwei Imperial City’s City Lord’s Mansion is slightly insufficient compared to the other three powers, because they are all related to innate gods and spirits, they have a lot of resources. There is no special demand, which has led to a lot of good things in their treasure house, and this is also the key goal of Lin Hang's next action.

The four cultivators who climbed into the fairyland did not have the idea of ​​hiding their aura. They faced everyone, including the three of Fen Juecheng on the high platform and the seven casual cultivators below the high platform, all of them exuding their powerful oppression. This is also the first step in their review. If the contestants have unruly minds, they may expose their psychology under such pressure, and they will be directly shocked by the momentum, revealing some flaws, but When these people radiated power, the few people off the court only had some normal feelings of being oppressed by the aura, and there was no special reaction. After knowing this, the four also withdrew their aura. Looking at the seven people under the high platform coldly, they are ready to start the real selection and review.

Lin Hang couldn't help laughing in his heart. In the past few years, Lin Hang has seen quite a few cultivators in the fairyland. Naturally, he has been exposed to the aura of the cultivators countless times. It is naturally impossible to be shocked by this simple aura. It broke the defense directly, so after Lin Hang simply passed the test of the first level, he was righteous. He knew that the next review was the most important. Only after passing the review of this level, Lin Hang could It can be regarded as successfully breaking into the inland, and then to accomplish his almost and purpose.

After receiving the signals from the four cultivators who climbed the fairyland, Fen Juecheng came to the edge of the high platform, coughed lightly, and then said, "Everyone, first of all congratulations to you for standing out from among the many cultivators, and you are about to join in. Lu’s power! And now is the time for you to choose, so let’s start with you!"

Regarding the choice of Zijun, everyone present did not have any doubts or strangeness. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this Zijun was an elite disciple cultivated by "Ziweigong", and it might be possible to enter this West Pole Inland Sea. It’s just that I have some thoughts of experience. Now, Jin Danqi relies on his own strength to defeat many Jin Dan’s early casual cultivators. If he successfully returns, he must return to "Ziwei Palace", so Zijun chooses everyone. It was already understood at the beginning, and now everyone is curious about how the remaining six well-known casual cultivators will make their choice?

One of the four cultivators in the fairyland was dressed in purple. Between the lightly raised her right hand, she saw the figure of Zijun disappeared in the same place. The next moment she came to this woman, the same cold purple woman. Seeing Zi County, he showed a faint smile, nodded and said nothing, and then stopped making any movements.

After finishing the selection of Zijun, Jingzhi, who was in the middle stage of the golden core, held his big golden hammer in his hand and said crisply, "Disciple Jingzhi, I would like to join the human force!"

The monk of Dengxianjing who came from the human forces was a fat old man with a kind smile on his face, which easily caused a kind of cordial feeling. This old man was named fat old man and became famous very early. , But later slowly stopped practicing in seclusion, but began to take over the foreign affairs of the human forces, and he was considered a well-known old man.

The fat old man waved his hand with a smile, and then Jingzhi's figure appeared on the high platform. Unlike the previous visit to Zijun, Jingzhi's treatment was obviously more valued. Jingzhi could feel that the stage was more than just It was the fat old man alone. The four cultivators who had climbed into the fairyland sent out their divine consciousness together and launched an exploration against Jingzhi. This is also the method of exploration discussed by these forces. The four of them take action together, which is to cut off some people. The opportunity of means, and this process lasted for a while, because Lin Hang’s change of reality is different from the general disguise, but fundamentally changes the form, so at this time Jingzhi can be said to be Jingzhi himself, so No matter how the Four Great Climbing Fairyland cultivators explored, they couldn't find anything wrong. After the investigation, the four Great Climbing Fairyland cultivators also exchanged a vague look, and they didn't feel anything wrong with the other side.

Zifeng looked directly into the eyes of the treasure house, without any intention of avoiding it, and then solemnly replied, "Yes! Senior treasure house, all of our people in "Purple Cold Island" are already ready to make peace. The fragmented continents in the core area of ​​the Ziwei Emperor Star in your place have merged together! And we all understand all the problems you mentioned. If you want to get higher development and opportunities, you must pay More cost and hard work, we still understand this truth very well! And you also know that the end of the world is coming, if we keep staying in place, there will be no way out, and we will finally usher in The probability is still the extinction of the ethnic group, so in such a situation, we still have to find a way out. I believe that after following the treasure house to make you, the things we will face in the future must be more advanced and more dangerous than now. But relatively speaking, the things we can harvest will inevitably be more abundant, and we believe that under the leadership of you, the treasure trove, what we can get will definitely be more than what we have given!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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