Published at 1st of July 2024 05:54:34 AM

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Peeling_1

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Chapter 16: Peeling_1

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The great iron steed charged forward like a fierce beast swiftly weaving through the city in the dead of night.

Ice Sisters ears once again heard the alarmed shout of Watermelon Head, Its not good, boss! They must be carrying some device. Its affected the surveillance equipment on the light rail It exploded!

Ice Sister didnt make a sound, her throttle was already pushed to the max.

Lan Fengs Dream Realm.

This was the first time Pei Jinye had summoned the Blood Spear in the form of a Spiritual Body, and the scene was far more shocking than in reality!

With a boom!

Lan Fengs Spiritual Body seemed to explode, yet eerily, it did not disperse, simply maintaining its disintegrated state.

And the Blood Spear hovered in mid-air, numerous blood strands connecting to the pieces of his Spiritual Body

No! More accurately, it was Devouring!

Lan Feng yelled in horror, How is this possible! Who the hell are you!

He felt his Spiritual Body shrinking bit by bit, frantically trying to control it to restore itself.

The Spiritual Body concerns his soul; if the Spiritual Body collapses, then to the outside world, he would become an empty shell without a soul!

Lan Feng found he couldnt control his own Spiritual Body at all, the others methods were more domineering than his!

This was clearly his dream realm!

Yet now, he felt as if the other person was the true master of this dream!

As a matter of fact, Pei Jinye was also surprised.

Right as the Blood Spear materialized, the dream realm created with spiritual power seemed as if it was about to shatter.

He simply could not have imagined his Extraordinary Ability could be so terrifyingdid that not mean he would be invincible in dreams hereafter?

Lan Fengs face was etched with terror.

What kind of monster was the guy before him!

How could there be such a horrifying Ability in this world!

Didnt the intel say he was just an ordinary person? This is what you call ordinary!!!

In the blink of an eye, a third of his Spiritual Body had dissipated.

Lan Feng turned around frantically, trying to return to reality.

However, in the next moment, Pei Jinye suddenly reached out and grabbed the Blood Spear, and the next second, a blood-red light burst forth that nobody expected, piercing through Lan Fengs entire dream realm!


Lan Feng screamed in terror.

The last bit of his Spiritual Body was completely Devoured.

A world engulfed in darkness.

Pei Jinye, gripping the Blood Spear, had a look of amazement on his face.

Because at the moment he grabbed the Blood Spear, a deluge of memories from Lan Feng surged into his mind.

Sis, where are you?

The three-year-old boy stood amidst a river of blood and a pile of corpses, crying out loud.

That was the year he and his sister were separated.

Not long after, he was sent to an orphanage.

At the age of nine.

He was taken away from his hometown and met a strange woman.

From today on, you call me sister.

If he refused, he would face the whip.

After that, he watched helplessly as his sister constantly changed partners.

By the age of twelve.

He participated in a training camp, exercised daily, and lived a life of asceticism.

At thirteen.

He killed someone for the first time, saw the blood all over the floor, his body trembled, and it was his sister who covered up the truth for him.

At seventeen.

He came into contact with an organization named the Old Gods Association and met a master wearing a mask with no face, whom he greatly respected.

Child, do you wish to listen to the instructions of the gods?

Afterward, he heeded the divine oracle and joined the Old Gods Association.

All for the dawn!

At nineteen.

He successfully awakened.

The Old Gods Association sent him training Techniques.

Two months later, he received a mission to collect Jiang Nanhans Extraordinary-Human Genes.

However, during the task briefing with the organization, he discovered someone had eavesdropped on the conversation.

Find him as soon as possible and deal with him!

On October 18th, just yesterday, he lost track of one target and turned to visit another targets home.

Please, dont kill me I beg you, I know nothing Li Juns plea was heartbreaking, but still, Lan Feng personally ended his life.

He skillfully staged the scene to look like an accidental fall from a building, then quietly left, avoiding the surveillance cameras.

Pei Jinye gradually came back to his senses from within Lan Fengs memories and opened his eyes to see a familiar face.

Ice Sister?

He was startled.

Just as he tried to get up, he realized his body was aching all over. He sharply inhaled a breath of cold air and lay back down.

Only then did he realize he was lying in a partially sealed nutrient pod.

Where am I?

Right, what about Lan Feng?

Pei Jinyes expression stiffened.

After devouring the other mans spiritual body and all his memories, he too had immediately lost all sensation.

Ice Sister calmly stated, Youre in my safe house, very safe.

Pei Jinye paused, What about him?

Hes dead.

Ice Sisters succinct words left Pei Jinye startled.

The screen in front of them suddenly displayed the face of a young girl. Watermelon Head waved cheerfully at them, Boss, can you see me?

Ice Sister said nothing.

Pei Jinye couldnt help but look over.

Watermelon Head leaned in close to the screen, seemingly trying to discern something, Boss, is this the person youre trying to save? He looks so young

Pei Jinye looked towards Ice Sister.

Ice Sister stretched out her hand and turned off the screen, her expression calm, Dont mind her.

After speaking.

A line of text appeared on the screen of Pei Jinyes nutrient pod: [Boss, youre burning your bridges. Ive gone to great lengths to help you guys avoid that guys tracking, and you just toss me away after using me, boo hoo.]

Pei Jinye slightly raised an eyebrow and looked towards Ice Sister, Tracking?

The screen displayed another line of text: [Its the citys security system [Punishment Heaven] which is also a subsystem of Star Ring. You did something on the monorail with that guy, causing the monitors to malfunction, which drew official attention. Before he arrived, the boss saved you. To prevent Punishment Heaven from detecting your whereabouts, I designed an escape route]

Thank you, Pei Jinye said softly.

The screen showed a character-emoji smiley face.

At that moment, Ice Sister asked, What happened?

Pei Jinye exhaled deeply, Its a long story That day, after my training, I accidentally heard his conversation with a member of the Old Gods Association. He used the Retrogression ability to find me, so he wanted to silence me.

An exclamation mark popped up on the screen: !!! The Old Gods Association, this guy is actually a member of the Old Gods Association!!!

Ice Sister ignored the exclamation marks on the screen and asked Pei Jinye, What did you hear?

Pei Jinye fell into contemplation, I didnt hear it very well at that time, it seemed like he wanted to deliberately come into contact with someone named Jiang Nan I cant remember her name, he seemed to refer to her as Miss Jiang.

The screen flashed with exclamation marks again: Jiang Nanhan!!! Its actually her. After the Old Gods Associations attempt to capture Fang Hai was exposed, they still dare to go after the Jiang familys daughter. Thats some serious gall!

Pei Jinye also saw the text on the screen and turned to look at Ice Sister.

Ice Sister, what should I do now? I heard that Lan Feng has a strong backing. If his family finds out it was because of me he died, they wont let me off the hook.

Ice Sister fell into thought, The key issue now is that theres no evidence he was linked to the Old Gods Association So if things get out, the Lan Family will definitely exert pressure Maybe youd like to join the Military Department?

Pei Jinye was taken aback.

The screen displayed text: [The boss has connections in the Northern Army. Youll be untouchable by the Lan Family there. Right now, all surveillance indicates he was tracking you, but theres no video of how he actually died Moreover, without concrete evidence of his murder, with the Lan Familys influence, they could easily frame you as a murderer and then lock you up in prison to die a cruel death.]

The screen displayed another message: [Friend, you need to make a decision quickly. By tomorrow at the latest, the Lan Family will notice something is wrong Lan Fengs Old Gods Association companion will too Itll be much harder for you to run away then.]

Pei Jinye fell silent Is there really no justice in this world?

Ice Sister unexpectedly looked at him.

A sentence flickered on the screen: It depends on your value. If you go to the Military Department, maybe in a few years youll catch the eye of some bigwig, lead a team back, and flatten the Lan Family, and no one would dare say no to you.

Pei Jinye sighed inwardly.

How are decent people supposed to live in this world!

Looking back on the memory.

Pei Jinye saw memories of Lan Feng being tracked by the Investigation Team after disguising himself.

Could this guy be on the verge of exposure?

Maybe just go with the flow

After mulling over for a while.

Perhaps I do know something.

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