Published at 11th of October 2021 10:56:34 AM

Chapter 411: 411

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After saying goodbye to Dugu devil, Zhou Xuanji entered the purple demon palace alone.

Sanhai devil followed him like a servant.

When he came to the purple demon palace before, he had not observed it carefully.

This time, he wanted to know the purple demon palace well.

He took out the immortal sword and nine powerful souls emerged.

"Why are you back?"

Emperor Hanlan asked, and he regretted it.

Now Zhou Xuanji is invincible in the world. The northern wasteland is so big that he can go wherever he wants.

Zhou Xuanji spoke about Xiao Hongjun, which attracted a burst of discussion from the soul of Da Neng.

"Tut Tut, sure enough, someone is looking for the purple demon emperor's heart."

"This is the creation of heaven and earth. You must not expose it."

"The purple demon palace is also a magic weapon. You can take it, but it doesn't work for you. What's more, there is a evil object under the purple demon palace, which is a headache for the Wuxu emperor."

"What evil thing?"

"Beiming huangtao!"

Zhou Xuanji listened to them as he walked.

Soon, he learned the identity of the suppressed existence below.

Beiming huangtao, an ancient evil, once slaughtered Beihuang at home and abroad, and was suppressed by Wuwei emperor with 100 demon kings.

Zhou Xuanji heard of this evil thing, which often appears in many legends, representing ominous and killing.

According to the powerful soul, the emperor of the northern underworld will never die or die. Even if he kills it, he will be reborn. This is also the reason why the great emperor Wuxu suppressed it.

Then, Zhou Xuanji focused on the purple demon palace.

There are hundreds of side halls and thousands of houses in the purple demon palace. There are many treasures hidden. For him, these treasures are no longer a treasure, but he wants to get some ancient information.

He released the soul of wan'e's old mother. Speaking of it, she was also a poor person, but she had become a evil thing after all. Zhou Xuanji decided to leave her in the purple demon palace. After he rose, he left the northern wasteland. If wan'e's old mother followed, she would die.

Three days later.

Zhou Xuanji left the purple demon palace. He collected a lot of ancient books in the purple demon palace. All of them were collected in the supreme library and may be used in the future.

The ocean has recovered, and the purple demon palace continues to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Back in the sky, Zhou Xuanji called the crowd and said what he wanted to fly.

He's not going to fly now.

But he wanted to spend time training his disciples first, and then fly up after the emperor sword court was strong enough.

In the past, he said he would fly with everyone, but now he has to break his promise.

The northern wasteland can't fly. He plans to go to hell and fly to other mortals.

The people had already guessed that he would rise, and they had no opinion.

The little black snake vomited a snake letter and said with a smile, "you're not willing to give up your daughter-in-law, are you?"

Jiang Xue smiled proudly, and the others coaxed.

Zhou Xiaoxuan shouted, "Hello, where am I?"

Zhou Xuanji ignored her. Jiang Xue just smiled and touched her head.

North owl King Jian hehe said, "you don't know yourself?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan was sad.

After learning that Zhou Xuanji was going to rise, they practiced harder.

time rolls on.

Ten years later.

Zhou Xuanji reached the age of 89.

Over the past ten years, many talents have emerged in the imperial sword court, especially in the northern wasteland.

Chen Bantian, Meng Tianlang and Xiao Jinghong broke through the Mahayana realm, and the descendants of emperors and evil veins are really powerful.

Lin Changge has begun to attack the disaster scattered Wonderland, Ning Zifeng almost.

Zhao Congjian worked hard in the refining realm, and the weakest North owl Wang Jian also reached the cultivation level of the fifth floor of Yuanying realm.

Jiang Xue's talent is no weaker than Lin Changge and Ning Zifeng. With the help of colorful fairy fruit, she also broke through the Mahayana.

Huang Lianxin's realm is similar to that of Zhao Congjian, which makes Zhao Congjian very hurt.

Han Shenbo is a little better than Zhao Congjian.

Chongming demon emperor is already an eight level demon. He is lazy and easy to be lazy. However, the little black snake has caught up and reached the seventh level of cultivation.

The second generation of disciples have reached the cultivation of Yuanying realm, and some even reached the cultivation of refining realm.

They are all unique Kendo geniuses. Their overall talent exceeds that of three generations of disciples. Naturally, they are not bad.

Three generations of disciples generally live in the inner alchemy realm, which is also very good.

In the past ten years, the disciples of the imperial sword court have walked around the world and created a lot of prestige. In addition, the imperial sword court has become the recognized strongest force in the northern wasteland, but the inside information is weaker than the holy land.

Zhou Xiaoxuan's cultivation reached the seventh floor of Yuanying territory. He often went down the mountain to experience and break the name of ten thousand sword female immortals.

Zhou Xuanji taught her Honghuang sword shadow. Although she has not yet achieved great success, she can make hundreds of sword shadows. In addition, her father is the first in the world. People all over the world exaggerate to give her such a name. She is also very proud of it.

This day.

The sky fell and a guest was welcomed.


This guy is no longer in the form of light and shadow, but a real man. Wearing green silk and red clothes, he has a tall and straight body, a handsome face and a jade tree facing the wind. He looks only in his early thirties.

Zhou Xuanji met him, and Zhou Xiaoxuan looked at him curiously.

This is the eternal God, Prince Weimo?

"I've been away for more than ten years. Why do you come to me today?"

Zhou Xuanji poured him a glass of wine and asked with a smile.

The prince shook his glass and said, "you should fly."

His eyebrows were full of sadness and his mind was heavy.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "why?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan next to him is excited. Is it possible that another catastrophe is coming?

The prince answered truthfully.

It turned out that his original master entrusted a dream to him and claimed that many true gods were looking for the northern wasteland. Once found, the true gods would directly destroy the northern wasteland. At that time, Zhou Xuanji was not facing the great robbery of immortals, but the true God who was not limited by the way of heaven. No matter how strong his talent was, he could not defeat the true God.

Zhou Xuanji could not help thinking of the mysterious strong man he met when he came back from the underworld. He almost slapped him to death.

Is that man also a true God?

"It's inconvenient for me to confront the true gods. Dugu magic emperor offended Shenya again. The northern wasteland can only rely on you."

The prince solemnly said that Zhou Xuanji was disgusted with this.

You put the trouble on me if it's inconvenient?

He suddenly felt that the prince was very hypocritical.

The prince noticed his displeasure and explained, "I am reclining on the 36th heaven. There is a stronger presence to watch. Standing in his realm, once reclining, it may be the spring and autumn of ten thousand years."

Zhou Xuanji's mood improved slightly. He said, "after I leave, how do I know when the northern wasteland is difficult?"

The prince took out a white jade pendant and said, "this is the psychic heart. If you want to know the situation of the northern wasteland, you can use it. Remember, you can't lose this jade pendant, otherwise the enemy may find the northern wasteland through it."

Zhou Xuanji took over the jade pendant and promised it.

After the prince left, he called the elders together.

This matter is very important. Millions of disciples of the imperial sword court are in the northern wasteland and can't leave. He must become stronger.

Beg a way to suddenly appear, the first sentence is: "don't fly!"

He looked anxious and attracted people to look at him.

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