Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:49 AM

Chapter 522: 522

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Qiang! Qiang! Qiang

Zhou Xuanji and Zhao gouce fell into a fierce fight. The divine sword and the golden fan hit each other one after another with sparks. The two went to heaven and earth and fought inseparably.

They bounced away again. Zhao gouce held the fan handle in one hand and waved it quickly.

Countless fire winds killed Zhou Xuanji from all directions, like a snare, which can't be avoided.

Zhou Xuanji rushed to him and wielded the three yuan Jue pulse sword at the same time. The sword Qi was like a violent wind and rain, strangling and dispersing the fire wind.

Zhao gouce pulled out his leg, which was thunderous and powerful, as if to kick the sky.

Zhou Xuanji directly wielded the ancestral dragon sword and turned it into a five clawed Golden Dragon. He ran into Zhao gouce head-on.

The five clawed golden dragon, ten thousand feet long, raged down and crushed Zhao gouce to the ground.

He pushed his legs hard and didn't lie down.

The five clawed Golden Dragon pressed him forward with great speed. In the blink of an eye, it swept over a hundred miles and smashed icebergs.

Zhao gouce's face was expressionless, and a purple soul condensed behind him. The purple soul punched him, and the five clawed Golden Dragon burst to pieces in an instant.

Zhou Xuanji showed himself and wanted to soar into the sky and show his Zhenshi.

Zhao gouce bounced up with his legs and quickly caught up with him.


An earth shaking roar sounded. Zhao colluded and opened his mouth. An evil ghost was killed from his mouth. It was green faced and tusks. It grew rapidly, like a mountain hitting a mystery last week.

Nine sword spirits were gathered behind Zhou Xuanji. The sword spirits were killed one after another to kill the evil ghost, which made Zhao gouce fall down.

"This guy's mana is so strong!"

Zhou Xuanji was secretly frightened. In the state of Shenyue, his strength and speed could barely match Zhao's collusion.

How high is this guy's cultivation?

Unexpectedly, Zhao gouce was also frightened.

Zhou Xuanji was full of a strange power, but he could see that the realm of Zhou Xuanji was only the eighth floor of Hunyuan Luotian.

How can Hunyuan Luo Tian's eighth level cultivation bear such a powerful divine power?

Zhou Xuanji showed the shadow of the wanhuang sword. A billion shadow of the sword appeared on his head out of thin air, killing Zhao gouce like a torrential rain.

It's like an avalanche!

Zhao gouce suddenly took out a sword and cut it into the sky.

The purple sword Qi stretches like a mountain, killing tens of millions of sword shadows.

Other sword shadows still fell and continued to kill Zhao gouce.

Zhao gouce was soon submerged in the shadow of the sword.

Zhou Xuanji rushed to the clouds.


The prince said excitedly that the previous sword that destroyed heaven and earth finally appeared!

Huang Yuxiu also stared at Zhou Xuanji and wanted to see through the sword.


A strong light came on and scattered all the sword shadows.

At this time.

Zhou Xuanji came down from the sky. In September, the ambush was greatly destroyed. The sword was down. Mount Tai pressed the top, as fast as a comet.

Zhao gouce's pupils contracted and felt the crisis.

He subconsciously wanted to avoid and just took off.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly used all things to return to the yuan, directly pulled Zhao gouce over and hit it with a sword.


The strong light burst out and the terrible sword Qi raged in the world. Huang Yuxiu quickly used her magic mask to protect herself and the princes.

The sword Qi raged around, making them unable to see the surrounding situation.

Such a scene made the princes' blood boil. He clenched his fists and murmured, "we must win!"

If they win one day earlier, they can save many lives.

The sword roars like heaven and earth collapse and destruction is coming.

After a while, the prince and Huang Yuxiu suddenly heard the sound of the sword blade hitting each other.

"Is it..."

The Marquis stared with cold sweat on his forehead.

The strong light gradually weakened, and they finally saw the figure of Zhou Xuanji and Zhao's collusion.

At the moment, Zhao gouce was covered with blood, but his offensive was still strong.

Zhou Xuanji's black clothes fluttered, undamaged, and vaguely gained the upper hand.

"Zhou Xuanji, you are really strong!"

Zhao gouce said, his tone still cold.

Zhou Xuanji said in a cold voice, "my strength is far more than that!"

He gathered the fire soul of the war Road, and the green and dark flame was wrapped in the white light.

He used the sword to make the immortal and ghost cry, so that other divine swords could resist the attack of Zhao's conspiracy, while he held up the September ambush and destruction sword to gather the power of the divine moon.

The Yuanzhu continent shook violently.

At this juncture, Yuanzhu mainland also knows that the key battle is coming!

It wants to give all its power to Zhou Xuanji and let him avenge himself!

Flash floods and tsunamis.

This is the roar of God moon!

It is unwilling to become the Yuanzhu continent trampled by all living beings!

It is the God moon high above, overlooking all living beings!

Zhao gouce was flustered. He could feel that heaven and earth were instilling some power into Zhou Xuanji, and Zhou Xuanji's momentum was rising.

Zhou Xuanji's face became painful.

Even if he already had the eight levels of cultivation of Hunyuan Luotian, he couldn't bear the power of such a violent God moon.

Zhao gouce killed Zhou Xuanji. He came to Zhou Xuanji step by step. The golden fan burst out countless thunder escapes and turned into a thunder net to wrap Zhou Xuanji.

The white light on Zhou Xuanji broke out and blocked all lightning.

The nine swords and spirits behind him fought frantically, making Zhao's conspiracy retreat.

"Zhao gouce, if I give you the same, you are really strong. Unfortunately, you can't really fight with you. You're going to die!"

Zhou Xuanji looked down at Zhao gouce and said in a deep voice. After that, he suddenly threw out the great destruction sword in September!

The sword turned into a white light, rushed to the sky, suddenly fell and killed Zhao gouce.

In the turbid world, the white light is so shining and eye-catching.

The sword is very fast!

Zhao gouce felt the crisis and subconsciously avoided it.

However, the great destruction of the ambush in September, the sword suddenly accelerated!

The light burst!



In September, the ambush was greatly destroyed. The sword fell under Zhao's collusion and fell into the ruins of the earth.

The earth shook violently, the ice and snow had melted, and the ocean rose and surged wantonly.

Zhou Xuanji instantly felt a huge mana pouring into his body.

His mental state recovered in an instant, raised his right hand, and the sword flew back to him in September.

He raised his mouth and murmured, "Zhao gouce, I hope you have an afterlife."

"I won this war!"

He cancelled the state of God moon and began to break through on the spot.

In September, the power of the divine moon of the subdued and destroyed sword helped suppress the surging mana in his body.


Thunder clouds gathered, and the luck of heaven fell, shaking away the turbidity between heaven and earth and shining on Zhou Xuanji.

"He really won..."

Huang Yuxiu stared at her, some of whom couldn't understand.

Why did Yuanzhu mainland desperate to help Zhou Xuanji?

Why can Zhou Xuanji withstand this power beyond Hunyuan Luotian?

The prince was so excited that he laughed and said, "win! Win!"

After Zhou Xuanji absorbed the Qi of heaven, the war between the two worlds will end.

China, saved!

At the same time, Zhou Xuanji's breath began to increase madly.

Soon, he broke through to the ninth floor of Hunyuan Luotian!

Still improving!

"Good! Just keep going!"

Zhou Xuanji cheered up and said that when he returned to China, it would be the time for him to reign in the world.

Even without such a strong God moon state, he will cross the world!

If he meets Li fo again, he will let that guy taste despair!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!