Published at 11th of October 2021 10:56:10 AM

Chapter 428: 428

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Zhou Xuanji walked out of the guest room and Li Qing was waiting outside.

He looked at Zhou Xuanji and said, "go down. You have to rely on yourself."

Other flying disciples of Shenya jumped into the sky one after another and jumped under the clouds.

Zhou Xuanji nodded, directly performed eight sword steps, came to the clouds and rushed down quickly.


A figure passed by him, far faster than him.

He glanced and saw that the man was the river of evil desire. Of course, he could not recognize the river of evil desire for the time being.

Hundreds of climbers have gathered in the magnificent xuanjie pit, some in groups and some alone.

It's hard to see them from high above.

Zhou Xuanji didn't fly towards the disciples of Shenya. He fell alone on a huge stone and sat down at will.

Yesterday's incident had estranged him from his classmates, so he didn't bother to lick his face to hold a group.

A famous climber fell, whispering in all directions, and some people laughed and looked very excited.

Zhou Xuanji looked up and the sea of clouds rolled away. People from all sects and disciples of daotianzong stood on the cloud and looked down.

This scene inexplicably reminded him of the Colosseum.

He is one of the fighting animals.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and smiled, thinking no more.

He continued to receive Qi and let the world store more mana.

After half a column of incense.

All the soaring people gathered in the xuanjie pit. There were more than 1300 people, all of whom were golden immortals.

"There are two rules for the assessment of the skylifters. One is to collect the geocentric inflammatory crystals. The other is to eliminate other skylifters. The longer they persist, the better their performance. The eliminated ones do not count the number of geocentric inflammatory crystals. Finally, the remaining skylifters are ranked according to the number of geocentric inflammatory crystals."

"This assessment has a period of one month. At that time, we will put your war situation in the air for everyone to see."

The solemn voice sounded again, turning many ascending people pale.

If everyone can see their performance, can't they use too dark means?

Of course, it can also make a big fool.

"Now start to go underground and collect the inflammatory crystals in the center of the earth."

The solemn voice continued, and no one could find his trace.

More than 1300 climbers went into the cracks and canyons and killed them deep underground.

Zhou Xuanji is not in a hurry.

Instead of collecting the inner earth inflammatory crystals themselves, let them collect them first and he will loot them again.

Soon, he was alone on the ground.

People on the cloud are talking.

"Who is that man? Afraid?"

"It seems that he is the core disciple of Shenya, Ji Xuan, who accepted Shi Shenzong."

"Tut Tut, the final victory of this assessment is the demon desire river."

"Not necessarily. The Gu Moyuan of the futu ghost cult is not bad either."

"Guess which sect's disciples will kill first?"

Zhou Xuanji ignored all the comments above. After waiting for a while, he turned into a sword light and drilled into the ground.

After he disappeared, a layer of golden light covered the xuanjie pit. It was a Dharma array to avoid speculation.

Zhou Xuanji quickly shuttled through the ground fissures. He found that the ground fissures and valleys were connected in all directions, and there was no end or depth to see.

There were two men in front of them, and Zhou Xuanji bypassed them and headed for the ground at full speed.

At this moment, he turned into a gust of wind, almost to the extreme.

Soon, he found a deserted cave and began to practice.

At the same time, pictures appeared in the sky above the xuanjie pit, putting all the soaring people into it.

Some are diving madly, some are fighting, others are hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity.

Zhou Xuanji is not conspicuous.

The most powerful one is the demon desire river. This guy is not in a hurry to find the earth center inflammatory crystal. He chases and kills the soaring people everywhere. Whoever he meets, he goes to war without saying a word.

Guan Hong, the supreme demon sect elder, laughed and ignored others.

The sect whose disciples were killed dared to be angry.

On the highest floating island, an old man was lighting incense in the Taoist temple.

He is the leader of daotianzong and the Taichu emperor.

Li Zhangqi walked behind him, hugged his fist and said respectfully, "elder martial brother, the assessment has begun. What can I tell you?"

Taichu Yudao turned around and looked vicissitudes. Wearing a white robe, he smiled kindly and said, "nothing. Just avoid the strong men of all factions from interfering secretly."

He seems weak and half buried in the loess. In fact, he is one of the giants in China.

He has unparalleled powers and was once even known as the strongest under the immortal God.

"Elder martial brother, who do you think will win?"

Li Zhangqi asked curiously that the matter was of great importance. He could win over the sect door where the soaring man was located in advance.

Taichu Yudao glanced at him and said with a smile, "the youngest man will win."

Li Zhangqi was stunned.


The vast majority of those who soar are over 5000 years old. How does he study the specific age?

You can't ask one by one.

The elders of the sect don't know.

Taichu said with a smile, "this assessment will be wonderful."

Li Zhangqi was even more confused.

It was the first time he heard his senior brother say this.


Time turns.

Over the past seven days, more than 400 climbers have been eliminated.

The roar of battle in the ground kept rising for a long time. Zhou Xuanji was almost cocooned when he heard it.

This day.

He got up slowly, took out the ghost emperor Jiyuan and prepared to start hunting.

He flew down quickly.

Soon, he met a climber.

The cultivation of liuzhuan Jinxian is very strong. This man is also hunting. As soon as he sees Zhou Xuanji, he quickly kills him.

The man had messy long hair, wore black armor, held a long gun in both hands, and the cloak behind him was like a flame.

Zhou Xuanji directly cast the infinite trace, cut off his right arm and sprinkled blood into the abyss.

"How possible!"

The black armor climber was almost scared to death. Just about to turn around, the ghost emperor Jiyuan pierced his chest.


Zhou Xuanji pressed him on the mountain wall, put his feet on his shoulders and looked down at him with cold eyes.

"Hand over all your inner earth inflammatory crystals, or die."

The black armour climber knew instantly that he was not Zhou Xuanji's opponent. He immediately took out his identity card and was ready to crush it.

Zhou Xuanji's speed was faster. He grabbed his identity card and threw it into the ground.

He stared and scolded angrily, "you..."

Zhou Xuanji used his magic power to make the world better. He was so scared that he quickly shut up and sweat profusely.

He immediately took out six earth core inflammatory crystals and handed them to Zhou Xuanji.

The inflammatory crystals in the center of the earth vary in size, but they are stones that seem to be stuck by magma.

Zhou Xuanji took out the mantra sword and stabbed it into the black armor lifter. He asked, "is there anything else?"

The black armor climber subconsciously replied, "yes, there are many."

The next second, his expression became scary.

Zhou Xuanji looked at him with a sneer. He was so frightened that he took out another 20 pieces of earth core inflammatory crystals.

"Anything else?"

"Of course... What's going on?"

Black armor soared and took out eight earth core inflammatory crystals.

"Still have?" Zhou Xuanji sneered.

The black armour climber was silent, and Zhou Xuanji immediately accelerated the operation speed of tianhuayi, which scared him to take out two pieces of Yanjing in the center of the earth.

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