Published at 11th of October 2021 11:06:31 AM

Chapter 14: 14

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Zhou Xuanji pulls Xiao Jiang Xue to a corner of the valley. Xiao Jiang Xue is afraid and holds Zhou Xuanji's hand tightly.

At this time, Yeqi Niang landed.

She took a breath, covered her abdomen with her right hand, and the blood spilled along her fingers, making her face look painful.

Zhou Xuanji turned his head to look at Xiao Jiang Xue. His eyes turned left first and then right.

It means I'm going to fight. You hide.

Xiao Jiang Xue frowned and tooted her mouth. Are you sure?

Zhou Xuanji nodded, then turned and walked to Yeqi Niang.

Night seven Niang wanted to heal first and then catch Zhou Xuanji, but she smiled when she saw Zhou Xuanji's posture.

Laugh with murderous intent, full of ridicule.

"Boy, you think I'm hurt, you can deal with me?"

Night seven Niang sneered that she had never regarded Zhou Xuanji as an ordinary child.

Whose ordinary children can have the cultivation of the eighth floor of the Yangqi realm at the age of four?

But no matter how strange your life experience is, you have to die here today!

She turned her hand over and took out a long black whip with countless spikes attached to it, like scorpion tail stingers.

Zhou Xuanji's face was expressionless, but his heart was uneasy.

Apart from those low-level monsters and beasts, he fought head-on for the first time.

The cold wave sword appeared in his right hand, and the cold air overflowed along the blade, which brightened the eyes of Yeqi Niang.

"Good sword!"

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have space magic tools and such swords, but they all belong to me."

Night seven Niang said with a grim smile. In her heart, Zhou Xuanji was definitely the son of the big family, otherwise his talent would not be so high, and there was a sword.

Kill and loot!

What Huang Feng often does!

As Zhou Xuanji walked towards her, he asked, "where are your companions?"

The night seven niangs smiled and replied, "they will catch up soon."

Her smile is intriguing. Does the boy still want to set her up?

As soon as her voice fell, Zhou Xuanji moved.

Eight sword steps!

His body shook like a flash. Every time he moved nearly ten meters, he killed Yeqi Niang in less than three steps.

Holding the sword in his right hand and kicking on his left foot, it's like a white crane stabbing Yeqi Niang with fishing.

Night seven Niang's face changed sharply and immediately waved a whip.

Zhou Xuanji stepped on the eight sword steps. He was small and nimble. He came behind Yeqi Niang and waved his sword to stab him.

Even if ye Qiniang was seriously injured, she was also an internal alchemy cultivation. Although she was frightened by Zhou Xuanji's strength, she didn't panic.

She jumped up and easily avoided the sword, followed by a whip with her backhand, which contained the sound of wind and thunder.

Zhou Xuanji's reaction speed was far less than her. His right arm was numb. The poisonous thorn on the whip tore his clothes and drew a piece of flesh and blood. The pain almost made him faint.

The cold wave sword came out of his hand. When it clanged, the cold wave sword fell to the ground.

Zhou Xuanji rolled away from the seven niangs of the night.

The night seven niangs joked and said with a smile: "little fellow, the swordsman's sword can't get rid of it. Now..."

Zhou Xuanji raised his left hand and the red dragon sword appeared in his hand.

Night seven Niang's smile suddenly stiffened.

Xiao Jiang Xue in the distance was very nervous when she saw that Zhou Xuanji was injured.

She was caught in remorse. If she was strong enough, she could help her.

Holding the red dragon sword, Zhou Xuanji killed again.

"This sword is higher than the one just now..."

Night seven Niang's eyes locked on the red dragon sword, and her eyes were full of possessiveness.

Zhou Xuanji showed his intention of white crane sword, turned into a white crane, stepped on eight sword steps, and began to attack. His body kept moving around the night seven niangs.

Night seven Niang was surprised: "what a magical body method! If I can get it..."

Her heart was burning, and she suddenly felt that the little boy was covered with treasure.

This wave is going to make a lot of money!

She dodged another sword, waved a whip and hit Zhou Xuanji's left arm. Zhou Xuanji screamed with pain, and the red dragon sword also fell to the ground.

He hurried back, his arms drooping, bleeding and looking very sad.

"Little fellow, your sword fell off again."

Night seven Niang twisted her waist and walked to Zhou Xuanji, with a playful smile on her face.

Can you make a sword when your hands are wasted?

Two swords are enough. Do you have a third?

Just then!

The bloody sword appeared in front of Zhou Xuanji out of thin air, and the blade pointed directly at ye Qiniang.

Night seven Niang stopped, her pupils suddenly shrunk, locked by the blood sword, and a cold air rose from her back.

"What kind of sword is this?"

Night seven niangs couldn't help shouting, how many swords does this boy have?


The bloody sword suddenly stabbed the night seven Niang, tore the air and killed her in front of her in an instant.

She subconsciously tilted her head, but her cheek was cut by the sword blade and blood splashed.

She was shocked. What a fast sword!

No more delay!

Her killing intention was ignited in an instant. She grabbed the black whip in her hand and didn't want to play with Zhou Xuanji again.

Whew! Whew!

Two voices broke through the air in a row. Poof, two gods, her throat and chest were pierced.

Life is cut off directly!

Before she died, she still maintained a ferocious face.

Red dragon sword and cold wave sword flew to Zhou Xuanji's head and circled.

Zhou Xuanji gasped. He had deliberately dropped his sword before, so he was waiting to kill now!

The bloody sword shocked Yeqi Niang. The red dragon sword and cold wave sword took the opportunity to kill again, and he succeeded!

Thanks to Yeqi Niang's serious injury, otherwise all this would be in vain.

In case ye Qiniang didn't die completely, Zhou Xuanji manipulated the bloody sword and stabbed ye Qiniang several more swords. He didn't go there until he was sure that ye Qiniang couldn't die anymore.

Somehow, after the Blood Sword absorbed the blood of Yeqi Niang, his injury recovered a little.


He quickly took ye Qiniang's storage ring and storage bag, then took back three divine swords and walked to Xiao Jiang Xue.

Xiao Jiang Xue hurried to his side and helped him.

"Let's heal first. Don't move."

Xiao Jiang Xue was so anxious that she cried. Looking at such a miserable Zhou Xuanji, her heart was full of remorse.

If it weren't for her grandmother's debt, why did Zhou Xuanji follow her to wander outside.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "leave here first to avoid her companions coming."

Xiao Jiang Xueao couldn't resist him and naturally agreed.

Half an hour later.

A figure flew into the valley with a sword. It was Zhang Tianjian, a general of the Southern Han Dynasty.

Zhang Tianjian was also stained with blood. Obviously, he had just experienced a fierce battle. When he saw the body of Yeqi Niang, he couldn't help frowning.

He fell to Yeqi Niang's side. When he saw that Yeqi Niang's storage bag was missing, his face became gloomy for a moment.

"Two dragon Eagle eggs are missing..."

Huang Feng's seventeen murderers have died. Ten of them were killed by him. The reason why Yeqi Niang was able to win the Dragon Eagle egg was from her companions.

Unexpectedly, the woman was killed as soon as she escaped.

He began to examine Yeqi Niang's wound, and his face moved again.

"The wounds on the throat and chest are neat, and there are several sword wounds on the body... The other party is a master of Kendo!"

"There is no sword spirit left. Does the other party use sword spirit?"

"Kill the inner alchemy friars without relying on the sword Qi, even the seriously injured inner alchemy friars... I'm afraid his swordsmanship is better than me..."

Zhang Tianjian muttered to himself, looking ugly.

These experts take the Dragon Eagle eggs. How dare he rob them?

You know, he was hurt, too.

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