Published at 11th of October 2021 11:00:21 AM

Chapter 268: 268

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Zhou Xuanji advanced at full speed and crossed the desert in less than three days.

The war between the two ethnic groups encountered along the way was ended by him with absolute strength. For a time, various legends about Zhou Xuanji also spread near the Jue desert wasteland, making the demon family withdraw quickly and dare not approach.

He originally wanted to go to Da Chen to see Chen Bantian. The guy awakened the blood of Huanglong and didn't know how he was doing now.

After Chen Bantian ascends the throne, he plans to let Da Chen, like Da Zhou, provide for his zongmen, and the zongmen provide support to Da Chen, the best of both worlds.

But after thinking about it, as long as people or demons are talking about him, he'd better not wave.

The fall of the huangquan Dragon King made the huangquan road headless. Ji Huangyao Jun was even more angry and threatened to find Zhou Xuanji and kill him.

Ji Huangyao Jun's strength is much stronger than that of the huangquan Dragon King. Even if Zhou Xuanji killed the huangquan Dragon King, he is still not afraid of Zhou Xuanji.

After learning that Zhou Xuanji had obtained the world map, Ji Huangyao Jun wanted to kill Zhou Xuanji more.

Once he got the world map, he believed that he could have the strength to compete with emperor Yang.

So the whole demon clan began to want Zhou Xuanji.

If you encounter Zhou Xuanji, you can't do it. You just need to report your whereabouts.

All the way.

Another half month has passed.

"It is detected that the sword owner has reached the age of 29. Start random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning the [Amethyst] Tianyu sword and the hell butcher array!"

The sound of Jianling sounded in Zhou Xuanji's mind and made him stop immediately.

Hell butcher array!

Sword array again!

He secretly rejoiced that the lethality of the hundred stars covering the sky sword array was strong enough to let him taste the sweetness of the sword array. Now he has another sword array. How can he be unhappy?

He didn't hurry to inherit, but took out Tianyu sword and continued to move forward.

Three small lines appeared in front of him:

Sword Name: Tianyu sword

Grade: Amethyst

Description: it is made of mysterious magnet. Once this sword is released, all creatures within a kilometer radius will suffer mental damage and their emotions will be difficult to control except the sword owner.


Zhou Xuanji blinked to make sure he was right.

Impaired intelligence?

Drop wisdom?

Shit, Jianling is really a talent!

He was happy and began to observe Tianyu sword carefully.

Tianyu sword looks like a very ordinary iron sword. Compared with other divine swords, it seems mediocre.

He waved his sword and didn't feel any special force.

So it seems that Tianyu sword can only reduce wisdom.

There was no one around. He couldn't try the power of Tianyu sword, so he asked the sword spirit about the hell butcher array.

"The hell god slaying array is a sword array for summoning hell demons. Demons will have the ultimate intention to kill those who the sword owner wants to kill. Even immortal gods dare to kill. The strength of demons depends on the luck and strength of the sword owner. They are summoned randomly, and the duration is generally no more than half an hour."

The explanation of Jianling brightened Zhou Xuanji's eyes.

"How about the upper limit of strength?"

"Judging from the luck of the sword master, generally speaking, evil spirits far beyond the sword master will not be bewitched by the sword array. Of course, there are exceptions occasionally."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. If the sword array was lucky, it might be a big killing move.

Although there is only one magic sword on his 29th birthday, it's good to get this sword array.

His mood became happy and he hurried on at full speed.

Another half month has passed.

He finally returned to the small town where Jiang Xue, Xiao Jinghong and others were located.

His arrival made everyone in the town cheer around, and the second generation of disciples shouted the name of Zhou Xuanji.

Soon, he saw Jiang Xue.

The girl threw herself into his arms regardless of outsiders.

He rubbed her hair and said with a smile, "why, do you miss me?"


Jiang Xue looked up and said seriously.

Then, escorted by the crowd, he returned to the courtyard.

In the face of the confidants' inquiries, he did not hide his previous experience.

About Hanlan emperor, he concealed it and only said that he was a great emperor in the world map.

Otherwise he has to explain the origin of the eternal sword.

"Lin Changge? Fifth floor of Mahayana? Exquisite sword heart?"

Ning Zifeng frowned and muttered to himself, so he remembered Lin Changge.

He had a hunch that this man would be the enemy of his life.

Not an enemy.

But the enemy of competition.

According to Zhou Xuanji, Lin Changge has an exquisite sword heart, and his talent is equivalent to that of chaotic tide sea. He also admires ZuLong divine sword.

"Next, it's time for us to go back to the sky. The world map will lead to greater disaster."

The old man who stole the cliff suggested to Zhou Xuanji, hoping that the boy didn't swell. It's not a good thing to go down in the battlefield again.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "emperor Yang has been born. He still wants to dominate the northern wasteland. It is estimated that the demon family will lose soon."

"We'll leave early tomorrow morning."

Xianxianghua was also found by him. Next, he wanted to study the holy skill of floating Tu in the world.

In the last year, he often absorbed spiritual power and Demon power. Although his accomplishments rose rapidly, he somehow felt that his foundation was unstable.

Sure enough, there is no double perfection method in the world.

If you want to practice fast and have solid spiritual power, how can you be satisfied?

Everyone was delighted when they heard this.

Now there are dozens of second-generation disciples. They are talented and intelligent. If they have practiced for decades, they can take charge of their own affairs. If they recruit the next generation of disciples, the inheritance of the sect will be officially started.

If there are too many disciples, they are not easy to manage.

Zhou Xuanji counted and found that there were 73 disciples of the second generation.

After he left, Xiao Jinghong and others expanded their enrollment, and their talents were good.

At night.

Zhou Xuanji lay on Jiang Xue's thigh and enjoyed her massage.

"Xuanji, the coir raincoat man you met before should not be heaven?"

Jiang Xue asked curiously. It can be inferred from the coir raincoat man's words that he didn't seem to be too afraid of emperor Yang.

Zhou Xuanji closed his eyes and said vaguely, "where do I know?"

The man in coir raincoat is unfathomable. Perhaps like Zhang Fenglan, he is an immortal power.

This man is not interested in the world map. If he wanted to kill him, he would have done it long ago.

Jiang Xue continued to think.

During the period when Zhou Xuanji left, the old man who stole the cliff also introduced the art of calculation to her. Although she is still shallow in learning, she will be curious and even want to calculate as soon as she meets the mysterious and powerful existence.

However, she is not accomplished enough.

Zhou Xuanji began to inherit the memory of hell butcher God array.

A huge memory came into his mind and made him tremble.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Xue asked, but he didn't get a response from Zhou Xuanji.

She looked carefully and thought he was asleep.

She gently stroked his face, recalling the past, she couldn't help feeling a little trance.

"Unconsciously, you have grown so big."

Inside, candles flickered and fell into silence.

The next morning.

Zhou Xuanji and others packed up and left.

Everyone in the town came to see them off. After all, there are people in this town among the second generation of disciples.

"How many monsters are there in the sky? How strong is the ninth order monster?"

Xu Yang came up to Xiao Jinghong and asked excitedly. As the eldest martial brother of the second generation of disciples, he naturally had to ask clearly before he could pretend to be forced in the future.

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