Published at 11th of October 2021 10:57:30 AM

Chapter 372: 372

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"When will he be resurrected? If you want to cheat me, you'd better die first."

Zhenwu Tianjiang said with a cold face. After that, he shot down the cliff. The old man was caught off guard. He was split in two by the space, spilled blood in the air and fell down.

This scene made hundreds of thousands of disciples' eyes red.

Xu Yang jumped up, held up his sword and roared, "what are the disciples of the imperial sword court doing? It's better to die in battle than to die! Don't forget the purpose of our imperial sword court!"

The old man who stole cliff is the elder of Zhou Xuanji and the most respected person in the sky. Being killed in this way is undoubtedly trampling on the face of the emperor's sword court.

"Help the world with the sword! Save the common people with the sword!"

"Help the world with the sword! Save the common people with the sword!"

"Help the world with the sword! Save the common people with the sword!"

Hundreds of thousands of disciples drew their swords and shouted in unison. While shouting, they jumped up, flew into the air and began to form an array.

Lin Changge, Ning Zifeng, Xiao Jinghong and others followed, and the four mountain guarding kings roared into their own. The prison burning Dragon King flew out of the back mountain, and the dragon body expanded rapidly. The picture was very spectacular.

The heavenly guards are dismissive. If a group of mortals dare to resist, they will only die more painful.

Jiang Xue holds the staff and takes a deep breath. Her eyes become firm.

The mystery is gone. She wants to protect the sky.

Zhou Xuanji met such an invincible enemy more than once.

"Array, kill the enemy!"

She held the Dharma array high and shouted. The rolling flame coiled around her and turned into a fire dragon. The wind roared and turned into a tornado. Standing on her head, countless drops of water appeared out of thin air and condensed into a huge water spear.

The second generation of disciples had a dream to seal the sword array, and the third generation of disciples listed the hundred stars covering the sky sword array.


Zhen Wutian shook his head and said that he wanted to see if Zhou Xuanji's disciples were powerful, but that was the result.


Suddenly, there was a sound breaking through the air, tearing up all the sounds. With a puff, the ghost howled and stabbed Zhenwu Tianjiang in the chest.

The world was silent.

All Tianwei immediately turned around and saw Zhou Xuanji holding his daughter's imperial sword.

Zhou Xiaoxuan looked excited and muttered, "how handsome... How handsome..."

Hundred miles flying sword!

She has also learned it, but she thinks this sword technique is average and it is too difficult to test her hit ability.

As a result, seeing Zhou Xuanji wielding the hundred mile flying sword, she instantly wanted to pick up the sword technique again.

"I'm not dead yet. Who dares to disturb my emperor's sword court? Are you tired of living?"

Zhou Xuanji's laughter filled the sky and asked all the disciples of the imperial sword court to fry the pot.

Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and others were also very excited.

He finally came back.

Jiang Xue sees the picture of Zhou Xuanji holding Zhou Xiaoxuan. Tears flow down in an instant and a surprise smile appears on her face.

Her mystery came back and found their daughter.

"Woo woo..."

One after another, ghosts howled. Zhenwu Tianjiang's face was ugly. As soon as he shook his arms, he forced the divine sword out of his chest.

He turned to look at Zhou Xuanji and said coldly, "it's just right. Kill you first, let your disciples watch you die, and then let them die in despair!"


He shot Zhou Xuanji, and dozens of Tianwei also shot Zhou Xuanji.

They have learned that Xuanyuan HuangChen is suspected to have died in the hands of Zhou Xuanji. Naturally, they dare not be careless.

Zhou Xuanji directly took out the swallow day dog sword.

The immortal shaking power poured into his body, his momentum leaped, the three Yang Yan Qi robe made a sound, and Zhou Xiaoxuan in his arms stared.

"So strong... This force..."

She stared at Zhou Xuanji's cheek and said to herself.

Zhou Xuanji didn't put her down either. He held her waist in one hand and fought with a sword in the other.

Five swords were condensed by him.

Batian divine sword, soul devouring and demon killing, gale hitting the dome, Wanji, Emperor Dao thousand hand sword Buddha!

The five sword spirits shine different lights on his body, making him like a God.

This is the first time he has tried his best to use the sky dog sword.

Before, facing Liu Wuji, the guy was too weak and knelt before he tried his best.

Zhou Xuanji quickly waved his sword, and the sword spirit came out one after another, reaching the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, the six heavenly guards were directly cut to ashes!

Zhen Wutian was shocked and hurriedly came to Zhou Xuanji's back, holding a gun in both hands and stabbing with a strong force.

The strong wind of killing the world wound around the barrel of the gun and then killed it. It swept the clouds and wanted to strangle Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji's turning over was a sword. When the sword spirit was killed, countless sword lights shone and the sword Qi swept away, which made Zhen Wutian spit blood and fly back.

The sword spirit of Honghuang sword shadow!

It seems that millions of swords hit Zhenwu Tianjiang at the same time, which shook his blood and made him very uncomfortable.

After flying backwards for hundreds of miles, he pedaled on a high mountain and rushed to Zhou Xuanji.


The mountain was shattered by the earthquake and the dust rose to the sky.

Zhou Xuanji stared at him, and the corners of his mouth rose, laughing so contemptuously.

Zhou Xiaoxuan's heart beat faster.

Such a spirit

Even in the face of immortals, he is still confident and domineering.

Her heart was filled with pride. This was her father.

First in the world, unparalleled!

All divine swords were sacrificed and appeared around Zhou Xuanji. All of them burst into power.

Ghosts howl, red dragons roar, Pluto roar, Phoenix roar, dragon chant, thunder Wanjun, etc.

All kinds of deafening sounds gathered together, as if to blow up the world, which made all the disciples of the imperial sword court stunned.

In front of Zhou Xuanji, the heavenly guards looked so weak and no longer overbearing.

Zhou Xuanji followed him to cast the shadow of the Honghuang sword. Millions of sword shadows appeared and gathered into mountains and rivers, emitting a vast momentum. It was the Honghuang mountains and rivers, just like his magic power, boundless and vast.

"Fairy God? Let you see the power of mortals!"

Zhou Xuanji laughed. All the divine swords were killed, and the shadow of the Honghuang sword moved with him.

The divine swords and sword shadows were killed in different directions, which scared the Tianwei to flee one after another. They still couldn't get rid of this terrible attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom

When the earth shook, the woods were blown up, and the world was filled with gunsmoke. The emperor's sword court retreated to the sky one after another.

A famous Tianwei was killed and screamed incessantly.

"So strong..."

Zhao Congjian clenched his fists and looked at the spectacular sword technique. He immediately wanted to learn it.

It's more domineering than the emperor's thousand handed sword Buddha!

Others were also shocked, but they were more curious about Zhou Xuanji's accomplishments.

Too strong!

It's not the power that ordinary people should have!

"Zhou Xuanji! What magic weapon do you use?"

Zhen Wutian asked angrily, waving his gun in both hands to resist the continuous shadow of the sword.

Zhou Xuanji held his daughter, rose up, looked down at him and said, "swallow the day dog sword and kill pigs and dogs."


Zhen Wutian almost blew up. This guy dared to insult him.

He clenched his teeth, held up his long gun and roared, "God, please give me divine power..."

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows, showed his boundless trace and killed him.


Zhenwu Tianjiang's head flew up, and blood rose from his neck like a fountain.

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