Published at 11th of October 2021 11:03:45 AM

Chapter 129: 129

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The old man who stole the cliff was moved, and his face became gloomy for a moment. He scolded: "that guy Lin Guanyu really followed you!"

Beibadao Shenglin Guanyu!

Daojue North wasteland is stronger than the sword emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty!

When Emperor Zhou Yan had not yet become famous and ascended the throne, he had already been on one side.

"Over... Over..."

Han Shenbo's legs trembled, terrified, and his eyes were full of despair.

His understanding of the northern wasteland is higher than that of Xiao Jinghong and others, and even what the four words "beibadao saint" mean.

A plop.

He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

Zhou Xuanji frowned. Is Lin Guanyu so terrible?


The little black snake rushed over and flew Han Shenbo out with a snake tail. He scolded and said, "shame! I haven't counselled yet!"

With that, he slipped into the little boy's wings and hid.

Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and Bei Xiao Wang Jian drew their swords directly and prepared for battle.

Under the intense gaze of the crowd, Lin Guanyu walked from the end of the horizon.

He was dressed in white and carried a black knife.

Even if they are far apart, people can feel the shocking and oppressive momentum.

Very strong!

Better than Zhou jianhuang!

Even invincible!

The old man who stole the cliff sighed behind Zhou Xuanji: "look, it's over. Emperor Zhou Yan is not necessarily his opponent. He not only transfers Lin Guanyu's hatred, but also the queen of Zhou. This skill is really wonderful."

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked, "if he is stronger than Emperor Zhou Yan, Emperor Zhou Yan will rise, why doesn't he rise?"


"Do you think Emperor Zhou Yan wants to fly?"

The old man who stole the cliff shook his head and said, "anyone who has been the emperor for a long time must be forced to soar, otherwise relying on Mahayana alone is not enough to soar."

"Although the emperor is powerful, once he rises, his status will plummet and become the lowest immortal."

"Many emperors and emperors will abdicate in time. However, facing the crisis of breaking the dynasty before the great Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Zhou Yan had to be in office all the time. Until today, even if he abdicated, he had to rise."

It turns out that Mahayana is not a flying realm.

It's just that Emperor Zhou Yandi is special.

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath, took out the Kaikong emperor sword and was ready.


The old man who stole the cliff slapped Zhou Xuanji on the back of his head and didn't have a good way: "smelly boy, how dare you fight him? I'm really tired of living!"

With that, he pulled Zhou Xuanji behind him.

He glared at the others and scolded, "get out of my way, don't get in the way!"

Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and others retreated one after another.

Lin Guanyu is extremely powerful. Now is not the time for them to show off their strength.

"Steal cliff old man, if you stop me, I'll cut you off."

Lin Guanyu's voice floated from afar. It sounded casual, as if it was easy to kill the old man who stole the cliff,

The old man who stole the cliff said with a smile: "your sister killed my daughter. Now she's dead. It's retribution. If you don't go to trouble Emperor Zhou Yan, you'll quarrel with a child in vain."

He looked back at Zhou Xuanji and others and whispered, "run! Run as far as you can!"

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked, "can you deal with him?"

"I couldn't save your mother. If I watched you die, your mother wouldn't let me go under the nine springs."

The old man who stole the cliff smiled, and his smile was still flat.

"Go away, don't drag me down!"

Hearing the speech, Zhou Xuanji gave him a deep look, and then left quickly with the people.

Lin Guanyu's voice followed: "in that case, I'll cut off your head first."

The old man who stole the cliff straightened his back and said proudly, "I have been kind to anyone all my life. I don't compete with others or the world, but today, I will show my edge!"

Zhou Xuanji and others flew forward and listened to the words of the old man who stole the cliff. They couldn't help but admire him.

North owl Wang Jian sighed: "it seems that the master's master is hidden."

"That's nature. The old man stealing cliff is a deified existence. Many travel notes and unofficial histories have his legends."

Zhao Congjian nodded and looked adored.

Zhou Xuanji said in a deep voice, "stop talking and fly faster!"

The people were awestruck and dared not say more.


An earth shaking noise came from the rear, making everyone's eardrums tingle. The whole forest was shaken, and trees even rose from the ground.

The people were so frightened that they immediately flew out of the woods and continued to fly forward.

When Zhou Xuanji looked back, the wasteland raised dust to cover the sky, and he couldn't see the figure of the old man who stole the cliff.

"Should he be all right?"

Zhou Xuanji muttered to himself, worried.

Anyway, the old man stole the cliff to save him.

Jiang Xue in his arms comforted: "don't worry, he is so confident that he should be able to escape even if he is defeated."

Zhou Xuanji nodded and flew with his sword at full speed.

The party soon disappeared into the sky.

Half an hour later.

In the dust.

Lin Guanyu stepped out with his knife, and there were several blood flowers on his white clothes.

With a head in his left hand, he is the old man who stole the cliff.

The old man stealing cliff has a ferocious face and big eyes. He looks desperate.

"Escape? Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will kill you."

Lin Guanyu muttered to himself and then walked forward with the head of the old man who stole the cliff.


Hoo! Hoo!

Two celestial dragons and eagles galloped through the sky. Xiao hei and Huang Lianxin were on their backs respectively, and the others flew with their swords at full speed.

Han Shenbo shouted in the back: "in front is the Dashang Dynasty, which is incompatible with the Zhou Dynasty. We must not say that we are from the Zhou Dynasty."

Dashang dynasty!

Zhou Xuanji inexplicably thought of the Shang Dynasty in Chinese history.

The northern wasteland is really magical. There are the great Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty. I don't know whether there are the great Qin Dynasty and the great Tang Dynasty.

"It is said that the big business has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the big Buddha with golden body and auspicious light. The great Zhou jianhuang was sent by Emperor Zhou Yan to negotiate with the big business. He almost died in the big business. I don't know whether it is true or not."

Xiao Jinghong followed, with a dignified tone.

Although the power of big business has not spread among the people of Dazhou, everyone who has experienced it for a long time knows that Dazhou always suffers losses in the face of big business.

"After entering the big business, hide first."

Zhou Xuanji said, I don't know how the old man stealing cliff is now.

If you can't win, it's time to escape.

There are green mountains and rivers ahead, which is completely separated from the desert.

The crowd advanced at full speed.

Zhou Xuanji sent Xiao Jinghong and Zhao Congjian to look for the cave. It's best to connect the underground cave. If you don't hide, I'm afraid you'll die before you reach the big business.

He put his arm around Jiang Xue's waist with one hand. Jiang Xue held a banana fan in his hand and waved it constantly. Bursts of water mist filled the air.

She is using water magic to eliminate the breath left by them along the way.

Soon, Zhao Congjian and Xiao Jinghong came back. They found a cave leading to the ground together.

The cave is located in a large lake. The lake is full of trees and the river extends in all directions and runs through the whole river.

Everyone jumped into the river and swam to the bottom of the lake, including Ah Da and Xiao er.

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