Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:12 AM

Chapter 545: 545

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Since Zhou Xuanji met xianxianghua, she has been helping him.

Save him again and again and find opportunities for him.

She found the purple demon palace and the statue of Yuanzu.

Now he's not what he used to be. Just support her.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Zhou Xuanji smiled and gently lifted her veil while talking.

The old witch is still beautiful.

In terms of appearance, Xianxiang flower is definitely the most beautiful existence he has ever seen, even the fairy in the divine palace.

He is not a man who likes leather bags, otherwise how many women would throw themselves at him.

In his heart, in addition to Jiang Xue, the most important thing is that the fairy wants to spend.

As for Zhou Xiaoxuan, he has to be behind the old man who stole the cliff.

"In the demon world, there is a magic River leading to the heart of the world. I want to get the heart of the world in the demon world. Now the demon ancestor comes to the thousands of gods to look for the purple Qi of heaven. The demon emperor guarding the heart of the world should not be your opponent. After all, the green demon emperor can rank among the top five in the demon world."

The fairy wanted to spend her eyes burning and said, as for offending the demon ancestor?

She's not afraid at all.

Even if she ascended, her bones were still dragon Aohua who was not afraid of the heaven and earth.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "like the combat power before, I can only last for an hour, is that enough?"

It's not surprising that Xian wants to spend. After all, Zhou Xuanji is here.

She narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "of course, enough. Just grab it and go. When I integrate the heart of the demon world, I can make a leap in cultivation. Over time, I can even control the whole demon world. In the future, you will be the man of the Lord of the demon world. Are you happy?"

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "wait for me for three days."

The fairy wanted the flower to lie directly in his arms, like a bird snuggling up.

He didn't resist. Up to now, he and Jiang Xue have recognized that Xian wants to spend. Even Zhou Xiaoxuan often reads about her fairy aunt. Although they haven't paid a formal visit, they have already returned to their hearts.

Zhou Xuanji didn't mess around. He gently stroked her hair and asked her about her experience over the years.

She didn't talk either. She began to talk when she separated from Zhou Xuanji.

In the vast starry sky, the two embrace each other. There are many meteorites floating around. There are stars shining in the distance. The picture is quite beautiful.


The news that the only God was strongly killed by Zhou Xuanji was like a whirlwind, sweeping China and nearby big states, and then spreading to the whole gods.

Even the green devil emperor and the evil remnant devil emperor are not opponents of the only God. Can a Tianjiao less than 300 years old easily kill the only God?

But the prisoners can testify, which makes the news true.

The name of the sword emperor spread to all gods for the second time.

The first is because of the monument of the great emperors of the heavens.

At other times, Zhou Xuanji's reputation was only in Central China.

This day.

Under the dark sky.

Standing on the beach, facing the surging waves in front of him, the cliff said, "Zhou Xuanji has grown up and hasn't been eliminated yet?"

After knowing Zhou Xuanji's achievements, the cliff was completely flustered.

Although I don't understand why Zhou Xuanji can become so strong, he is very dangerous.

Even Li Buddha died in the hands of Zhou Xuanji. Can he live if he waits?

"Someone will do it. Can you calculate the purple Qi of heaven?"

A voice came from the sea in a calm tone.

In his eyes, where did Zhou Xuanji become a saint.

As long as he becomes a saint, he can be easily destroyed with another 10000 Zhou Xuanji.

Hanging thief cliff frowned and replied, "it can't be predicted that Taoist jingzun may hide it somewhere or give it to someone. Before, it was not rumored that the green demon emperor had the purple Qi of heaven in the hands of Ji Shenjun?"

Ji Shenjun helped him find the holy sword, which he seems to have forgotten.

"Ji Shenjun can't sit on the purple Qi of the heaven. Even if he does, he is not qualified to be a saint."

Hearing this sentence, the cliff was silent.

Ji Shenjun is indeed a strong man, but he is nothing compared with real power.

"Go to the demon world and have a look. In the next period of time, more and more great powers will return to the thousand gods. Our great emperor Daoting should also reappear in the world."

The voice in the sea murmured, nodded from the cliff and left immediately.


In the starry sky.

The old red lion sat under the tree watching the chessboard. He suddenly frowned and murmured, "the only God is dead... This breath... It's him!"

Even if he was far away from the gods, he could feel that Zhou Xuanji killed the only God.

Instead of being angry, he was more interested in Zhou Xuanji.

With a wave of his right hand, he sprinkled countless light stars and flew in all directions.

"In that case, it will make the battle for saints more intense. I hope the next heavenly saint will be more interesting."

The ancestor of the Red Lion talked to himself, and his face showed a smile that ordinary people can't guess.

Then he refocused his attention on the chessboard.


The demon world.

Zhou Xuanji and Xianhua wanted to walk out of a portal. He found that the evil spirit in the demon world was thinner than before, perhaps because the demons returned to the thousand gods.

They walked towards the enchanted river.

The magic river has existed since the birth of the magic world and runs through the whole magic world. The aura of the magic world also comes from the magic river. The magic river will lead to both ends of the magic world, fall along the horizon and flow into the heart of the magic world. The heart of the magic world will evaporate the magic River and flow into the sky of the whole magic world, so as to cycle.

They soon found the magic River and walked along it.

They didn't walk fast, just like walking in a leisurely court. This is Zhou Xuanji's opinion.

"Any journey is a practice, young man, don't worry."

Zhou Xuanji said leisurely. Anyway, there was a formula for the return of the nine gods, and he was not afraid of the arrival of the demon ancestor.

Now, his eyes have been on the road, chasing Ba Sheng and overlooking the yuan court of Kunlun.

He has looked down on everything under the heaven.

In his arrogant words, he didn't pay attention to anyone.

Tianwu demon God is already his part. Naturally, it also belongs to his strength and is the source of his self-confidence.

"Aren't you afraid of wasting time and your little daughter-in-law is in danger?"

Xian Xianghua asked jokingly. When the old witch was free, she liked to tease Zhou Xuanji with Jiang Xue.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and said twenty-four xuanqinglian.

The fairy wanted to spend a sigh: "I said how can you be so patient with me? Alas, it seems that I'm not your favorite at the top of your heart."

Zhou Xuanji said calmly, "love is love, regardless of primary and secondary."

Only in order.

First come, first served.

The fairy thought that the flower was frightened by him and laughed loudly.

As they moved forward, Zhou Xuanji began to talk about the truth of life, saying his own understanding of Tao, but he did not point out the existence of Tao.

Xianxiang flower was interesting at first.

There is a magic sound behind.

She pinched Zhou Xuanji's cheek and hummed, "smelly boy, why are you like a fly?"

Zhou Xuanji sighed and said that you didn't want to catch it when it was sent to you.

You'll regret it.

Then they began to quicken their pace.

Half a month later.

They came to the end of the world of evil, and the magic River fell from the end of the world to form a magnificent waterfall.

Here, the width of the magic river is as vast as the ocean, and the aura turns into a fog sea to cover the sky.

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