Published at 11th of October 2021 10:54:46 AM

Chapter 484: 484

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In the underground stone hall.

Su Han stood up, the whole stone hall shook violently, and a wave of terror came and made his hair stand up.

"What's going on?"

He looked up in horror, unable to imagine what kind of battle was happening on the ground.


The stone hall was smashed, and a light mask appeared out of thin air to protect the space in the hall. Su Han was shocked to see that the surrounding rocks and molten slurry turned into nothingness.

The same is true of the soil above, and the strong light shines from the sky.

Ten thousand feet away, he saw a figure floating in the air, still waving a sword.

The ten ghost sects screamed bitterly.

Su Han stared, unable to understand what he saw.

What power is this?

Everywhere he could see, everything turned into nothingness, and the darkness swallowed up from below. He had a sense of horror of being expelled from the world.

"Zhou Xuanji!"

The voice of Ji Shenjun gnashing his teeth sounded, and his tone was full of hard and unforgettable killing intention.

Su Han took a breath.

Is this great power caused by elder Zhou?

How strong is he now?

Can you compete with Ji Shenjun?

His heart warmed up again.

Sure enough, master Zhou is still the strongest. Ji Shenjun said that his foundation was unstable. Shit!

From beginning to end, Zhou Xuanji was always the first in Su Han's heart.

Even if Ji Shenjun taught him, there was no mystery in his heart.

If Zhou Xuanji had not killed the monsters in the villages of the northern wasteland, but also accepted the Gulan demon emperor and asked the demon family to take care of their village, Su Han might not live today.

Once, he wanted to worship Zhou Xuanji as a teacher. Unfortunately, Zhou Xuanji had something important, but before he left, he still taught them a set of sword techniques.

Is this saving grace comparable to that of Ji God?

In the strong light, Zhou Xuanji's cold laughter came out: "what? Did you forget that you sent your men to kill me?"

"The poor man seems to be called Qin magic locust!"

When Qin magic locust came to the northern wasteland, he also retained the cultivation of Jinxian. It can be seen that Ji Shenjun was vicious and vowed to kill Zhou Xuanji.

Hearing the speech, Ji Shenjun was silent again and didn't answer immediately.

The strong light dissipated.

There is a terrible black hole with a diameter of 100 miles below, and there is no end to see.

At the edge of the black hole, the surface is broken, magma and soil accumulate into a circle of high earth walls, filled with scorched smoke, like the beginning of the dawn of the earth.

Su Han's stone hall was suspended in the air in the black hole. From top to bottom, he could not be seen because the darkness swallowed him.

"Tut Tut, Ji Shenjun, are you in a panic? Four of your ghost sect have died. Don't you feel heartache?"

Mo Jiuqing's voice rang through the sky and provoked Ji Shenjun with words.

As soon as the voice fell, six figures appeared in front of Ji Shenjun.

The six ghost sects, like candles about to go out, are far less powerful than before.

They looked at Zhou Xuanji as if they were watching the most terrible existence in the world.

That sword almost wiped them out.

The atmosphere became more severe.

Ji Shenjun was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

Mo Jiuqing did not attack immediately, but waited for Ji Shenjun to relax.

At the moment, Ji Shenjun must be full of anger and can't attack.

"Do it."

Zhou Xuanji didn't want to wait any longer. Using so many magic swords cost him a lot.

Mo Jiuqing narrowed her eyes and started immediately.

He still has the power to fight against Zhan Ji Shenjun. Before, only the top ten ghost sects harassed him and made him suffer from the enemy.

They immediately walked towards the emptiness of Ji Shenjun.

"Zhou Xuanji, Mo Jiuqing, this revenge will never die. I hope you can bear it."

Ji Shenjun opened his mouth slowly. After that, he turned into a magnificent black fog and spread rapidly, drowning the six ghost families.

Zhou Xuanji and Mo Jiuqing shot at the same time, killing out the evil Qi and sword Qi, and dispersing the black fog. Unfortunately, the breath of Ji Shenjun and the six ghost sects has disappeared.

Even Su Han in the black hole disappeared out of thin air.

Mo Jiuqing gritted his teeth and scolded, "let him run away!"

Nevertheless, he was very happy.

At least this time, he destroyed the prestige of Ji Shenjun and killed four ghost sects.

It's a big win!

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked, "is Ji Shenjun just ordering his men?"

Excluding those magma monsters, Zhou Xuanji saw the top ten ghost sects and a weak guy below.

"This is not the nest of Ji Shenjun. He came here to cultivate the younger generation just below."

Mo Jiuqing pondered that it was not easy for Ji Shenjun to find the dragon in the same place many times.

Zhou Xuanji nodded. He always felt that the boy's breath was very familiar, but he couldn't remember.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Then they left.

Soon after they left, a dark shadow emerged from the ruins.

The shadow turned into a human shape, wearing a dark purple iron armor, no head, only a burly body, and holding a black cold long gun in his right hand.

He looked at the direction of Zhou Xuanji's departure and muttered to himself, "the sword emperor has grown up. It's time to harvest."

With that, he drilled into the nearby hundred mile black hole and disappeared into the boundary of yin and Yang.


After the war with Ji Shenjun, Zhou Xuanji and Mo Jiuqing didn't go back immediately, but found a hidden place and began to restore their mana.

Zhou Xuanji is also supplying the celestial immortal power. Since he became a celestial immortal body, he doesn't have to fly to the clouds to absorb the celestial immortal power.

They sat on the top of the mountain, surrounded by mountains.

Mo Jiuqing said, "I didn't expect you to be so strong. You have great hope to surpass us."

He was once a peerless Tianjiao who amazed the world, but in the face of Zhou Xuanji, he sighed that he was inferior.

"Should not be able to surpass?"

Zhou Xuanji asked with a smile. When he heard the speech, Mo Jiuqing shook his head and burst into laughter.

After this war, the relationship between the two people was much closer.

Mo Jiuqing fully recognized him and began to talk about his gratitude and resentment with Ji Shenjun.

600000 years ago, he had just risen. Because of his outstanding talent, he was suppressed by countless forces and wandered around.

Later, I met Ji Shenjun, who pretended to be kind and wanted to take him as a disciple to confuse him to leave with Ji Shenjun.

A hundred years later, he inadvertently learned that Ji Shenjun wanted to refine him into a separate body, which made him angry at that time.

However, he could not defeat Ji Shenjun, so he fled quietly. Unexpectedly, Ji Shenjun chased him.

If he hadn't met the old beggar behind, I'm afraid he would have become a puppet of Ji Shenjun.

Mo Jiuqing gnashed his teeth when he mentioned it.

Zhou Xuanji felt deja vu.

Is it that hanging robber cliff wants to do this to him?

He asked curiously, "who is the old man? Why don't you even say his name?"

He had recognized the old beggar as his master, but the old man didn't even tell him his name.

Mo Jiuqing shook his head and said, "I don't know. His name is taboo. Once he says it, he will suffer the highest punishment of heaven."

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