Published at 11th of October 2021 11:04:25 AM

Chapter 107: 107

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The sky dragon eagle is very fast.

Before Zhou Xuanji landed, ADA quickly passed by and Jiang Xue hugged Zhou Xuanji.


Zhou Xuanji gritted his teeth and shouted. Without his command, Zhao Congjian, Wang Jian, a DA and Xiao Er all flew towards the horizon.

On the earth, those shocked prisoners also woke up and fled in panic.

"It's this sword again! It's said that it was also this sword in Gu Xia City last time, accompanied by the roar of angry apes."

"Too strong, Zhou Jianshen is invincible!"

"Don't be stunned. Zhou Jianshen has run away!"

"Yes! Sigh again, we'll be caught again!"

"Wait for me!"

The prisoners screamed and fled with all their strength.

When he jumped over a mountain, Zhou Xuanji suddenly turned his head and looked.

Following his eyes, Qiu Baili and a group of monks of the sword clan were climbing the mountain.

Qiu Baili was also looking at him.

Four eyes are opposite.

Qiu Baili opened his mouth slightly. He smiled and didn't speak.

When you say nothing at all.

I will repay my kindness today.

Looking back, the past is over.

Both know that there will be no communication with each other.

Zhou Xuanji and Jiang Xue were on Ada's back and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Qiu Baili smiled and said, "no, No."

A disciple of the Tibetan sword sect asked curiously, "master, what's great? Is Zhou sword God?"

Qiu Baili shook his head and looked at the horizon.

"My sigh of that day may come true. You will be comparable to the Nine Emperors of kendo."

"No, maybe you will surpass them."


The marginal blocks of King City in South Korea were all turned into ruins, the city walls collapsed and the dust kept flying.

A famous magician climbed out of the ruins with a disheartened face. Almost everyone was injured. The vast majority of magicians have been broken to pieces and reincarnated in the yellow spring.


A huge stone was lifted, and the Xia Hou palace, covered with blood, slowly got up with seven blood.

His face was gloomy and he coughed up black blood.

The blood in his arms was dead and could not die again.

It's terrible to be hit by angry ape sword at close range.

Today's Zhou Xuanji is much stronger than before. He is ready for one day. When he was ready for three days.

Qiang Ruo Xia Hou Gong Ji was also seriously injured and felt burning pain in his internal organs.

"Zhou Jianshen..."

He said gnashing his teeth. These three words contained his endless anger.

The tragic death of tap seven blood made him don't know how to explain to tap Tianshen.

But he knows that he must cut off Zhou Jianshen's head, or he will kill him!

Not only is it stepping on seven blood, tens of thousands of demon practitioners don't save one because they are too close.

Zhou Jianshen, alone, almost destroyed his evil cult power.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are, and your eyes are congested.

He put down his blood and began to heal.

Zhou Jianshen is really weird. He dare not rush up so recklessly.

"It's so insidious! He deliberately lied to me and made me think he was the cultivation of the fifth floor of Inner Alchemy..."

Xiahou palace took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

The other side.

Zhou Xuanji and others flew thousands of miles and dared not slow down.

I'm afraid Xinhao religion will catch up again.

While healing Zhou Xuanji, Jiang Xue asked, "Xuanji, are you better?"

Zhou Xuanji reluctantly smiled and said, "OK."

The northern owl King's sword and the imperial sword came together and said excitedly, "this sword is even more powerful than the one in Dazhou two years ago!"

A sword breaks the city!

It's going to heaven!

Zhao Congjian was also very excited. His eyes to Zhou Xuanji were full of worship.

"Practice your sword well. You can do it one day."

Zhou Xuanji smiled at them. Although his smile was tired, it seemed that there was a layer of brilliance shining in Zhao Congjian's eyes.

The little black snake wrapped around the waiter's neck and said, "I admire his mouth."

The team moved on.

Even when night fell, they stopped.

Until the next morning.

They hid in a valley.

Surrounded by trees, even the top of the valley is covered by branches and leaves, which is difficult to be found.

After Zhou Xuanji landed on the ground, he directly began to exercise Kung Fu to heal his wounds.

This battle is fruitful. That sword can kill at least 10000 or 20000 demons.

In addition, he gained insight in the battle.

While gaining momentum, he uses another kind of sword technique, which greatly tests the control of spiritual power.

His dual-purpose talent has become stronger.

He took out a handful of aura elixir from the storage ring and threw it directly into his mouth. The entrance of the elixir melted into a warm current to treat his internal organs, muscles and bones.

"Master, shall we rest here, avoid the limelight for a period of time, and then go to jianhuang peak?"

Huang Lianxin asked in a low voice. This time they were dealing with Xinhao religion.

According to Zhou Xuanji, nine times out of ten stepping on seven blood is dead.

The grandson of the leader died miserably. It's a lot of trouble.

In the past, it was absolutely a disaster for them.

But now, following Zhou Xuanji, they didn't feel too much pressure.


Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes and said, "when I rest for two days, I will go directly to jianhuang peak!"

He has already released the news. The one-year period is coming. How can he not go?

Wouldn't that make people all over the world laugh at him!

Zhao Congjian fell from the top of the valley and went to Zhou Xuanji and others. He said, "I didn't see the figure of Xinhao cult demon cultivation. It seems that they have suffered heavy losses and are unable to pursue us."

With that, he looked at Zhou Xuanji with fanatical eyes.

Yesterday, when the murderous spirit broke out in the Xiahou palace, even if he was far away, he was shocked by it.

In the face of such a powerful terrorist, Zhou Xuanji could suppress it with one sword.

How domineering!

Han Shenbo sat on a stone and said sadly, "if you kill tap seven blood, you will completely offend Xinhao religion. Do you know how terrible Xinhao religion is?"

"No one can stop him unless he is sheltered by the emperor or the holy land."

The little black snake flew in, and the tail of the snake pumped him in the face and drove him away.

After landing, it disdained to say, "you know how to grow others' ambition!"

That's great!

Finally someone can be abused by it!

Zhou Xuanji said, "let's have a rest and start as soon as possible."

Everyone had no opinion and dispersed.


Between heaven and earth, there is a peak towering into the clouds.

In front of the river, on the left and right sides are mountains and forests, and behind is an endless plain.

From a distance, it looks like a huge sword inserted on the earth, with great momentum.

Jianhuang peak!

With jianhuang peak as the center, friars came from all directions.

Some trek on foot, some drive flying magic tools, and some ride horses.

It's all about the duel between Zhou Jianshen and the great Zhou jianhuang!

Although Zhou Jianshen just came to take away the disciple Jianjun, how can we be kind when the two masters meet?

On the hillside of jianhuang peak.

The princes and princesses of the Zhou Dynasty are drinking tea in the courtyard.

Prince Zhou Tianyu, Prince Zhou Chengxin and princess xuanya are among them.

"The one-year period is approaching. Why doesn't Zhou Jianshen come? Is he afraid?"

A prince drank and asked with a smile. They all planned to win over the strong from all sides with the help of this duel.

Princess xuanya, who was born with the body of Tao Yan, stared at him and said, "how can it be! Zhou Jianshen is fearless!"

The prince dared not refute, but smiled awkwardly.

Zhou Tianyu put down his glass and said with a smile, "after all, his opponent is the great Zhou jianhuang. He may have regretted it."

Princess xuanya stared at him because he was the prince, but she didn't fight back with words.

At this time, a royal soldier of the Zhou Dynasty came through the clouds and fell in front of the princes and princesses.

"Newspaper - seven days ago, Zhou Jianshen went to the King City of South Korea alone to kill seven blood, kill tens of thousands of demons and save the people of the whole city. Even general Meng was saved by him. He delayed his trip. It is estimated that he will arrive at jianhuang peak in half a month."

The imperial soldier of Zhou said in a deep voice, with an excited look on his face.

Zhou Jianshen's move was absolutely hot blood for the soldiers.

"What? How possible!"

Zhou Tianyu patted the table and got up with a look of horror on his face.

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