Published at 11th of October 2021 10:58:14 AM

Chapter 341: 341

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The old man who stole the cliff was frightened by the last calculation. After Zhou Xuanji's persuasion, he also calmed down and realized that he was really worried too much.

After appeasing him, Zhou Xuanji found Jiang Xue again and told him about his meeting with Qiu Baili.

Jiang Xue sighed: "unknowingly, it has been 50 years."

For many mortals, fifty years is a lifetime.

Since they escaped from Qinghe Village, Qiu Baili has accompanied them for several years,

Qiu Baili is the first master in their life.

He taught Jiang Xue's magic and Zhou Xuanji many principles of action in the northern wasteland.

If there is no hatred, maybe they will have another ending.

"In fact, we can take the Tibetan sword sect as a subsidiary force and let them become a bridge between us and Da Zhou."

Jiang Xue suggested that she was moved to hear Qiu Baili tell the legend of Zhou Xuanji to the children in the door.

There is a kind of warmth that cannot be explained clearly.

Zhou Xuanji once boasted in front of Qiu Baili that he would become famous all over the world. Qiu Baili always said with a smile that he would certainly do it.

Now, Zhou Xuanji has done it, and he preaches it.

This feeling is similar to inheritance.

"It seems that we have a tacit understanding."

Zhou Xuanji hooked the bridge of her nose and said with a smile.

Jiang Xue hugged his arm and said with a smile, "do you want us to have children early? In this way, he can fly with us. If it's too late, will he be lonely in the world?"

They had already made an engagement, and she would naturally imagine the future.

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "it's not him, it's them."

Jiang Xuebai glanced at him. They went to the edge of the cliff and talked about the dialogue between love and human beings.

An hour later, Jiang Xue went not far away to meditate and practice.

Zhou Xuanji thought in situ.

The death of Fu Hao and the evil king made him doubt.

In his heart, these two people belong to the template of the big villain. How can we say that they die?

Especially the evil king, who fought with the great emperor ten thousand years ago, was resurrected for how long?

Before the world knew that he had risen, he died again?

How much is it?

But it also told him that reality was more cruel than imagination.

No matter how powerful a character is, he may die in a cowardly and silent manner.

He suddenly thought of a man.

He immediately got up and left.

At the foot of the mountain where the sky falls, Zhang Fenglan, the thunder devil of Haotian cult, is cutting firewood.

He has been enslaved by Zhou Xuanji for decades because his accomplishments have been sealed, just like mortals, but he is deeply loved by three generations of disciples.

Because he can always tell some legends that his disciples have never heard of.

Zhang fanlan dressed up like a farmer. He thought while cutting firewood.

"Why am I used to my present life..."

"I'm the devil of Leifa. I have to revitalize Haotian sect..."

His fighting spirit was burning in his heart, but when he thought of the bitterness and suffering over the past ten thousand years, he suddenly felt that he was very good now.

Zhou Xuanji said well that what should exist will always exist, and what should not exist will disappear in the world even if it is forced.

He alone can't revitalize Haotian religion.

Haoqi alliance and Xinhao religion have been independent. They seem to respect him, but they never really want to rebuild Haotian religion.

Instead, enjoy the present.

It's interesting to brag with three generations of disciples every day.

Of course, he can only do so. He can't escape Zhou Xuanji.

"I want to ask you something."

Zhou Xuanji's voice suddenly came. He turned his head and saw Zhou Xuanji sitting on a wooden chair not far away.

He put down his axe, wiped his sweat and asked, "what's the matter?"

Now, it's good for him to see Zhou Xuanji once a month.

Every time he sees Zhou Xuanji, his mood is very complicated.

The boy can even defeat the sword saint.

More powerful than their founder of Haotian religion.

"Did the North suppress any evil spirits? Evil spirits that can kill the evil king."

Zhou Xuanji asked. Zhang Fenglan was much older than the old man who stole the cliff.

Zhang Fenglan was stunned, frowned and asked, "evil spirits? There are many evil spirits suppressed in the north. Because of the climate, it has been the place of seal and burial since ancient times, but the evil spirits that can kill the evil king..."

The evil king in ancient times was so powerful that even the overlord acknowledged his talent.

It's hard to kill him.


Zhang Fenglan suddenly thought of something, stared and breathed quickly.

"Impossible... Impossible..."

He shook his head, muttered to himself, and looked frightened.

Zhou Xuanji frowned. It was the first time that he saw Zhang Fenglan scared to this extent.

"What is it, you say!"

Zhou Xuanji shouted in a deep voice, which made Zhang Fenglan tremble.

He quickly replied: "the human race is the strongest! Liu Wuji! His body was suppressed in the north. He broke the seal and ran out 50000 years ago. If it were not for the suppression of Dugu devil, the northern wasteland would be slaughtered by him... There are no amazing people like Dugu devil in the world today..."

"If it's really Liu Wuji... It's over..."

He sank to the ground in great fear.

Liu Wuji?

Zhou Xuanji's expression was strange.

He asked, "could there be anyone else besides Liu Wuji?"

Zhang Fenglan shook his head and said, "the evil king has many means. Even the bully sword emperor can't kill him before preaching the Tao. Except Liu Wuji, no evil devil can kill the evil king..."

Zhou Xuanji stood up, walked up to him and helped him up.

"Don't be afraid, although there is no Dugu devil in the world today, you won't die as long as I am there."

With that, he disappeared in place out of thin air.

Zhang Fenglan was stunned and in a trance.

This sentence reminded him of his master, the former leader of Haotian cult.


Zhou Xuanji came to a deserted cave and took out the immortal sword.

The nine souls of the immortal sword have awakened, and the ninth soul is xuanzun.

According to the sword spirit, if the nine souls are fused, the eternal sword will be upgraded, but he thinks the nine souls have another function and have not been fused.

He summoned the nine souls and asked, "Liu Wuji, I have something to ask you. Don't pretend to be dead."

Since he broke through the disaster, he found that the nine souls still had consciousness, but he didn't care about him.

Liu Wuji didn't speak, but other souls spoke one after another.

"Tut Tut, if you dare to speak to Liu Wuji like this, the younger generation can be feared!"

"The boy has become more and more crazy since he broke through the disaster."

"Liu Wuji, ask you something."

"Hahaha, don't pretend to be dead."

"He's really dead, not pretending."

Zhou Xuanji ignored the ridicule of other souls and stared at Liu Wuji's soul.

Looking at his soul, it is quite different from the white haired devil calculated by Jiang Xue.

But the height is similar.

I guess I've lost weight.

Liu Wuji didn't reply, and Zhou Xuanji took the initiative to speak out about the north.

When he finished, Emperor Zhao took the lead in sighing: "why do future generations always love death? The strongest Terran is not blown out. Even if there is only the flesh, it is an immortal existence."

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