Published at 1st of July 2024 05:54:39 AM

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: 8 New Attribute Light Group+1_1

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Chapter 8: 8 New Attribute Light Group+1_1

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Ill demonstrate the Drawing Blood Art to you first.

Li Xiaoyin sat cross-legged opposite Pei Jinye, her body straightening up, the curves in front of her chest quite striking.

The key to the Drawing Blood Art lies in feeling your own Blood energy and guiding it. When the time comes, you need to empty yourself, breathe naturally, and if you can enter concentration, that would be even better

Pei Jinye listened carefully.

He had an Attribute Light Group to pick up, so he didnt have to worry about awakening, but rather how to become stronger.

After all, Transcendents also have varying degrees of strength!

And he was now only slightly stronger than the average person, which was not enough!

Soon, with Li Xiaoyins instruction, Pei Jinye began to practice the Drawing Blood Art, and during the process, Li Xiaoyin corrected him several times.

After more than an hour, Pei Jinye finally remembered all the key points.

It was also the first time the two of them were so close, and Pei Jinye realized that Li Xiaoyin was even more robust than him.

Any questions? Li Xiaoyin did not notice Pei Jinyes gaze and looked up to ask.

Pei Jinye pondered for a while before asking, Senior Sister, I have a doubt. When practicing Breathing Methods, one can enter concentration. If one were to also enter concentration while practicing the Drawing Blood Art, what impact would it have?

Entering concentration Li Xiaoyin did not immediately say how difficult it was to enter concentration but thought for a moment and said, I practiced the Drawing Blood Art after my awakening, so Im not clear about the effects before the awakening. All I know is that now, if I enter concentration while practicing, the amplification speed becomes much faster.

Pei Jinye was taken aback, Senior Sister, are you a Transcendent?

Li Xiaoyin nodded casually, There are quite a few Transcendents in the Bronze Association, but they rarely show themselves.

Pei Jinyes heart skipped a beat.

It seemed he had underestimated this Bronze Association.

But what he didnt understand was why Transcendents would stay in the Bronze Association.

Did Teacher Chang possess some sort of ultimate technique?

Senior Sister, I have one last question. How high does the Vitality Value need to be to have a chance of touching upon the Transcendent?

Li Xiaoyin looked at him, pondering before saying, Its not just about the Vitality. The most crucial aspect is ones personal genes. Of course, theoretically, everyone can awaken Extraordinary-Human Genes. Under that prerequisite, Vitality Value should be at least 1.2 cards. Theres no scientific basis for this number; its just that there has been precedent among the people around me. But personally, it was when I broke 2 cards that I awakened my Extraordinary-Human Genes.

Pei Jinye was startled at her words.

One could touch upon the Transcendent with a 1.2 card Vitality Value?

He was already at 1.4 cards.

Aside from that one time he entered concentration, there was nothing amiss It seems the innate potential of this body is still a bit poor.

Without the Attribute Light Group, it would be hard for him to imagine his future.

However, thinking of Li Xiaoyin who only succeeded in awakening at 2 cards, Pei Jinye felt somewhat more at ease.

Afterward, he practiced the Drawing Blood Art on his own again. Unfortunately, he didnt enter concentration this time, but the effect was still quite apparent.

After practicing for a while, he decisively pulled out the attribute panel.

[Name]: Pei Jinye;

[Extraordinary Genes]: Psychic Class (1/3) (Fusion Genes: 0);

[Vitality Value]: 1.57;

[Stamina]: 1-2.01 (average value for a normal person is 1)

[Skills]: Basic Breathing Method (minor achievement 5%); Drawing Blood Art (Beginner 0.08%)

With one practice of the Drawing Blood Art, the average Vitality Value increased by 0.05 cards, and the physical strength limit increased by 0.01.

Even a mosquito is meat.

Elder Pei Jinye let out a long breath.

This Drawing Blood Art was indeed helpful for him.

After the practice session ended.

Pei Jinye stood up and headed to the cafeteria.

Li Xiaoyin left for other matters after finishing the instruction and agreed to guide him again the next morning.

On Pei Jinyes lone way to the cafeteria, his attention was quickly caught by a small white light group.

The ancestor has finally come!

On the bustling corridor, Pei Jinye approached calmly.

After his fingertip touched it, a burst of information flashed through.

[Skill Proficiency +50%]

Pei Jinye was pleasantly surprised, this one light group was worth several months of his hard practice!

Without a second thought, he directly applied it to the Drawing Blood Art.

The canteen had few students dining.

Pei Jinye glanced at the menu.

Since Li Xiaoyin had treated him the day before, he hadnt been aware. But today, seeing the prices on the menu he was stunned.

A plate of the scrambled eggs with rice from yesterday actually cost five hundred.

If one ordered a meat dish, the cost would easily exceed a thousand.

This was just too.

Noticing the middle-aged man looking over, Pei Jinye averted his gaze and calmly said, A bowl of Medicinal Soup.

Only the Medicinal Soup was free, limited to one bowl per day.

The middle-aged man paused, Would you like anything else?

Pei Jinye shook his head.

He literally had hardly any money on him, could he run up a tab.

Sitting in a corner.

Sipping the Medicinal Soup slowly, the soreness in his body kept receding, and he exhaled lightly.

But in the next second, a figure took a seat opposite him.

Friend, are you new here?

Pei Jinye looked up. The boy opposite him had a crew cut, a skinny frame, but dimples appeared when he smiled.

He just nodded in response.

The newcomer smiled and leaned in to whisper, Lets get acquainted, my name is Zhang He. I heard you got in here through the Crescent Moon Order too?

Pei Jinye, Pei Jinyes brow lifted slightly, You mean you as well?

Zhang Hes awkward smile softened a bit, and he nodded, Including you, we now have three people. The other guy is Li Jun, but he didnt come today.

Pei Jinye nodded, keeping his guard up internally, not knowing what this guy suddenly coming over wanted to do.

He took a glance and saw the other guy had also only ordered a bowl of Medicinal Soup.

Zhang He smiled politely and probed, I saw Senior Sister Li talking to you today, are you close?

Pei Jinye shook his head expressionlessly, Not close, Teacher Chang arranged for Senior Sister to guide my training.

Zhang He nodded, not revealing any intentions, and continued, Although Senior Sister Lis background is weak, she still belongs to the second tier. What are your plans for the future?

Pei Jinye shook his head, What plans can I have, just focus on passing the assessment first. Speaking of which, have you passed the assessment?

Zhang He seemed to be touchy on that subject, his smile gradually stiffening, Its next week.

Seeing his complexion worsen, Pei Jinye guessed what might be the matter. He silently finished his bowl of Medicinal Soup in one gulp, stood up and said, Well chat later.

Zhang He didnt leave, simply watching for a while, then withdrew his gaze, frowning, This guys broke too, huh. Shame, if he really had a good relationship with Senior Sister Li, maybe I could have tapped into some benefits Ill observe him for a couple more days.

Pei Jinye didnt take Zhang He to heart at all.

Perhaps because he had fused with a Psychic Class Fragment, when Zhang He was very close, he could distinctly sense a malice.

It wasnt murderous intent but rather a sense of harboring ulterior motives.

He didnt care what the other wanted to do; in any case, hed focus on raising his strength first.

Power Practice, training in Drawing Blood Art, and searching for Attribute Light Groups these were the only three things he did all day.

After limbering up, Pei Jinye began lifting stones for Power Practice at the martial arts field. In the meantime, Zhang He also came over, holding stones in his arms as if nothing was amiss, and asked.

Senior Sister Li didnt come?

Pei Jinye was resting with his eyes closed and replied offhandedly, Shes gone.

He continued lifting stones and combined it with practicing the Drawing Blood Art.

Clearly, upon hearing this, Zhang Hes movement paused.

Probably not believing Pei Jinye, he sat beside him for a while. Failing to see anyone arriving and watching Pei Jinye furiously Power Practicing, thus unsettling him, he eventually couldnt bear it and left on his own.

Pei Jinye, focused on his Power Practice, didnt notice when he had gone.

Not until he had fully absorbed the effects of the Medicinal Soup did he allow himself to stop.

With a bang, he put down the stone, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, scanned the empty hall once more, strolled aimlessly, and finally headed home.

Elder Chang saw Pei Jinyes lonely figure leaving again tonight, paused briefly, and took a draw from his smoking pipe.

Without saying anything, he turned away, leisurely disappearing into the night.

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