Published at 1st of July 2024 05:54:33 AM

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: 18Pretending I replaced the wanted criminal?_1

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Chapter 18: 18Pretending I replaced the wanted criminal?_1

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It was past two in the morning when Pei Jinye left Ice Sisters safe house.

He had mostly recovered his vitality and physical strength.

The two-hundred-thousand-dollar healing pod let Pei Jinye experience firsthand what they call the power of wealthit was a hundred times more effective than the medicinal soup from the Bronze Association!

Pei Jinye donned a hat and, using the methods he remembered, disguised himself.

Watermelon Heads voice came through his ears, Can you hear me?

I can.

Good, now walk twenty meters to your left and stand in the shadow. Four seconds later, a Night patroller will pass by

Pei Jinye fell silent and decisively turned to walk to his left

Four seconds later, a Night patrollers police car whizzed by with flashing lights.

Wandering around the streets at this hour would only invite questions, something Pei Jinye, with his current agenda, did not want, especially not to be caught on surveillance.

At three oclock, theres a wall. Climb over it

Walk straight for twenty meters

At nine oclock, theres a blind spot for the surveillance

All clear here. But inside this building, theres an interference device. I cant determine the situation, nor can I contact you in time What are you going to do?

Pei Jinye, his face calm, replied, Ill contact you later.

He cut off the signal and then quietly climbed into Lan Fengs secret room.

Through memory, he quickly found the safe hidden behind the painting by Lan Feng.

With a beepclick,

The safe opened.

What met his eyes was a stack of crisp new banknotes, easily worth at least two hundred thousand.

Stacked atop the banknotes were a dozen or so gold bars, a few bottles of Blue Potion, and an old-fashioned cell phone.

Pei Jinyes face lit up with surprise.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The phone sitting on the banknotes suddenly began to vibrate.

The light from its screen instantly shattered the darkness.

The moment it lit up, something flashed through Pei Jinyes memory.

He silently squatted in front of the safe, eyeing the phone.

[This is an internal phone from the Old Gods Association.]

Narrowing his eyes, a dangerous gleam flickered within them.

A bold idea emerged.

He answered the call.

No one spoke from the other side; they were being cautious.

Pei Jinye lowered his voice and uttered their secret code, The abyss never falls.

The other partys vigilance finally eased, and they snapped, What the hell are you doing? Why doesnt anyone answer when I call that phone? Is the person taken care of?

Pei Jinye caressed the gold bar in his hand, Theres been a slight complication.

What happened? Did the Jiang family discover you?

No, I cant explain it clearly

Then lets meet and talk, Im already here.

Pei Jinye tensed up internally.

They arrived so quickly!

The plan to notify Ice Sister and catch them all in one fell swoop fell through on the spot.

He hastily returned the gold bar to its place, tidied everything up, and picked up a spare silver mask that Lan Feng often used from the bedside drawer.

Five minutes later.

In the living room.

A mysterious person wearing a silver mask looked bewildered, even through the mask.

Whats with this ghostly get-up?

The Lan Feng in front of them had undergone quite a change in physique. If they hadnt uttered the secret code of their group, he might have even mistaken their comrade for an imposter.

In barely ten seconds, Pei Jinye had thought of the best solution for the current moment.

In the Old Gods Association, members showed themselves with masks, so no one knew each others identities.

Youre asking me?

The silver mask scratched their hair, Give me a moment, my heads a mess right now Sorry about this, Ive never dealt with something like this before So what are you going to do? Do you have a way to recover on your own?

Pei Jinye remained silent.

The silver mask opened and closed their mouth, Why did this happen? What exactly happened at the time? Damn, my head hurts, why do I have to think about such complex issues So what exactly happened?

Pei Jinye answered woodenly, Im not sure. I was hypnotizing the kid, questioning whether the message had leaked when I triggered some medium midway through. I cant explain it; its somewhat similar to the unique abilities of a Cursed Object Anyway, when I woke up, I was like this

According to Lan Fengs memories, in this world, there existed all kinds of Cursed Objects contaminated with misfortune, those who touched them might at the very least be unlucky or at worst die.

The higher the level of the Cursed Object, the wider the range of its influence.

If Lan Feng hadnt really come into contact with one, Pei Jinye would not have dared to mention it recklessly.

Cursed Object? The man in the silver mask exclaimed, startled, and hastily took a step back, Then, have you felt unwell anywhere?

Pei Jinye shook his head, No.

The room fell silent for a moment before Pei Jinye looked up at the somewhat collapsing man in the mask, However, we might have to postpone the plan. Also, given my current situation, I havent figured out what to do about my sister yet What am I going to explain to her? What if she finds out about the Old Gods Association

The man in the silver mask twitched his mouth, Its beyond my capability. I need to consult Black Shark. If nothing unexpected happens, you may need to undergo a checkup

Pei Jinye nodded.

But he felt a tightness in his chest.

If theres a checkup I might not be exposed, right?

The man in the silver mask didnt avoid Pei Jinye and pressed something on his arm. Soon, an image was projected, showing Black Shark, a man in his early forties, looking placidly.

Whats the matter, contacting me at this time?

The man in the silver mask quickly gave a report.

The room sank into a moment of silence.

Black Shark frowned, Perhaps it triggered a curse. Cursed Objects possess undetectable abilities, there have been cases of soul swapping before. Thus, I will arrange for a doctor to give you an examination to confirm whether you have any ominous aura from the curse left on you. As for the mission Arrogance, you withdraw for now. Silver Art, youll take over Arrogances responsibilities for the time being. This matter is to be kept secret, only the three of us shall know.


Arrogance is Lan Fengs codename in the Old Gods Association.

Silver Art is the man wearing the silver mask in front of me, and is also Lan Fengs teammate for the time being.

The doctor is also a codename, a Transcendent who can detect ominous signs.

The projection ended.

The room fell silent.

Silver Art maintained a safe distance from Pei Jinye, looking at him hesitantly, somewhat wary.

Neither of them spoke.

One didnt want to talk, the other didnt dare to.

Ten minutes later.

Someone knocked on the door three times.

Silver Art hurried to open the door, and a middle-aged person walked in wearing a mask and a hat, with gloves on, and a small medical kit on his shoulder.

Where? he asked in a low voice.

Silver Art gestured towards the inside of the room.

The doctor nodded and immediately sprayed Silver Art with a special solution, as if giving him a preliminary cleanse.

Silver Art: ???

The doctor, expressionless, said, You had contact with him. Also, stay away from me.

Silver Art: Damn, I really want to curse!

Ignoring him, the doctor looked down at his equipment to confirm there was no magnetic field reaction before entering.

He met Pei Jinyes gaze as he did so.

The doctor quickly sprayed a special liquid around the room.

Then he looked down at his device.

It gave a faint twitch.

Silver Art leaned in, How is it, any trace of the curse left?

There is, but its very faint now. Its probably because the ability has been activated, so its dispersed, the doctor said gravely.

Silver Arts heart skipped a beat, and he quickly kept his distance from Pei Jinye.

This guy really has come into contact with a curse.

Pei Jinye also had his doubts.

Could there really be a curse?

From behind, Silver Art whispered, Doctor, what do we do now?

Be quiet.

The doctor pulled out a white spider from his pocket, placing it near Pei Jinye, and softly said, Dont be nervous, this is a Curse-Eating Spider. Its fortunate that the ominous aura youve contracted is quite weak, it can handle it. If it had been earlier, Im afraid I could do nothing.

Yet Silver Art was anxious, Am I in trouble then? Ive had contact with Arrogance a few times, I dont want to die.

The doctor, annoyed, replied, You wont die.

Why wont I die? Silver Art didnt believe it.

The doctor became furious.

This annoying guy.

He simply ignored him altogether.

Looking up, he turned back to Pei Jinye, Perhaps do you remember what the Cursed Object looked like?

(Note: Silver Arts mask can change body shape)

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