Published at 1st of July 2024 05:54:37 AM

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: [12] Step into the Transcendent! (Please favorite and follow)_1

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Chapter 12: [12] Step into the Transcendent! (Please favorite and follow)_1

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[Universal Gene Fragment +1]


Pei Jinyes expression stiffened.

What the hell was the Universal Gene?

The next second, he learned the related information.

The Universal Gene could act as any Extraordinary Gene for fusion.

As soon as Pei Jinye finished reading the explanation, he was shocked.

He wished he could fuse it right away, but since he was still in the car, for safetys sake, he could only suppress the restlessness in his heart.

He looked back at the attribute panel.

[Extraordinary Genes]: Psychic Class Gene (2/3) (Genes available for fusion: Universal Gene Fragment X1)

It really can be fused

Pei Jinye took a deep breath.

He knew that some things depended on a single thought of his own.

Hold back

Twenty minutes later.

Pei Jinye hurriedly got out of the car.

Instead of going straight home, he turned towards a nearby park.

His gaze occasionally scanned the nearby cameras

After his reconnaissance was finished, he found a secluded place Although it was a bit gloomy, it was good that no one would disturb him and it was less likely to expose his trail.

After sitting down.

Pei Jinye pulled up the attribute panel again, staring intently at the word fuse.

A thought crossed his mind.

Instantly! The entire screen seemed to form a black hole!

Pei Jinye felt as if something in his head wanted to burst forth, and the next second his eyes bulged, blood vessels on his face swelled, quickly spreading to his torso, and an eerie power erupted from his cells as if burning.

Is this awakening????

No sooner had he spoken.

With a bang.

Pei Jinyes mind shook, and he lost consciousness.

At this moment, his entire Spiritual World was hit by a storm, countless golden rays piercing through the void, converging to form a golden spear.

Time passed, unnoticed.

The golden spear soared into the sky and hung suspended.

However, the horizon suddenly turned red, devouring the golden spear, transforming it into a blood-red long spear that emitted endless malevolence.

Pei Jinye slowly opened his eyes.

Did I succeed in awakening?

He felt clearer than he had ever been, his thoughts quicker, as if his entire being had become much lighter.

He hastily pulled up the attribute panel.

[Name]: Pei Jinye;

[Extraordinary Genes]: PsychicSpear (1/3) (Fusion Genes: 0);

[Extraordinary Abilities]: Blood Spear;

[Vitality Value]: 4.9;

[Stamina]: 1.1-9.9 (average value for ordinary people is 1)

[Skill]: Basic Breathing Method (Minor Achievement 6%); Blood Guiding Art LV1 (Beginner 56.01%);

His gaze fell on the [Extraordinary Genes] section, and Pei Jinye exhaled deeply.

I have finally succeeded!

But seeing the [1/3] marks, Pei Jinyes heart skipped a beatcould it mean that he could continue to synthesize even higher levels?

He glanced over the other values.

They had all changed drastically.

His Vitality Value had doubled!

The limit of his physical strength had nearly quintupled!

And Pei Jinye felt distinctly that his body was entirely different from before the awakening, as if a thirty-milliliter cup had suddenly increased to five hundred millilitersor perhaps even more!

The subsequent practice would give him a clearer understanding.

Blood Spear how is this used?

Pei Jinye had a puzzled expression, momentarily unsure how to use his own Extraordinary Ability.

No wonder Fang Hai, right after awakening, immediately arranged for professionals to provide guidance

Focusing his mind and calming his spirit, Pei Jinye carefully sensed the information coming from the [Blood Spear] It was an attack-type supernatural power that combined spiritual power with blood energy.

In other words, to activate the Blood Spear, one needed to consume ones own blood energy. Fortunately, he was now able to continuously enhance it through Drawing Blood Art.

Pei Jinye reached out towards the tree in front of him, attempting to activate his skill.

Blood Spear!

Employing the Breathing Method from the Drawing Blood Art, upon activation, his Vitality drew forth a shadow of a spear.


The void trembled.

In front of him, a bloody spear formed and shot forward, slamming into the tree that was thick enough to be embraced by five men combined.

But the next moment, Pei Jinyes complexion subtly changed.

He quickly ceased his action.

His face visibly lost its healthy flush, turning pale.

Damn, this move really drains the blood!

He hurriedly pulled up his attribute panel.

In the Vitality Value column, the original figure of 4.9 had dropped to a mere 0.7. If it werent for his timely retreat, he might have killed himself in one go!

Pei Jinye couldnt help but contemplate.

If I could obtain the related cultivation techniques

Its a pity that I know nothing about Transcendents, whom should I ask?

It was past eleven at night.

There were barely any people on the streets, while far away, the downtown skyscraper was still projecting striking virtual celebrity advertisements.

Pei Jinye, eager to get home early, took a shortcut, but unexpectedly encountered a drunkard blocking the narrow alley entrance this time.

Kid, give me your money! Listen, I dont want to hurt you, just hand over your cash! the drunkard, clutching a dagger, threatened menacingly.

Pei Jinye raised his hands, resigned, Im a student, I really dont have any money.

I dont believe you! Hand it over he swiped the air with his dagger a few times, growling fiercely.

Pei Jinye raised his hands, glancing around to see if there were any surveillance devices.

Before he could say another word,

suddenly, an electronic voice came from the camera behind him: [Federation Fourth-class Citizen Zhao Dahai, you are engaged in a criminal act. Please put down your weapon, lay on the ground, and await processing.]

Get lost, smart brain! Get lost, Federation! Youre the reason I lost my job, you big idiot. Why? Why should artificial intelligence control our fates, why

The drunkard shouted hysterically, waving his knife around.

Pei Jinye tried to retreat and escape, but unexpectedly, the drunkard suddenly lunged at him.

Pei Jinyes expression turned cold, and he punched at the mans wrist, but the tip of the dagger approached his arm quickly and was about to cut down when, in the next second, a large hand reached out and grabbed it.


His vision blurred for a moment, and the drunkard, along with his knife, flew out.

Pei Jinye was stunned.

He instinctively turned back to look.

A tall man with a mechanical mask, holding a gun, stood beside Pei Jinye, scanning him with a device on his wrist.

[Pei Jinye, Federation Third-class Citizen, identity: student, no criminal behavior]

Night patroller! The identity of the man came to Pei Jinyes mind.

They were the public officers responsible for night patrols and protecting the citys safety. It was said that these people never showed their real faces and practiced combat techniques!

Before Pei Jinye could react, the drunkard was already taken into custody and shoved into a police car.

Want a free ride? A deep voice suddenly came from the alley entrance.

Pei Jinye looked over without revealing his emotions.

Five minutes later.

Pei Jinye rode back to his residence in a hovering police car, everything he had just experienced felt like a dream.

That was absolutely ridiculous, a new level of absurdity!

He took out his keys and opened the door; the room was pitch-dark.

He quietly entered, changed his shoes, and hadnt expected the light by the sofa to come on, with Father Pei rising and asking softly, Is that you, Jinye?

Pei Jinye gently closed the door: Practice took a bit longer, dad, havent you slept yet?

Father Pei whispered, I told your mother to go to bed first. You should hurry up and rest too after washing up.

After speaking, he got up from the sofa, using his phones light to show Pei Jinye the way. Seeing him yawning repeatedly, Pei Jinye swallowed back the words he had meant to say.

After all, he had already succeeded, and there was no hurry at this moment.

The wellbeing of his parents was more important than any awakening, even if it was a busy day for the elders.

Pei Jinye quietly came in, finished a simple wash, and returned to his small cubicle, slowly lying down. There was no more noise outside, and the small cramped dwelling quickly fell silent

Pei Jinye lay in his simple bed, with the dim moonlight from outside the window softly illuminating the left side of his face.

He wasnt sleeping.

Instead, he was thinking about what to do after awakening.

A cash reward of one hundred thousand! And a house!

He didnt want to be as well-known as Fang Hai. If he could keep these matters low-key, that would be better.

But who to ask

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