Published at 11th of October 2021 11:01:28 AM

Chapter 226: 226

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"Who? Get out!"

Chongming demon emperor shouted nervously. When they came in, they didn't find anyone else.

Zhou Xuanji frowned slightly. How does this sound sound sound familiar?

He turned his head and saw a translucent figure flying out of the darkness.

Is a soul.

I can't tell my face, I can only see the approximate body shape.

"Evil king, you haven't died yet?"

Zhou Xuanji asked in a joking tone.

Just let me hit it!

Evil king!

Other people suddenly became nervous. The ancient evil king was more cruel than xianxianghua!

It is also the enemy of bajiandi's life on earth!

The evil king's soul flew over. He begged: "as long as you take me out, I'll give you a chance. Don't worry, I'm dead. Even if I escape, I can only fall into reincarnation and reincarnation, and I'm no longer the evil king."

Now he doesn't even dare to call himself king.

Jiang Xue frowned and asked, "it's strange that the immortal's ability to think of flowers will allow you to stay?"

The evil king said angrily, "the villain is either going to have a tryst with him or busy with Tanhua sect affairs. Where can you find me?"


Jiang Xue glanced at Zhou Xuanji with deep meaning in her eyes.

Zhou Xuanji coughed falsely, stared at the evil king and said, "sorry, I can't allow you to spend for the sake of immortals, even if I have an organic fate."

With that, he came to the evil king in one step, put his right hand out and grabbed it at the evil king.

Just as he was about to take out the divine sword, his palm suddenly became hot and directly sucked the soul of the evil king into the palm.

"What do you want?"

The evil king cried in horror. Zhou Xuanji frowned. He didn't understand the situation.

In an instant, he suddenly realized something.

The world map can absorb souls!

As long as he had an idea, the soul of the evil king would disappear completely.

However, it is impossible for xianxianghua to survive the evil king. Must it be intentional?

After thinking about it, he sucked the soul of the evil king into the world map without directly erasing it.

The world map can also temporarily suppress the soul.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Xuanji picked up Jiang Xue and jumped down directly, followed by others.

The demon emperor of Chongming holds the red unicorn. A Xiaoer hesitates for a moment and falls down.

Then, Zhou Xuanji took out a raft from the storage ring, and the people sat on it and went down the river.

The underground river channel is very wide and high, which can keep ah Xiaoer from being kowtowed.

"Master, do you really want to marry immortal flowers?"

Xiao Jinghong sat cross legged and asked. Listening to Zhou Xuanji's previous words, he obviously accepted xianxianghua's favor.

Others looked at him, too.

However, he shook his head.

"If she can survive, the water will flow and the future will be long. It's still early to get married."

He answered softly and heard Chongming demon emperor and little black snake stare big eyes.

"Why, aren't you afraid of her changing her mind?"

The little black snake asked nervously, if the fairy wanted to change her mind and treat them again, would she be cruel?

Zhou Xuanji looked ahead and said, "she is kind to me. I really owe her, but I can't defend her everywhere because of this. After all, she has done many sins. I hope she can do good deeds and accumulate virtue from now on. Only when her killing heart converges can I talk about feelings."

The immortal wants to kill too many people and too many enemies.

Unlike him, he also has enemies, but he has a clear conscience. Others provoke him. He never kills innocent people indiscriminately.

People are selfish. As long as they care about themselves, they can tolerate all kinds of things, but they are not allowed to be bullied by others.

Zhou Xuanji wanted to protect immortals and flowers. He knew this was selfishness.

But this is man, because he has seven emotions and six desires.

"Yes, instead of letting the immortal want to die, let her abandon evil and follow the good. With her ability, if she can protect the Terran, she will be able to save many people, even far more than the people she has killed."

"Right and evil can never be defined directly."

The old man who stole the cliff stroked his beard and said that he didn't hate xianxianghua so much.

"People who kill demons and kill more demons will not be regarded as evil by others. This is the theory of race, right and wrong, merits and demerits. In my opinion, everyone is guilty. There is a Buddhist saying that putting down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha does not mean putting down the butcher's knife, even if it is good, because the responsibility after becoming a Buddha is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. That is called atonement for merit."

People seem to understand but don't understand. There are too many things in the world that can't be explained by reason.

Right and wrong are not black and white.

If Xianhua wants to reform and defend the Terran, maybe she can save the Terran in the future. If she dies and the Terran combat power is not enough, who can judge whether the Terran will be destroyed?

Everyone, every decision, can change a lot, far more than he expected.

"It's true. She's not crazy enough to kill. At that inn, the people she killed were not all good people. Who can mix in the wild? Who doesn't have blood on their hands, let alone open a shop outside?"

Chongming demon emperor nodded. He despised those hypocritical people most. Killing demons is justice, and Demons eat people is evil. Why?

"If she really likes killing, with her cultivation, she will kill wherever she goes. Over the past ten thousand years, the number of Terrans must be far less than half that at present. After all, she used to be the first in the world. Look at the evil king and stepping on the sky. They killed a lot of people. Why can she live? How many human lives and demon lives are piled up in the name of the first God monk of the hanging river god monk?"

"Who can guarantee that he killed villains?"

People looked at Chongming demon emperor in surprise. Can this old demon still say this truth?

The little black snake sighed, "old cow, it's hidden!"

Even Zhou Xuanji's eyes that valued the Ming demon emperor changed.

The old man who stole the cliff said with a smile: "indeed, in the current world, the one who kills the most people, I'm afraid xianxianghua can't rank in the top ten. Who told her to offend so many people and exaggerate the dirty water, she will become an immortal evil spirit."

"What I admire most about her is that she never kills mortals, women and children unless she offends her."

Zhou Xuanji did not question this.

At least he didn't see Xian Xianghua do these things, and he had a good attitude towards Jiang Xue. By her means, he could enslave him and Jiang Xue.

North owl Wang Jian stared and asked, "how do you feel that she is not heinous?"

The words and reasoning of these people are really powerful!

The old man who stole the cliff shook his head and said, "she is indeed a villain, but evil is not just killing. The difference between good and evil is the governance of the mortal country. The cultivation of the fairyland is extraordinary and pays attention to the respect of the strong. Which monk has never killed anyone?"

"If you think about it carefully, can so many strong people grow up from weak to small with the strength of xianxianghua? She is just too crazy. If she were a person, she could cut down the roots and dominate the world."

"I was not killed by her when I was with the Xuanhe God monk, but was teased by her. The great hatred of the Xuanhe God monk was not because his master had to suppress demons."

At this point, he looked sad.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Today's theory makes them feel.

What is justice and what is evil?

Zhou Xuanji said, "to sum up, don't kill innocent people. Don't provoke others if you have nothing, but you can't let people persecute. Our friars have to act according to their own heart."

He has a strange expression.


Don't you want to spend money talking about immortals? How did it turn into chicken soup?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!