Published at 11th of October 2021 10:59:57 AM

Chapter 283: 283

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"In that case, you and I will leave the sky and divide life and death."

Zhou Xuanji stopped, ten meters away from Ji Huangyao Jun, and smiled softly.

A divine sword appeared on his head out of thin air, including Tianyu sword.

His tone and expression didn't seem to pay attention to Ji Huangyao Jun.

Ji Huang demon Jun was angry. When he ascended the second place in the world, where was Zhou Xuanji?

How can he be so provocative?

"OK! Follow me!"

Ji Huangyao Jun turned and flew away, followed by Zhou Xuanji.

They flew down obliquely, like two rainbow lights passing through the sea of clouds.

The sky fell on a high mountain next to it.

The fairy wants to spend her head together with the thirty-six demon Kui.

"What a powerful evil spirit... Is it the supreme demon clan?"

Qin Zheng wondered, and other devil Kui were also frightened.

"Who is the other breath? Zhou Xuanji? It's so strong!"

"Of course he is. He is now ranked fifth in the world!"

"Now I'm in trouble. Can Zhou Xuanji beat Ji Huangyao Jun?"

"He has a picture of the world. How can Ji Huangyao let him go."

"It's hard to say."

The devil Kui talked about it one after another. They all thought that Zhou Xuanji was defeated by Ji Huangyao.

Not that he is not strong enough, but that Ji Huangyao Jun is too strong!

The fairy wanted to frown, but she didn't speak or catch up.

The people falling from the sky were also very nervous.

Ning Zifeng and Lin Changge want to catch up, but the stolen cliff old man stops.

"Don't go up, lest you become the hostage of Ji Huang demon king threatening Zhou Xuanji."

The old man who stole the cliff told him that if Zhou Xuanji needed help, he would not leave the sky.

Jiang Xue began to calculate for Zhou Xuanji and Ji Huangyao Jun, which was not clear.

She doesn't even qualify for being backfired.

Thousands of miles away.

Zhou Xuanji and Ji Huangyao Jun are on the sea of clouds, hundreds of feet apart.

Ji Huang demon Jun's eyes became blood red, and a long knife with blood and black appeared in his hand. The knife was full of evil spirit and attracted bursts of cold wind.

"You have been lost. If you dare to trouble me before you recover from your injury, you will die miserably."

Zhou Xuanji sneered, murderous.

Ji Huangyao is very angry. How does he exist? How can a younger generation be so contemptuous?

"I don't know why, I really want to kill you today, more than before!"

Ji Huang demon Jun said in a cold voice, and the killing intention in his eyes condensed into essence.

The voice fell, and the demon forces turned into countless black arrows. They appeared in front of him out of thin air and killed Zhou Xuanji directly.

The momentum is like a rainbow, like a black river rushing away, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Without saying a word, Zhou Xuanji directly displayed the emperor's thousand hand sword Buddha.

The thousand handed sword Buddha condensed two golden swords in the shape of eternal divine sword and buried tianmiegang sword, up to 100 feet.

Cut off the double swords, cut off all the black arrows and stir the sea of clouds.


Ji Huang demon Jun frowned and looked at the thousand handed sword Buddha on Zhou Xuanji. He asked in a deep voice, "Buddha? Have you studied Buddhism?"

Zhou Xuanji's face showed contempt, and his body was integrated into the thousand hand sword Buddha.

Sword state!

At the same time, the power of burying tianmiegang sword and eternal divine sword broke out, making the thousand handed sword Buddha begin to rise, quickly reaching 500 feet high, like a golden mountain, shining like a bright sun.

On the sea of clouds, he is like an invincible God, despises heaven and earth, dispels the darkness of the world, and is extremely domineering.

The thousand handed sword Buddha opened his eyes and two golden lights burst into tears, which made Ji Huangyao Jun narrow his eyes.

A golden arm stretches out from behind the thousand handed sword Buddha, like a divine flower blooming. Each hand holds the golden sword, and the shape of all divine swords can be found inside.

Full fire!

Ji Huang demon moved. He had not seen the thousand hand Buddha, but the thousand hand sword Buddha was definitely the first time he had witnessed it.

The Thousand Golden giant swords are so dazzling in the sun, emitting a divine luster.

Without saying anything, Zhou Xuanji rushed to Ji Huangyao Jun.

The thousand handed sword Buddha waved a thousand swords and chopped at him wildly. It was very powerful, like Pangu's pioneering spirit and the God of war's elimination of demons and demons.

Ji Huang demon Jun waved a knife to resist. His strength was not weak at all, and his reaction speed was fast. He took every sword.

However, the attack of thousand handed sword Buddha was too fierce, like a terrible wave, wave after wave, forcing Ji Huangyao Jun to start to avoid.

At the same time, the old man stealing cliff is using magic to reflect the war situation.

Looking at such a powerful thousand handed sword Buddha, people were boiling with blood.

"The founder is so strong!"

"It turns out that the founder has the strength to fight the second world war!"

"My God, this is manpower? It's completely immortal!"

"Even if they are so far apart, their momentum makes me tremble."

"Domineering! Is this sword technique or magic power?"

Not only the second generation of disciples, but also Jiang Xue, Xiao Jinghong, Lin Changge and others were amazed.

"Want to learn... Want to learn..."

Zhao Congjian trembled with excitement.

Zhang Fenglan swallowed his saliva, and Zhou Xuanji became unfathomable in his heart.

It was the first time he saw emperor Dao thousand hand sword Buddha.

What a domineering sword!

It was the first time he had seen such a sword technique after living so long. It was like a magic power.

But his eyesight was. At a glance, he saw that the thousand handed sword Buddha was shaped by sword Qi, powerful and unparalleled.

Such accomplishments in kendo

The swordsman of that year was far less than you.

The most important thing is that Zhou Xuanji is only in his early thirties!

When he is a thousand years old, isn't he like emperor Yang, who dominates the world and is invincible in the world?

It may even be more exaggerated than emperor Yang!

Zhang Fenglan frowned and his heart beat faster. An idea was born from the depths of his heart.

On another mountain.

Thirty six devil Kui was stunned. He had no other emotions except admiration and shock.

The eyes of Xianxiang flower also show amazing color.

She didn't expect Zhou Xuanji to be so strong!

"This boy..."

Under her eyes, Zhou Xuanji's rapid strengthening was not noticed by her.

At this moment, Zhou Xuanji was shrouded in fog in her eyes.


Ji Huangyao suddenly soared up. His body was 500 feet high. His cloak was inspired by hunting, his long hair danced disorderly, and his two sharp corners pierced the sky.

Black scales appeared on his cheeks, and the demon force turned into a huge black shield in his left hand.

With the black shield in front of him, he dived down like a avalanche.

The thousand handed sword Buddha raises all his arms, and the thousand swords are one and stab into the sky.

Batian sword!

The sword shook the sky!

A golden sword burst into the sky and hit the black shield of Ji Huang demon king.


A layer of strong light burst out under the black shield. Two powerful forces collided together, setting off bursts of strong wind, and the sea of clouds below surged wildly.

Standing on the earth, thousands of miles of clouds are surging, just like the sky is twisting, and the picture is very spectacular.

"The boy's sword spirit is so strong..."

Ji Huangyao Jun was secretly frightened, and he suddenly regretted.

If he recovers from his injury, how can Zhou Xuanji be so arrogant?

He gritted his teeth and asked, "smelly boy, what kind of sword is this?"

He tried to press down, but he couldn't counteract the sword spirit of batian divine sword.

The thousand handed sword Buddha glared at him, his eyes burning and mighty.

"Buddha in the sword, sword in the Buddha, thousand hand sword Buddha!"

"This sword is specially used to defeat evil spirits and cut down crafty people. Ji Huangyao, if you are afraid, ask grandpa Sansheng to spare your life. I may consider letting you die quickly!"

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