Published at 11th of October 2021 10:40:00 AM

Chapter 1057: 1057

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"Go back and practice well. I can feel that you seem to be getting stronger. It should be the help of the ancient master. Don't take it to heart and get rid of the relationship with him."

Unable to remind the God of fire again, Zhou Xuanji nodded.

Since the God of fire can't say that, he doesn't have to worry about the ancient statue.

Then, Zhou Xuanji turned and left and returned to the hall of stars.

when one has passed away.

He got the whereabouts of the ancient statue.

Gu Zun finds Gu juejiao and easily defeats Gu juejiao, resulting in Gu juejiao being seriously injured and closed. The West endless army in the South immediately retreats to defend the West endless.

It was Jiang Xue who reported the matter to Zhou Xuanji.

She now controls endless information from all parties. The word "ancient statue" is very important, so she had to come and tell Zhou Xuanji in person.

"Xuanji, is that man really an ancient statue?"

Jiang Xue asked anxiously, Gu juejiao was seriously injured. Will Zhou Xuanji be next?

After all, Zhou Xuanji and Gu Jue Jiao have the same status.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and laughed, then said the origin of the ancient statue.

Jiang Xue stared at her and said in amazement, "did you ask the ancient statue to deal with Gu Jue Jiao? Now the outside world has gone crazy and is saying that the ancient statue will rule the four directions again."

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "he really wants to, but he won't succeed. Let him alone. Before long, he will be punished by the real ancient road."

Next, Gu Zun is expected to deal with Qin Zun.

This is also good. It can delay Qin Zun's trouble with him.

"By the way, the endless war between Epiphyllum and Xiaoxuan in the south is coming to an end. Should we call them back?"

Jiang Xue changed the subject and asked how she didn't worry about her children going out to fight as a mother.

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile: "wait a minute. The next is their highlight period. After winning, we have to gather people's hearts. Now let them come back. Don't give the results to others in vain?"

After such a long war, the gods on all sides must have a group of loyal men.

If Zhou Tanhua comes back now, the soldiers who want to vote for him may be cut off.

After all, Zhou Epiphyllum is the son of Zhou Xuanji. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, they are very far away from Zhou Epiphyllum. Only by joining other gods can they be closer to Zhou Epiphyllum.

Jiang Xue thought about it and thought it was reasonable, so she stopped talking about it.

She didn't bother Zhou Xuanji any more. She turned and left and continued to monitor the endless information from all directions.

Zhou Xuanji sat on the throne, his eyes flashing.

He can see the situation of Zhou Tanhua.

They are connected by blood, and Zhou Xuanji is an eternal realm. They can easily look at the situation of Zhou Epiphyllum.

Not only Zhou Tanhua, but also Zhou Xiaoxuan and Zhou Tianyuan.

"This boy is really not what he used to be. He has my style."

Zhou Xuanji smiled with satisfaction. Although Zhou Tanhua looked as calm as before, his eyes were bright and full of courage.

At first glance, he already has the wind of endless strong men, rather than the boy who was obsessed with hard practice.

After watching for a while, Zhou Xuanji continued to practice.

Although he was calm, the outside world was turbulent.

The impact caused by the birth of the ancient Buddha is greater than the resurrection of the Supreme God.

Even in the sword emperor's divine court, everyone talked about it.

After Gu Zun defeated Gu juejiao, he wreaked havoc in the west, and soon revealed that Qin Zun challenged Gu Zun.

The two fought one day and one night. Finally, Qin Zun was badly hurt and lost. It is said that half of his soul was taken away.

Zhou Xuanji was not surprised to learn about it.

In his opinion, Qin Zun could not be stronger than Gu Zun.

Next, it's hard for Qin Zun to trouble him.

Decades later.

Zhou Tanhua came back.

He took two court dignitaries and dozens of God generals into the hall of stars with a dignified appearance.

Zhou Tanhua inherited Zhou Xuanji's handsome and temperament. Even when Zhou Xuanji looked at Zhou Tanhua now, he felt that the boy was really like him.

"Father, the South endless is basically under our control! Since the withdrawal of the West endless, the East endless can't stop us and begins to retreat one after another."

Zhou Tanhua half knelt down and said with a fist.

The tone is neither arrogant nor too humble.

Zhou Xuanji smiled with satisfaction and said, "well done. From now on, I will make you the king of sword God!"

Zhou Tanhua's cultivation realm is only one step away from the immortal realm.

In terms of real combat power, it has been able to compete with the immortal realm. Coupled with achievements, other gods have no reason to disagree.

"Thank you, father. I won't let you down."

Zhou Tanhua didn't push it off. He should come down directly.

When he went to the south this time, he saw too many tragic scenes.

As big as the endless universe, many creatures suffer.

He felt it necessary to save those suffering.

He finally understood why Zhou Xuanji had come to this point.

The law of the jungle has developed to the extreme in the endless universe.

"You will all obey the orders of the sword God King in the future. As for other rewards, I will send them to your house."

Zhou Xuanji opened his mouth and said with a smile. He was excited to hear Zhou Tanhua's men.

Although they are loyal to Zhou Epiphyllum, Zhou Xuanji is still their highest belief.

Looking at the whole Jiandi shenting, the same is true for all sentient beings.

The invincible sword emperor is the highest existence of beiendless.

"Thank you, your majesty!"

All the people in the hall said in unison that many of them saw Zhou Xuanji for the first time. Even if they were very restrained, they were excited.

Zhou Xuanji comforted a few more words, and then asked Zhou Tanhua to take people down to rest.

When he was the only one left in the hall, he touched his chin and smiled.

"Good, good. No matter where I go in the future, this boy can support me."

Zhou Xuanji murmured that it was too boring for him to stay in the hall of stars.

He still wants to go out.

The universe is so big that he hasn't finished walking.

There was also a mysterious area that attracted him.

same day.

Zhou Xuanji asked today to take the imperial edict of the sword emperor shenting and canonize Zhou Tanhua as the 13th God King and the famous sword God King!

As soon as the news came out, the sword emperor shenting caused a sensation.

This time, there was no doubt.

For hundreds of years, Zhou Tanhua's good news has been continuous. In the hearts of all living beings, he is already the first Tianjiao of beiendless, and his talent is not inferior to his father.

Even Zhou Tianyuan, the son of Zhou Tanhua, has attracted much attention.

The sword emperor's talent is amazing. His son is like this. No matter how bad his grandson is, he won't be any worse.

On the Star River ladder.

Zhou Xuanji and xianxianghua walked side by side.

The fairy wanted to spend her lips and said, "this boy is really powerful, but he is too low-key. If I were you, I would be in high spirits."

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "that's right. He's my son. Fortunately, he's not like you."

The fairy wanted to spend a look back at him.

Although she make complaints about her, she is full of pride.

My son is not bad!

She used to worry about whether Zhou Tanhua would have pressure when she grew up, because Zhou Xuanji was too rebellious.

Now it seems that she is worried too much.

Her son's talent is equally outrageous.

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