Published at 11th of October 2021 11:00:00 AM

Chapter 281: 281

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Zhou Xuanji came to the woods and stayed away from others.

The reason to avoid others is not to avoid suspicion, but to leave a surprise for others.

When you are in trouble in the future, show it and think about it.

He went to a big tree and took out the eternal sword.

The way to awaken the next powerful soul is very simple. It is to pour spiritual power into it and call it with your mind.

Soon, a dark figure emerged from the blade.

Zhou Xuanji clearly realized his origin.

Donghai Dao Huang!

He left the northern wasteland 30000 years ago and fell unexpectedly. His soul wandered in the void and was absorbed by the supreme sword system.

He has no other information about the Donghai Dao emperor.

He could feel that the strength of the sword emperor in the East China Sea was not weaker than that of Hanlan emperor.

Of course, it's just about the strength of the remnant soul.

When he was about to attach the soul power of the East China Sea sword emperor to him, his momentum soared.

It's the same as the original use of Hanlan emperor's soul, but now his cultivation is far better than before, which makes him feel that he can challenge the great disaster to disperse immortals.

Well, it's the most delicious.

Like Ji Huangyao Jun, he is still invincible.

He simply tried, took back the eternal sword, and then returned to the top of the mountain.

Xian Xianghua glanced at him without saying much.

Jiang Xue is still learning the way of calculation with the old man who stole the cliff. He doesn't notice the abnormality of Zhou Xuanji.

A month later.

Fairy wants to leave without saying a word.

Seven days later, she came back and claimed that she had summoned the thirty-six magic Kui of Tanhua sect and settled them on a thousand foot high mountain nearby.

Zhou Xuanji has no comment on this.

Ning Zifeng was very curious. After soliciting the opinions of xianxianghua, he went to find thirty-six magic Kui to compete, and failed.

The next day, Ning Zifeng went with Lin Changge and was still defeated.

They go to the top completely. They will find 36 magic Kui every few days.

On the top of the mountain.

The thirty-six magic Kui of Tanhua sect practice cross legged. There are men and women. All of them have strong accomplishments, and there are eight women.

There are ten magic Kui who have reached Mahayana cultivation.

No wonder Ning Zifeng is defeated by Lin Changge.

A demon Kui opened his eyes and said, "will those two boys come again?"

As soon as he said this, the other 35 magic Kui opened their eyes.

They look strange.

At first, when Ning Zifeng came to challenge, they held a disdainful attitude.

Even with Lin Changge's help, they can't beat their joint efforts.

But if it goes on like this, how can they practice at ease?

"Zhou Xuanji is likely to be our patriarch. Please bear it."

An old man said that his name was Qin Zheng and he was the first demon Kui.

He and Qin Gang are still brothers.

Thirty six evil Kui have not gathered together for three thousand years.

Since xianxianghua was defeated by Emperor Yang, the thirty-six chief leaders disappeared and withdrew from Tanhua sect. The world thought most of them were dead.

I didn't expect that they were not dead and had been concentrating on cultivation.

Qin Zheng's words made the magic Kui turn their attention to Zhou Xuanji.

"It is said that Zhou Xuanji is extremely talented. Even if he doesn't have a world map, he can have the potential to win the first place in the world. No wonder the patriarch is so interested."

"But he wants to establish a sect. How will his sect get along with Tanhua sect?"

"Should it be integration?"

"No, tanhuazong can't be absorbed by other forces!"

"That is, the name of Epiphyllum sect cannot be changed. This is our belief!"

The devil Kui talked about it one after another. Although they all admired Zhou Xuanji, they were afraid that tanhuazong would change its name.

At this time.

Xianxianghua suddenly appeared among them, so that they quickly got up and knelt down.

"See the patriarch!"

They spoke with one voice, full of awe.

The fairy wanted to spend a glance at them and said, "did Qin Gang save it?"

Qin Gang, a thousand handed demon, is a sharp blade of Tanhua sect.

In addition to his own cultivation strength, his intelligence ability is very important to tanhuazong.

Qin Zheng replied, "thank you for your concern. I've arranged for him to gather Epiphyllum religious believers everywhere."

If Zhou Xuanji hadn't killed the Dragon King of the yellow spring, where would it be so easy for them to save Qin Gang?

Therefore, Qin Zheng still has a trace of gratitude to Zhou Xuanji.

After all, Qin Gang also said many good words about Zhou Xuanji in his ear.

"Well, do you think tanhuazong should go to the end of the world?"

Xianxianghua asked to change the subject. Emperor Yang invited all the heroes in the world to get together, but tanhuazong was in an awkward situation where all the world were enemies. If he went, he would have more trouble.

A female demon Kui licked her lips and said with a smile: "this is a good time for Tanhua sect to recover. We'd better not go and develop Tanhua sect. In addition, I'm afraid the feast of the end of the world is not so simple."

The meaning of people in the world is to let emperor Yang be the leader of the human race.

He gave an order and the people all over the world surrendered. Why should he beat around the Bush?

The feast at the end of the world is likely to be the Hongmen banquet.

I believe other holy places, emperors and zongmen can guess, but who dares to refuse emperor Yang?

The fairy wanted to spend her head and said, "have you finished the task you told me before?"

Although she is rebellious, she also understands the current situation.

Epiphyllum sect is really not as good as before. It is no longer the overlord of evil.

Qin Zheng replied, "soon, my disciples will bring him in person."

When Tan Huazong was discussing the feast of breaking the ends of the earth, the sky also fell.

Zhou Xuanji gathered everyone on the top of the mountain, including the second generation of disciples.

"In the next period of time, no matter what happens, we can't leave the sky until I break through Mahayana."

Zhou Xuanji put his hands on his legs and said softly.

His words came clearly into every ear.

The little black snake vomited a snake letter and asked, "master, if you break through Mahayana, do you have the confidence to compete with emperor Yang?"

Others looked forward.

Zhou Xuanji has always had the ability to fight across the border.

Refining the cultivation of the realm of God can kill the Dragon King of the yellow spring. When he breaks through the Mahayana realm, there will be only one opponent left.

"I have never seen emperor Yang, but I am confident to defeat Ji Huangyao."

Zhou Xuanji said conservatively that the soul sword must be much stronger than the soul sword. In addition, with the reincarnation of the world and the cultivation of Mahayana, he was really confident to deal with Ji Huangyao.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Huangyao Jun has disappeared. It seems that he is really frightened by Emperor Yang. There is no news at all.

A disciple asked cautiously, "will emperor Yang really be against us? I have heard from my elders before that emperor Yang likes to practice hard and doesn't pay much attention to secular struggle."

Chongming demon emperor stared at him and scolded, "he wants to be the Lord of the world, not the Lord of the human race, understand?"

Anyone will change!

Xu Yang timely changed the topic and asked, "grandmaster, Zhang Fenglan claims to have news to you. Have you seen him?"

Zhang Fenglan is still a prisoner. He is absorbed by Zhou Xuanji every few months.

Over time, his heart began to shake.

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