Published at 11th of October 2021 11:06:34 AM

Chapter 12: 12

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The crown prince, Zhou Xuanlong, has unparalleled talent. He began to cultivate at the age of six, built the foundation at the age of nine, and reached the inner alchemy realm in the year of weak crown.

Before the age of 50, he ranked first in the list of heroes of the great Zhou Dynasty. Later, his name disappeared from the list because his age exceeded the list limit.

Zhou Xuanji snorted coldly. One day, he will surpass Zhou Xuanlong!

He had never seen this elder brother, but the empress was so arrogant because of the existence of Zhou Xuanlong.

In his memory, the empress would mention Zhou Xuanlong once in ten words, for fear that others would not know that she had such a son of heaven's favorite.

"Oh, the little boy listens very carefully. Do you know what we're talking about? Do you want milk?"

A fat man with a bare upper body pointed to Zhou Xuanji and smiled. His face was oily, like a meat mountain. When he spoke, he shook seven liang of meat in front of his chest.

Zhou Xuanji twitched at the corners of his mouth and suddenly wanted to kill.

This fat pig deserves beating!

Xiao Jiang Xue stood in front of Zhou Xuanji, just like a little hen protecting her chicks.

Night seven niangs hummed coldly, "fierce tiger, he's mine. Don't make his mind."


This is clearly Bajie, okay?

Zhou Xuanji rolled his eyes and began to think about how to escape from Huang Feng's murderer.

First, he had to lower Huang Feng's vigilance against him.

A four-year-old face is the most deceptive.

He hasn't shown his strength yet.

Based on his understanding of Xiao Jiang Xue, Xiao Jiang Xue certainly didn't disclose his strength, otherwise they wouldn't be tied?

Huang Feng continued chatting.

Zhou Xuanji took Xiao Jiang Xue and sat down in front of a big stone nearby.

Little Jiang Xue looked at Zhou Xuanji, stared and asked Zhou Xuanji what to do.

Zhou Xuanji is a man with crisis consciousness. After all, he has died once.

In the past two years, every night, he will simulate the scene of danger with Xiao Jiang Xue. The two little children have a deep tacit understanding and countless secret signs.

Zhou Xuanji's two eyes leaned inward and made an expression to his eyes.

Well, it's also called fighting corns.

It means to wait and see what happens.

Xiao Jiang Xue blinked, which means good.

Night seven Niang looked at their little moves. Although she didn't turn her head, she was thinking.

"These two children have spiritual power in their bodies, and they are not accompanied by adults. I'm afraid their origin is not simple."

Night seven Niang thought in her heart that ginger was still old and spicy.

Although Zhou Xuanji has lived for two generations, he is not as old as ye Qiniang. Naturally, he can't calculate what ye Qiniang thinks.

Not only the night seven niangs, but also the sixteen murderers were curious about the origin of Zhou Xuanji, which was also the reason why Zhou Xuanji and his wife had not died.

The absolute strength gap made them not specially observe Zhou Xuanji and Xiao Jiang Xue.

With their chat, Zhou Xuanji finally knew the goal of their trip.

Sky dragon Eagle!

This is a demon eagle with real dragon blood. It is powerful and has been trained into a demon pill, which is equivalent to the inner alchemy realm in the realm of human cultivation. However, in the same realm, the strength of demon animals is often stronger, not to mention the sky dragon eagle with real dragon blood.

The dragon and eagle in the sky are mysterious and rare. They are covered with treasure and are invaluable.

Recently, the emergence of the sky dragon eagle on the edge of the Southern Han Dynasty has caused quite a stir. Many people want to get the sky dragon eagle, including the 17 fierce Huang Feng.

Zhou Xuanji thought to himself: "it seems that if you want to escape, you have to wait for them to round up the Dragon eagle in the sky."

But he was also worried. What if he was boiled into soup before that?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

After chatting for an hour, Huang Feng finally stopped chatting. Some began to sleep and some began to practice. There was silence on the cliff.

Zhou Xuanji lay in Xiao Jiang Xue's arms and pretended to sleep. He could feel Xiao Jiang Xue very nervous, stiff and trembling.

In her eyes, Huang Feng is more ferocious than monsters.

Previously, Huang Feng had said the method of torture, which made her face white.

Zhou Xuanji didn't comfort her. At the moment, he can't be too mature.

I was speechless all night.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunshine just crossed the end of the horizon, the yellow wind set off.

Night seven Niang took Zhou Xuanji as if she were raising a chick and threw him on the monster mount, followed by Xiao Jiang Xue.

Huang Feng's seventeen murders don't seem to be harmonious. Ye Qiniang is afraid that her companions will rob Zhou Xuanji and Xiao Jiang Xue.

She sat behind Xiao Jiang Xue, while Zhou Xuanji was in front of Xiao Jiang Xue.

Little Jiang Xue held Zhou Xuanji's waist in one hand and night seven Niang's thigh in the other, for fear that Zhou Xuanji would fall.

Zhou Xuanji noticed that Huang Feng's direction was the Jiandi slope where they lived before.

Did the roar that scared them away come from the Dragon eagle in the sky?

Zhou Xuanji was in a complicated mood.

Go around and go back?

Near noon, they finally came to the territory of the Dragon eagle in the sky.

In front is a mountain peak rising into the clouds. At the foot of the mountain is an endless forest. Many monks are scattered in the forest, some practicing under the tree, and some overlooking the peak from the branches.

Zhou Xuanji alone saw more than ten people, all attracted by the Dragon eagle in the sky.

The yellow wind fell into the woods.

Night seven Niang took Zhou Xuanji in her left hand and Jiang Xue in her right hand, and took them to a big tree.

She turned over and took out a red rope as thick as a baby's arm, and tied Zhou Xuanji and Xiao Jiang Xue to the tree trunk.

Bound by the red rope, Zhou Xuanji felt that the spiritual power in his body didn't listen to him.

Magic weapon!

Zhou Xuanji stared at Yeqi Niang with watery eyes and a pitiful face, trying to soften Yeqi Niang's heart.

"Sister, it hurts so much. Can you relax?"

He asked with a crying voice. As soon as Xiao Jiang Xue heard it, she showed an expression of crying.

Night seven Niang pinched Zhou Xuanji's small face and said with a charming smile: "don't cry, little brother, it will hurt more behind."

The red rope shrank suddenly and became tighter than before.

Zhou Xuanji: "

Night seven Niang checked, then turned and left, and returned to Huang Feng's 17 fierce team.

They jumped up to the top of the woods and looked at the peak.

"Roar -"

The roar of the Dragon eagle in the sky came from the clouds. It was deafening, like the sound of a dragon.

Zhou Xuanji was convinced that the voice that scared him away was the Dragon eagle in the sky.

Xiao Jiang Xue hooked Zhou Xuanji's palm with her little thumb and asked with her eyes what to do next.

Although she was afraid, she remained calm and did not make trouble for Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji showed her eye to eye code again.

Wait and see!

With the sharpness of the red dragon sword, it is absolutely not difficult to split the red rope.

Now we have to wait for Huang Feng to fight with the Dragon eagle in the sky, or they can't escape any fierce attack.

Time passed minute by minute.

The roar of the Dragon eagle in the sky became more and more frequent, and more than 30 monks appeared above the forest.

The monks are communicating in twos and threes.

"Is it laying eggs?"

"What a powerful Longwei, its muscles and muscles must be greatly replenished!"

"Be careful, the yellow wind is over there."

"What is Huang Feng's seventeen fierce? The most threatening person is him, Zhang Tianjian!"


Strive for further improvement. The two consecutive year is more frequent. Today, just twenty thousand words have been registered in the QQ free list. It is still not enough to start the website recommendation. Everyone is still awesome.

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