Published at 11th of October 2021 10:39:39 AM

Chapter 1071: 1071

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While walking on the desert, Zhou Xuanji absorbed the strange aura here.

Although for him who has achieved the eternal realm, these auras can not enhance his cultivation, they make him very novel.

He wants to know where these auras come from and where is the end of the desert?

All the way.

About an hour ahead.

He stopped suddenly.

A figure appeared ahead.

It was a Taoist wearing a green robe, meditating on a rocky hill.

Looking carefully, the Taoist's face is very strange, half black and half dark green. On his side, there are two beams of light. Looking at its shape, it is obviously a knife and a sword.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't see through him and was secretly curious.

Did you just come in and meet the eternal strong?

"What can I do for you, sir? If you don't want to make enemies, please take a detour."

The green robed Taoist said, with a cold voice.

Zhou Xuanji asked with a smile, "I'm new here. I'm curious about everything about the eternal God gate. I hope you can give me some advice."

Hearing the speech, the green robed Taoist suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes fell on Zhou Xuanji and asked, "did you just come in?"


"It seems that you are very strong. There are countless interfaces in the eternal God gate. The strength is different, and the interfaces are different. The creatures who come here also have a double eternal will. I have practiced here for 500 million years, and it's the first time I met someone who just entered the eternal God gate."

Taoist qingpao said meaningfully that he was interested in Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "is there all chance in the eternal God door?"

"Of course not. There are also opportunities to kill. Generally speaking, it is the holy land of opportunity."

"How to leave the gate of eternal God?"

"Difficult, but also by chance."

The answer of the green robed Taoist made Zhou Xuanji deep in thought.

Is it difficult to leave the eternal gate?

"Come in and try to become stronger. You always want to leave. Why do you want to enter? Don't you know that only those who must die can come in and fight for death?" the green robed Taoist looked at Zhou Xuanji and shook his head.

His tone was somewhat sarcastic.

I thought Zhou Xuanji was a character, but I didn't expect to leave as soon as I came in.


Hearing his meaning, Zhou Xuanji didn't care and continued to ask, "is the aura here the main opportunity?"

Although the aura of the eternal God gate can enhance the eternal will, it is too weak.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't imagine how long it would take him to break through the double eternal will.

"There are other opportunities naturally, but peace of mind cultivation is the safest and most effective. It is difficult and almost impossible for you to enhance your eternal will in the outside world." the green robed Taoist replied, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Obviously, his interest in Zhou Xuanji has disappeared.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and walked in another direction. He stopped chatting with the Taoist in green robes.

The Taoist in green robe probably has nothing to worry about outside.

It's meaningless to talk to such people for a long time.

For such a bitter friar, hundreds of millions of years is nothing at all.

But for people like Zhou Xuanji who have felt long for a hundred years, different ways do not conspire.

Zhou Xuanji quickened his pace and traveled thousands of miles in one step.

Although he can't fly, he can still speed up with eternal will when moving on land.

It's better to look for opportunities than to practice hard, otherwise it's meaningless to come here.

Zhou Xuanji began to search everywhere.

As he moved forward, he exuded his eternal will and swept all directions.

Three hours later.

He suddenly found a baby.

The baby was buried in the sand and only half of it was exposed.

Zhou Xuanji took it out. It was a golden short sword. The blade was palm wide, and the handle was wrapped with leaf like lines.

He began to observe carefully and put the eternal will into the golden dagger.


As soon as his eternal will exploded, a vast and boundless world appeared in front of him.

The boundless blue ocean appeared in his vision, with rough waves but no violent storms.

Zhou Xuanji was surprised because the sea water was all gathered by Reiki.

Reiki into the sea!

He checked again and again. After confirming that there was no problem, he directly began to absorb the spirit sea in the short sword.

It's not so much absorption as swallowing!

Endless aura and sea water poured into his eternal will, which began to strengthen his eternal will.

Sure enough!

This is the right way to open the door of eternal God!

Zhou Xuanji was very cautious and kept an eye in case someone outside attacked him.

He swallowed the spirit sea very fast.

Almost less than a incense burning time, he ended.

His eternal will has been greatly strengthened.

He opened his eyes, directly lost the golden dagger, and then continued to search for such a treasure.

There must be more than one!

It's just strange. Why didn't the green robed Taoist collect it?

Don't know, or has it been absorbed to the bottleneck?

Zhou Xuanji didn't think much.

He's sure to help himself anyway.


Years passed in a hurry.

There are more treasures containing Linghai than Zhou Xuanji imagined.

His eternal will nearly doubled in a few years.

Such progress can be described as a big breakthrough.

He was very excited and continued to search tirelessly.

This day.

Zhou Xuanji picked up another golden bell. As soon as he picked it up, residual shadows rushed from all directions and quickly surrounded him.

He looked up and found nine mysterious creatures in gold armor.

Under the golden armor, there are no creatures, as if they were ghosts.

One of the Jinjia creatures said in a deep voice, "bold! Dare to take your Majesty's treasure and come with us, otherwise you will be killed on the spot!"

Your Majesty's treasure?

Zhou Xuanji frowned.

He suddenly realized why the green robed Taoist didn't pick up these treasures.

There is already a master.

If you dare to dominate the world, the existence must be ridiculously strong.

At least the green robed Taoist dared not offend.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes twinkled and asked, "who is your majesty?"

"The highest sky!"

A golden creature whispered.

The sky!

Zhou Xuanji moved.

Isn't this the strongest Tianjiao in ancient and modern times with great emotion of the spirit of the founder?

It has been an eternal God since its birth.

The beginning is the end beyond the reach of all living beings!

Is such an existence still alive?

Zhou Xuanji felt bad.

If he goes to see the supreme sky, I'm afraid he will come to no good end.

But if he doesn't go, will the supreme sky deal with him personally?


Faced with their urging, Zhou Xuanji could only compromise temporarily.

He felt the breath of the nine golden armor creatures and analyzed the strength of the enemy and ourselves.

Very strong!


Are eternal gods such monsters?

No wonder Qin Zun expanded so much after he left. After seeing these monsters, the strong in the endless universe are farts.

Zhou Xuanji began to think about how to escape.

I don't know if I can break in.

He asked, "what punishment will I suffer?"

If he is executed, there is no need to take him to the supreme sky.

"Beat your legs for your majesty for 100000 years." a golden armor creature snorted coldly.

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