Published at 11th of October 2021 10:58:40 AM

Chapter 330: 330

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More than two million spectators were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

Shi Shenzong said so badly, and the flame sword spirit was also very visually shocking. That momentum made them afraid.

They thought they would have a thrilling World War, or Zhou Xuanji was seriously injured.

But I never thought

Once Shi Shenzong waved his sword, although he broke the emperor's thousand handed sword Buddha, he knelt down?

Ten thousand swords, the Lord of Shenling mountain is still stupid.

"How could it be... Ancestor..."

Shi Huanming trembled, plopped and knelt on the ground.

The master of bajian sect didn't ridicule him. He was also shocked.

"Is it the holy skill of floating slaughter in the world? How old is he that he can practice the reincarnation of the world..."

Bai Hao swallowed his saliva wholeheartedly and looked at Zhou Xuanji with fear.

He has seen the power of the world's Fu Tu holy skill.

That man was the emperor at that time!

Although he is not his opponent, he is still amazing. If you give the emperor ten thousand years more time, he may be the loser.


Earth fryer, everyone was excited to talk.

"My God! What do I see?"

"The sword emperor is mighty!"

"Too overbearing! Is the sword Saint dead?"

"Is this the end?"

"It is worthy of my belief. Now who dares to say that he is not the sword emperor?"

"I knew Zhou Xuanji would win. He is invincible!"

Millions of voices gathered together, as if to overturn the sky.

Zhou Chengxin, Princess xuanya, Emperor Yangxin, Emperor Chen Tianzi and so on were all excited to cheer for Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xiaoqi hopped and almost knocked the little black snake out.

In the air.

Zhou Xuanji tried to stabilize his body and make himself look okay.

In fact, the sword just now has hurt him.

If he had not integrated the purple demon emperor's heart, he would have been killed by Shi Shenzong in the past.

No wonder Xuanyuan will die in his hands.

i see.

Is this the power of sword spirit?

The ghosts and gods are unpredictable, and the mountains and rivers are broken!

His heart is hot. He must practice sword spirit!

At this time, a figure came quickly.

It is Shi Shenzong.

He was covered with blood, but his eyes were still clear and sharp. He was holding a holy Dao sword in his right hand and targeted Zhou Xuanji.

The world map provided Zhou Xuanji with a steady stream of spiritual power. He once again displayed the emperor's thousand hand sword Buddha.

Weian's thousand handed sword Buddha quickly danced his sword and chopped wildly at Shi Shenzong.

Shi Shenzong waved his sword to resist.

Although Shengdao sword is much smaller than the golden sword of thousand hand sword Buddha, its strength is not bad at all, just like rice grains hitting the beam of a house.

"Swordsman, you are really good at Kendo, but you are not my opponent!"

Zhou Xuanji laughed and said that the power of thousand handed sword Buddha was getting stronger and stronger. The blessing of Tianlei made more and more blood on Shi Shenzong.

"Your time is over!"

With his roar, the thousand handed sword Buddha showed the batian divine sword. The thousand swords were one and cleaved down angrily.


Shi Shenzong was shot down, smashed through the ground and raised billowing dust. The land within ten miles collapsed directly, and countless cracks extended in all directions, just like a spider web trying to spread all over the earth.


Zhou Xuanji then spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his arms trembled slightly.

The power of sword spirit is too strong, which hurt his internal organs. Now he works hard and will naturally be eaten back.

But he doesn't care.

He must defeat Shi Shenzong.

The world was silent, and everyone was shocked by Zhou Xuanji's arrogance.

He looked down at Shi Shenzong and said coldly, "sword saint, do you want to fight again?"


Billowing flames disperse dust and rise from the huge pit, like a volcanic eruption, straight into the sky.

Shi Shenzong rose to the sky through the flame.

His eyes were cold. He stared at Zhou Xuanji and said, "I won't lose!"

He has his pride!

Either die or win.

There is no defeat or draw.

The thousand handed sword Buddha waved his sword and cut off again. It is also the batian divine sword, which is unstoppable.

When Shi Shenzong wielded his sword spirit, the flame flashed like a huge sword as long as a mountain. It came quickly and disappeared quickly. After hitting the golden sword of the thousand handed sword Buddha, it exploded directly and turned into a sea of fire.

Shi Shenzong fell again.

Zhou Xuanji was so shocked that he flew up and stabilized his body in time. Blood overflowed from his mouth like a spring.

"Shit! This guy really doesn't want to die!"

Zhou Xuanji was cruel. Since Shi Shenzong didn't want to die, he also fought.

He doesn't believe he can't win!

A divine sword appeared on his head. His mind moved. The divine swords quickly lined up to show their dreams and seal the sword array.

A purple light column fell from the sword array and hit the earth with great speed, shaking the ground.


A sandstorm swept across the earth, so that the monks nearby took refuge one after another.

In the purple light, Shi Shenzong held the holy sword and forcibly stood up regardless of his injury.

"I am the sword Saint... Invincible in the world... Why should I lose!"

The sleeves of his arms burst, his legs bent, forcibly broke through the Youmeng Da Feng sword array and killed Zhou Xuanji again.

This guy's shooting?

So you don't die?

Zhou Xuanji was so angry that he wildly mobilized the power of gods and ghosts howling and heaven's punishment. Countless howling and crying filled the world, which was creepy.

Strong as his physique, his body surface also began to crack, and the blood overflowed, causing pain, like a blood flame.

The purple Tai Chi diagram in front of his forehead burst into light. He let go of the divine sword with both hands, raised his right hand, and suddenly threw it down.


All divine swords swooped up together, with two soul dominating divine swords in front, followed by tianhun divine sword, Jinyao divine sword and Amethyst divine sword.

Each divine sword erupted its own power, and all kinds of light gathered together, condensed into a lightsaber and fell from the sky.

Shi Shenzong gritted his teeth and showed his sword spirit again. This time, he tried all his spiritual power in his body.

In an instant, a huge flame sword flashed and hit all divine swords.

A deafening terrorist explosion sounded and the strong light broke out, making everyone's vision pale.

The sound disappears. It's a rupture of the eardrum.

It's like the big bang at the beginning of the world, which makes everything lose color and noise.

Zhou Xuanji almost fainted. He just felt that his body did not belong to him and fell uncontrollably.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to mobilize the world map to provide spiritual power for himself. It was not easy to stabilize his figure.

When the strong light dispersed, the bright world became dark, and the earth was filled with dust, blocking out the sky and the sun, unable to see things.

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath. He could feel the breath of Shi Shenzong.

He flew over at once.

At the moment, he is at the end of his strength, and his flight speed is very slow.

After a long time, he came to Shi Shenzong.

In the huge pit, Shi Shenzong was half kneeling on the ground, holding the holy Dao sword in both hands. The blade of the sword pierced into the soil to help him stabilize his injured body and didn't fall down.

Zhou Xuanji looked down at him and said calmly, "you are defeated."

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