Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:10 AM

Chapter 546: 546

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Zhou Xuanji grabbed the waist of the immortal and jumped down from the horizon.

As soon as they jump, they feel a strong suction.

From this point of view, the demon world is like a funnel. They and the demon river flow down the surface of the funnel.

Xian Xianghua looked around excitedly, with a novel appearance.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "first time?"

Xian Xianghua nodded and said, "the legend of the heart of the demon world has spread for a long time. It is said that the heart of the demon world is guarded by the nine ancestors of the demon world. Except the demon ancestor, any living creature close to it will be killed."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head. The old witch's persistence in power was not inferior to him.

He immediately began to move forward at full speed and flew down the magic river.

After half a column of incense.

They finally ran into a strong light and opened their eyes again. They came to an underground world.

A waterfall flows down the mountain wall and converges into a lake hundreds of miles in diameter.

Suspended above the lake is a crystal, which forms a pyramid and reflects the colorful light. It is the heart of the demon world.

Zhou Xuanji has sensed the existence of the nine ancestors of the demon world. He is indeed very strong. Although he is not as strong as the only God, he is also a real strong person in tongtianjing.

He immediately performed the formula of returning to the yuan of the nine gods and integrated the tianwu demon God into his flesh.

The Xianxiang flower next to him obviously felt that his momentum had changed.

A magic sword appeared around them, shining white light and circling at high speed.

The immortal ghost of Jianzong cries!

"So strong..."

Xian Xianghua's eyes were full of brilliance. This time, she really realized the profound mystery of Zhou Xuanji. She couldn't see the speed of those divine swords at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom

Nine huge threats broke out and rushed to Zhou Xuanji from all directions.

"Who dares to break into the forbidden area of the demon world!"

A dignified voice sounded, and the tone was full of killing intention.

Zhou Xuanji was too lazy to see them. He wanted to fly to the demon world with immortal flowers in one hand.

He can feel that the heart of the demon world contains endless evil Qi, which is worthy of being the source and center of the demon world.



"Stop him!"


The nine ancestors of the demon world were furious and killed Xiang Xuanji one after another.

Facing Zhou Xuanji, they felt dangerous, so they didn't be reckless, but chose to fight together.

The nine ancestors of the demon world attacked from nine directions, and they were full of magic Qi, but did not reveal their true body.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes coagulated and directly cast the sword rules.

All the divine swords quickly scattered the nine ancestors of the demon world, and the sword light shone all over the underground space.

The nine ancestors of the demon world were directly wiped out, scared and no longer exist.

Without the strength of emperor evil and the only God, they can't even protect their souls.



Xianxianghua appreciated the invincible style, and she sighed faintly.

At the beginning, she had such prestige in the northern wilderness.

She turned her eyes to the heart of the demon world and was excited.

They quickly flew to the heart of the demon world.

The heart of the demon world is as high as 100 feet, and there are countless mirrors on the surface. From here, you can see all corners of the demon world.

"How do I use it?"

Zhou Xuanji asked softly. He glanced at the fairy and found that the old witch's eyes had changed.


She held back her excitement and narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't know, but I can feel it calling me."

She suddenly broke away from Zhou Xuanji's hand and bumped into the heart of the demon world.

Zhou Xuanji quickly caught her and prepared to stop her.

At this time, a terrible attraction burst out in the heart of the demon world and forcibly dragged Xianxiang flower into it.

Zhou Xuanji was shocked and subconsciously waved his sword to the heart of the demon world, trying to cut a gap and drill in.

However, the heart of the demon world is extremely hard, and his heaven shaking sword and physical strength can't break it at all.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Xuanji frowned and reached out to touch the heart of the demon world.

The heart of the demon world is cold and divine consciousness cannot penetrate.

He completely lost contact with Xianxiang flower.

"Don't worry, I'm trying to integrate the heart of the demon world."

The voice of xianxianghua suddenly came from the heart of the demon world. The voice was as excited as before, and even trembled.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "are you sure?"

If the hearts of the demon world were so well integrated, the nine ancestors of the demon world would have acted long ago.

"No, but I'm willing to try, because the statue of Yuanzu once said that I am the Lord of the demon world. I don't want to wait too long. I want to try now. If I fail, it's also life."

Xian Xianghua's answer made Zhou Xuanji speechless.


Is the old witch crazy?

With a sigh, he lifted the nine gods' formula of returning to the yuan and let the demon God of tianwu wait behind him.

He sat in the void and began to learn from the old fairy to speak the voice of the road.

He didn't know that those words were the voice of the road, but he kept them in mind.

"Spring and summer are hot. There are few Highlands in the sky. Where the Tao comes, what the heart hopes..."

"Everything has its rules. If you want to be quick, you can't reach it. If the Tao belongs to you, no one can steal it. If the Tao doesn't belong to you, it's useless to prove the Tao..."

"Tao is the Tao, which lies in the heart, the form and the God..."

He thought deeply, and his voice came into the heart of the demon world, making a slight wave in the heart of the demon world.

The underground space began to echo the Tao sound of Zhou Xuanji.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The green devil emperor and the green erosion snake king fought wildly in the mountains and forests, while the devil ancestor and the demon emperor sat in the air, standing opposite each other, and their eyes fell on the battle below.

They are watching a play, but the green devil emperor and the green snake king are trying their best.

At this time, the devil suddenly felt something and frowned slightly.

The demon emperor noticed his expression and jokingly said, "what? Do you want to go?"

The devil's face returned to calm and said, "this battle is invincible. Why should I go?"

He thought in his heart that the heart of the demon world could not leave the demon world, and the other party could not shake the heart of the demon world. If he delayed for a period of time, it would not affect anything.

After thinking about it, he watched the war patiently and continued to play the game with the demon emperor.

This game is not a joke. If one party loses, it has to provide its own information without falsehood.

The demon emperor and the demon ancestor have known each other for countless years, and they can still be honest with each other.

Because they fought for holiness more than once.


At the other end of the demon world, in a cave.

The statue of Yuanzu trembled violently, and the four eyes on the monkey's face suddenly turned as if they were alive.

"The devil of heaven, born in the sky, slaughters the world and eliminates harm for heaven."

A vast voice came from the statue of Yuanzu without any emotional color.

Then it began to spin, drill into the soil and disappear.

Zhou Xuanji was still preaching in front of the heart of the demon world.

He doesn't know whether this can help xianxianghua, but the heart of the demon world must be an extremely evil existence. He must try his best to keep xianxianghua calm.

Time passes day by day.

Most of the creatures in the demon world live in the thousands of gods. After the fall of the ninth ancestor of the demon world, no other evil demons came here, nor did the demon ancestor.

At the beginning, Zhou Xuanji could also communicate with xianxianghua.

Up to now, no matter how he called, Xianxiang flower didn't respond.

He didn't panic and preached patiently. In this dangerous situation, his state of mind got a sublimation, which is difficult to describe.

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