Published at 1st of July 2024 05:54:32 AM

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: [19] Verification successful

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Chapter 19: [19] Verification successful

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The doctor had left, and Silver Art was the only one remaining with Pei Jinye in the room.


Hmm? Pei Jinye looked up.

Standing in the corners shadow, Silver Art hesitated before saying, Theres nothing urgent lately, so I might not visit you for now Ill come back after the doctor completes your check-up in a few days.

Pei Jinye glanced at his hesitance, feeling intrigued, Are you that afraid of the curse?

Silver Art weakly replied, Not afraid Its just that youre lucky. My last teammate turned into a monster because of a curse and ended up being personally killed by Black Shark.

Pei Jinye:

What should I do next? I cant stay like this forever, right?

Pei Jinye decisively passed the problem back to him.

Silver Art paused for a moment, his mouth twitching several times before he squeezed out a response, I dont know either, lets give Mr. Black Shark some time, he has a smart head

Pei Jinye suddenly felt that this member of the Old Gods Association wasnt quite bright.

Pei Jinye said with a cold face, Be careful when you contact me in the future. I cant use my public identity anymore.

Silver Art was stunned, Then how should I contact you?

Stupid, mobile messaging.

Oh oh Silver Art nodded as though he had just realized, and before he left, he said in a deep voice, Take care!

Underneath his mask, Pei Jinye tugged the corner of his mouth but also heaved a sigh of relief.

That hurdle was now behind him, luckily everyone was unaware of each others true identities.

After the man had left.

Pei Jinye turned around and cleared out the contents of the safe.

Im not afraid of being exposed Whats wrong with moving my own little gold stash?

Ten minutes later.

On the street.

What did you just do?

Pei Jinye had just put on his headset again and walked out of Lan Fengs secret hideout when Watermelon Heads voice immediately came through the earpiece.

Took a bit of money, Ill share some with you.

Watermelon Head was shocked, Big brother, youre so bold Arent you afraid of running into someone from the Lan family

Pei Jinye had no intention to explain, Do you want the money or not?

Whether it was for this operation or the awakening rewards, Ms. Watermelon had put in quite some effort, and Pei Jinye was not stingy.

Besides, now he was involved with the Old Gods Association presumably, he could exploit this in the future.

I do!

Watermelon Head gave him the location.

Twenty minutes later, Pei Jinye appeared in a repair shop.

Little Watermelon looked at Pei Jinye with a shy expression, as if she were meeting an online friend in real life.

Youre so small.

Pei Jinye looked down expressionlessly at this petite figure who barely reached his chest and said as he opened his backpack, Take as much as you want.

Little Watermelon was startled by the amount of money and marveled, Did you clean out the vault? I was just joking, but youre really giving it to me? So, can I really take it?

Pei Jinye didnt seem to mind at all.

Little Watermelon eyed him seriously and then chuckled lightly, Youre quite interesting.

She took a bill, Consider this treating your sister to a meal.


Pei Jinye looked at this short girl He didnt bother to argue and picked up the bag to leave.

Where are you going?

Going home.

Arent you afraid the Lan family will cause you trouble?

Pei Jinye had already tossed the Lan familys problem over to the Old Gods Association, and from their recent interaction, they didnt seem to plan on abandoning him; he expected they would help think of a solution.


Pei Jinye asked in a low voice, What do you plan to do with Lan Fengs body?

Little Watermelon shook her head, The boss didnt say, probably return it to the Lan family, out of respect for the dead.

Pei Jinye fell silent for a moment, When Lan Feng was following me, he was in disguise. Do you think anyone could identify him through surveillance footage?

Little Watermelon was taken aback, Hes very cunning, the surveillance cant make out his face

Pei Jinye continued, So who can prove that Lan Feng is dead?

That Little Watermelon paused, realizing the logic, and after mulling it over, she looked at Pei Jinye incredulously, Are you suggesting we make Lan Feng disappear? Cover up the truth? But what about Lan Hua

A criminal colluding with the Old Gods Association, I dont believe she would dare to search openly, Pei Jinye said indifferently.

Little Watermelon Head was silent for a long time.

Is your actual age really only 17? Youre not some old monster thats falsified their age, are you?

Inside the secret compartment of the Red Rose Bar.

Black Shark looked at the doctor, How is it? Can you confirm its Arrogance himself?

The doctor hesitated for a moment but still nodded, The psychic imprint confirms its him, should we report to headquarters now

Do you think theres a risk of falsification with the psychic imprint? Black Shark asked in return.

The doctor shook his head, Thats unlikely, but

But what? Is there something wrong? Black Sharks expression became much more serious.

The doctor shook his head and said, No, no, no, its just that based on his description, I cant think what the cursed object could be.

Upon hearing this, Black Shark said indifferently, Changes in the physical body are not entirely unprecedented. I only trust the data. Since its confirmed that he is Arrogance, thats all that matters. If there is nothing else, then this meeting is concluded.

The doctor quickly said, Mr. Black Shark, I have a request If we could use him as a test subject, perhaps I could discover something.

Black Shark decisively rejected the proposal, Arrogance is not to be touched! Thats an order!

The doctor had no choice but to give up, his face full of regret, ..Yes!

After he left, Black Shark rubbed his temples, deep in thought.

After a moment, he relaxed his brows.

Theres a problem with Arrogances body The plan of the Jiang family might need to be changed.

Luckily, we got the Fang Familys specimen in hand. Otherwise, if the punishment came down from above

The first rays of morning sunlight bathed the earth, reviving all things.

It seemed as if no one knew what had happened last night.

As time passed, the bustle of morning chatter began to rise from the breakfast stalls on the streets.

Pei Jinye, as if nothing had happened, went for an early morning run and then received a call from the Education Department to schedule a time to handle the property transfer procedures.

Pei Jinye called Father Pei right away.

The elderly seemed to be busy, his tone was very rushed and he hung up after a few words.

Pei Jinye decided to proceed with the handling first.

The Watermelon Head girl came out of another room, smiling, Congratulations.

Pei Jinye was surprised, You know already?

The Watermelon Head girl pointed at her head, and Pei Jinye realized, what news could possibly escape this human-shaped computer.

Lets go, Ill drive you there.

The Watermelon Head girl searched through a drawer, finally found the car keys, and gestured with her hand.

You can drive?

Joke, Im an old driver by now, okay. Wait a minute, what tone are you using, you little brat? Daring to doubt Miss Me!!!

The Watermelon Head girl was furious.

Pei Jinye picked up his bag, smiling, I thought you were very young, thumbs up for your natural beauty.

At this, the Watermelon Head girls expression cleared slightly, she hummed and hawed a bit, a little proud of herself.

Pei Jinye saw the drivers license on the table

Name: Zhao Xiaoxi.

Age .

Then he looked at the Watermelon Head across from him.

With a snap, Zhao Xiaoxi quickly snatched the license back, as if fearing someone would see her ID photo.

Pei Jinye:

Returning to the Education Department, it was still the same receptionist as before. Zhao Xiaoxi didnt waste words, just threw out the ID, and the receptionists face changed, hurrying to stand up.

It seemed Zhao Xiaoxi had quite a background.

Pei Jinye looked on, astonished.

Zhao Xiaoxi gave him a confident, boisterous look.

In less than ten minutes, the transfer procedures were all completed; the house chosen was in the city center it was more than twice as expensive as the house Pei Jinyes family used to live in.

Pei Jinye looked at the small booklet in his hand, filled with an indescribable nostalgia and sentiment.

Leaving the hall, he still felt as if he was dreaming.

Sister Xi, does your team still need a mascot?

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