I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 996

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:40 AM

Chapter 996: No accident

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Since Zi Feng has already expressed his position in this way, Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian are certainly not surprised. In their opinion, it is quite normal for Zi Feng to make such a decision. After all, Zi Feng is the whole Of course, the person with the highest cultivation level of "Purple Cold Island" and the owner of the island will consider all the people of the entire "Purple Cold Island". Under such circumstances, I now agree to the treasure house’s opinion and join the treasure house. The plan and thoughts of Linhang 1 and Yu Lingxian did not expect that Zifeng would have such a firm determination. Not only did he decide his own path and thoughts from the beginning. , Even in this half a month, they are all persuading the entire "Purple Cold Island" people. Now, after Zi Feng's unremitting efforts, he finally achieved himself in this half a month. According to the current audience, the high-level people of the entire "Purple Cold Island" should be in support of Zi Feng's opinion, and no one is opposed to it.

Lin Hang’s six avatars and an elite early-stage disciple of the "Purple Lightning Sect" are standing under the high platform, waiting for the beginning of the final choice, and Fen Juecheng also has three real-life Zidian true monarchs. People also waited on the high platform early. This time according to the news, the cultivation base of the people from the inland is definitely much higher than before. Maybe there will be cultivators who climbed the fairyland, so Fen Juecheng III People also show great importance. They were sent to this chaotic West Antarctica inland by their respective forces. They felt that they were not taken seriously. If they could seize the opportunity to get the appreciation of the monks who climbed into the fairyland during this time of work, then For them is the most important thing.

When these four figures came in front of Fen Juecheng and the others, the three of Fen Juecheng hurriedly saluted them. They were all powerful monks who passed through the catastrophe period, and they were naturally able to get in touch with many things. The cultivators of the fairyland naturally know a little bit, and the four people who appeared at the same time this time, according to their intelligence and all the news, are all the cultivators of the fairyland who are responsible for foreign affairs among the four major forces in the inland, and they are also here. The four well-known cultivators in the fairyland above the Ziwei Emperor star, so they directly attracted everyone’s attention when they first appeared. It seems that this time the rumors are not false. The four major inland forces are because of the last time. The impact of Lin Hang is indeed that the review of the final quota for this trial has become more stringent, but what everyone did not expect is that everyone guessed that there would be a cultivator in the fairyland, but did not expect Each of the four major forces sent a monk who climbed into the fairyland. This kind of handwork cannot be said to be too big, it can be said to be a bit too much.

However, Lin Hang was able to roughly analyze the reasons for this situation when he saw this. It is important to know that in the eyes of the people in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, these four forces have indeed gone a way. It's overwhelming, but Lin Hang understands that among the four major forces, apart from the most central Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion, the other human forces, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and the "Ziwei Palace", In fact, it maintains a delicate balance relationship, just like the last time the plan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance on the Earth and the Stars, the human forces came and jumped in at the last moment. It can be seen that their secret fights are still very big, and the three parties It is in another kind of balanced relationship. It does not mean that the last time Human forces and "Ziwei Palace" joined forces to deal with this alliance of ten thousand races, it can show that Human forces and this "Ziwei Palace" are on the same side. This is only a change caused by changes in the current situation. If the arrangements are made by human forces, Lin Hang believes that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and "Ziwei Palace" will definitely unite against the human forces. This has nothing to do with it, it is just a position. It's just that the three major forces need to maintain such a balance, and this has been their policy all along.

Therefore, this time, the reason why every force sent a monk who climbed into the fairyland to participate in such a'little matter', behind it all represented the game of these three forces, but the one from Ziwei Imperial City The cultivators of the City Lord’s Mansion have the simplest purpose of ascending to the fairyland. They just want to obtain some outstanding and talented casual cultivation resources to supplement their sparsely talented City Lord Mansion power. After all, in terms of region and talent generation, they are all It is far inferior to the three powers such as the human forces and the "Ziwei Palace", only because their city lord is a powerful innate **** on the purple star, and their policy has always been to maintain a fair and neutral attitude. They formed a buffer function between the three major forces and developed into what they are today. Therefore, even if the three major forces are fighting fiercely in other places, they will converge after reaching the most central Ziwei Imperial City. This is good news.

That’s right, in order not to arouse too much suspicion, Lin Hang’s six avatars this time only plan to split out two to join the human forces and "Ziwei Palace", and the other four avatars will join the most central Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion. The reason for this arrangement is that Lin Hang has had the previous experience and discovered some differences between the four powers. The human forces are not bad. As long as they are human, they will receive better treatment, but in " In a special force like "Ziweigong", they have to take every step very carefully. After all, the core of their power is the old tribe inherited by Emperor Ziwei, so xenophobia is understandable. As for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, Lin Hang didn't have the idea of ​​joining this time. After all, the last time Yingchuan joined "The Ethereal Tribe" can't be copied again. The Wan tribe who suddenly returned to the group is still too easy to be suspected, and this time the six chosen Among the avatars, no one is a casual cultivator of the Ten Thousand Clan, and the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance is the most exclusive force. Lin Hang has already dispelled the idea of ​​joining the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance.

At this moment, looking at the solemn and solemn expression of Zi Feng and the senior members of the "Purple Cold Island", the treasure trove laughed, and then said to Zi Feng and others, "Zi Feng, don’t be like this. Nervous! In fact, this matter is just an idea that came out of me after I got out of trouble. For some of the forms in the starry sky, I am definitely not better than you. Under such circumstances, you should actually have a sense of yourself. confident!"

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