Published at 11th of October 2021 11:01:14 AM

Chapter 235: 235

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The immortal thought of flowers and said with a wave of his right hand, the devil gasped into a dark shadow and dived away.

At this time, Jiang Xue, the old man who stole the cliff, Xiao Jinghong and others flew over.

"Master, your sword array is really powerful. I'm afraid it's difficult to find out that your sword array talent is comparable to yours."

Xiao Jinghong opened his mouth and said with a smile. His admiration made Zhou Xuanji very useful.

This boy is very suitable to take with him. He can make people feel happy. When it's time to praise, he doesn't spare any effort and takes it seriously.

The old man who stole the cliff said to Zhou Xuanji, "this man comes from overseas. A place called chaotic tide sea is the first pride there. We have to be careful about it."

Chaotic tide sea?

Zhou Xuanji frowned. For a long time, although people often explore overseas in the northern wasteland, nine times out of ten they can't come back. I didn't expect to meet people from overseas today.

It can be called the first day pride, which shows that there are many people there.

Why did he come to the northern wasteland?

"Chaotic tide sea? Interesting. Emperor Jiang Wu recently wanted to leave the northern wasteland. Now there are Mahayana monks coming back from overseas. It seems that the situation in the world is really going to change."

Xian Xianghua whispered to himself in a meaningful tone.

In this regard, Zhou Xuanji did not care too much.

Soon, Ning Zifeng was brought back by the dark shadow and flew into the sea of clouds with the people.

Haotian pig King knelt respectfully in the void, his eyes full of hot color.

In the war just now, Zhou Xuanji's power conquered him!

With the shelter of such a strong man, he stayed in the sky to practice.

Half an hour later.

The sky fell to the top, and Ning Zifeng, whose body recovered, sat on the ground. His eyes to Zhou Xuanji were full of complexity.

It's not that he hasn't lost.

But this was the first time he lost to someone lower than himself.

And sword repair!

"Come on, why did you come to the northern wasteland?"

Zhou Xuanji stared at him and asked.

Ning Zifeng took a deep breath and said, "my name is Ning Zifeng. As you guessed, I come from the chaotic tide sea. Because I hate all over the world, I have to escape, cross the endless ocean and come to the northern wasteland after suffering."

"I want to find a place to practice, so I come here and declare first that I have not harmed anyone in this continent. I just want to find a place to practice."

He was depressed.

Since entering the land, he only met monsters along the way. Zhou Xuanji was still a person he met.

As a result, he failed as soon as he met.

At this moment, he doubted life.

Is this continent much stronger by the sea?

"How far is the chaotic tide sea from the northern wasteland? How many sectarian forces are there?"

Xiao Jinghong asked, Ning Zifeng's strength gave him a sense of crisis.

He had guessed Zhou Xuanji's idea.

"Far away, far away, I met many people from your northern wasteland on the sea. They all wanted to go to various sea areas and seek opportunities. They didn't know that there were many sects in various sea areas, countless dynasties and many dangers. Anyway, I think your northern wasteland is very quiet."

Ning Zifeng sighed. He looked at people very accurately. Zhou Xuanji didn't want to kill him.

Leaving him alive is probably to subdue him.

After all, he has lived for thousands of years and encountered many such things.

"Who is the most powerful person in the chaotic tide sea and how powerful is it?"

The little black snake shouted and asked. Everyone was very interested to hear about the chaotic tide sea.

Ning Zifeng thought: "it should be heaven. A thousand years ago, he fell from the sky, swept invincible and respected the king. He wanted to kill all the people in the world with imperial purple."


They were stunned and inexplicably thought of the things that had fallen from heaven before.

That thing also fell from the sky.

At this time, Ning Zifeng looked at Zhou Xuanji and said seriously, "let me go. I won't disturb you again. When my Kendo is great, I will definitely return you a favor. How about it?"

Zhou Xuanji calmly replied, "practice here. From now on, you will be my sword slave."

Ning Zifeng stared at this.

He guessed that Zhou Xuanji would accept him as an apprentice, but he didn't expect to accept him as a sword slave.

Feeling the insult, he gritted his teeth and said, "kill me!"

Better die than be a slave.

"I can teach you swordsmanship."

Zhou Xuanji stared into his eyes and whispered.

The North owl King's sword shouted, "why do you take him? It's best to kill him!"

Little black snake seconded.

The boy is too clear and tall. He won't be a good stubble in the future.

Ning Zifeng snorted coldly, "my swordsmanship talent is unmatched. I am good at hundreds of swordsmanship. Why should I learn from you?"

He is a sword maniac. He left his hometown for the sword and walked the world with his sword. Now he has achieved great accomplishments and has become a swordsman.

"How much sword will you do?"

Zhou Xuanji continued to ask, well, the boy's sword belongs to him.

"Sword meaning? Naturally, there is only one kind. Everyone has his own sword meaning. His own sword is sword meaning."

Ning Zifeng hummed and looked at Zhou Xuanji with an expression like a fool.

Zhou Xuanji picked up his golden sword and walked aside.

In full view of the public, he began to practice sword.

The first is the white crane sword technique, which is flexible and elegant, and the body is like a white crane.

With the right foot as the axis, the sword technique is fierce and the breaking wind is heard continuously.

"Sword meaning."

Ning Zifeng narrowed his eyes. How did he feel that the sword meaning was different from Zhou Xuanji's previous sword meaning?

Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Huang Lianxin, and Wang Jian, the northern owl, were fascinated.

The simple white crane sword technique was displayed by Zhou Xuanji, but it is unfathomable. It has a kind of mysterious artistic conception of Taoist nature.

Next is fire sword!

Ternary Jue pulse sword!

Thirty six way jade flute sword!

The strong wind cut the sky!

Sword dance in the wind under the moon!

Falling rain colorful sword!

Cold wave sound wave!

Batian sword!


Each set of swordsmanship has a different meaning and momentum, which dazzles everyone.

Ning Zifeng opened his mouth with a damn expression.

The fairy wanted to spend a lot of money. She suddenly found that Zhou Xuanji, who wielded the sword, was so powerful and handsome.

long time.

Zhou Xuanji waved his right hand and the golden sword fell in front of Ning Zifeng. The blade pierced into the soil and the sword body shook.

Looking at his love sword, Ning Zifeng fell into a trance.

At this moment, the Kendo he believed in collapsed.

"How could anyone in the world Master so many sword meanings... It's impossible..."

He muttered to himself and watched the others laugh.

Zhou Xuanji came over and said, "as you said, everyone's sword meaning is different, and the sword way is also different. My sword way is the way of ten thousand swords and the emperor of sword way. Your sword way is only one of ten thousand sword ways, and I will command all sword ways!"

"The sword emperor I want to be is not the acme of a certain Kendo, but represents Kendo!"

His voice was sonorous, powerful, and full of conceit.

The voice fell, and he directly showed the domineering spirit of the sword master!

In an instant, the golden sword in front of Ning Zifeng trembled violently.

Not only that, Xiao Jinghong's swords trembled.

In the eyes of the five sword practitioners, Zhou Xuanji was so domineering and tall.

"The stars and the moon, I am the bright moon, give you the chance to be a star."

"It's your honor to be my sword slave. If you miss it, you will regret it one day."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!