Published at 11th of October 2021 10:50:03 AM

Chapter 669: 669

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Facing Ye Jun's ridicule, Nangong Jiayin picked her eyebrow and said with a smile: "brother Xuanji has outstanding talent and looks beautiful. What's the matter with me?"

Other Taoist ancestors laughed as soon as they heard it.

When they reached the point of cultivation, they had never seen anything. Therefore, they were not excited about the appearance of Nangong Jiayin and didn't take her words seriously.

This woman valued Zhou Xuanji's qualification.

Zhou Xuanji kept smiling and didn't answer.

He also didn't like the good news of Nangong.

He felt enough to accept Xianxiang flower. God knows how old Nangong Jiayin is.

Compared with her, Xianxiang flower is certainly not worth mentioning.

In Kunlun Yuanting, the age of Xianxiang flower is the same as that of a girl.

Soon, they returned to Yuancheng.

After walking out of the temple of the God of war, Cheng Jiu came up.

Zhou Xuanji said goodbye to his teammates and left with Cheng Jiu.

"Congratulations on becoming the virtual world God of war, and the only virtual world God of war in our Longbow God vein!"

Cheng Jiu respectfully said that there are not many Taoist ancestors of Longbow divine pulse, and the virtual world war god is very dangerous. Those Taoist ancestors are unwilling to take risks, not to mention other occupations that are more suitable for them.

Zhou Xuanji nodded gently and said with a smile, "go back to the Jade House. I want to see my three men."

He plans to let Zhou Xiaoxuan, Jiang Xue, xianxianghua and others take root in the Yuanting of Kunlun.

I'm going to bother Longgong Shenmai to help register my identity.

I don't think it will be too difficult.

But before that, the accomplishments of Jiang Xue and others must be promoted to the holy land. No matter how bad it is, it must be the ten realms of heaven, otherwise it will be eliminated.

Along the way, he said it again. Cheng Jiu patted his chest and promised that it was just a small matter. When he went back, he would immediately report it to Changgong.

There are so many creatures in the longbow divine vein. There are dozens or hundreds of people, which is no problem at all.

Of course, if all the creatures in the lotus world were moved out, the long bow divine pulse would still be unbearable, which would also attract the attention of Yuanting.


Long bow, divine pulse, jade family.

When Zhou Xuanji returned to the courtyard, prisoner Hu, shengtiandao and Si mengyan felt his breath and all came out of their houses.

They were very excited because they had learned about Zhou Xuanji's prestige in Yuan City.

Zhou Xuanji was in a good mood. He sat in the pavilion with them and told them about his experience during this period.

When they learned that Zhou Xuanji had surpassed the virtual realm God and the thirteen emperors of the virtual realm, they were stunned and couldn't return to their God for a long time.

The boy flies too fast!

After coming to Kunlun Yuanting, he seemed to be a different person. He rushed all the way and was unstoppable. Now they dare not think of the achievements they have made.

Zhou Xuanji's experience also stimulated the three of them. They vowed to practice hard. When they broke through the holy land, they went to Yuancheng to choose a career and develop by themselves.

After chatting for an hour, Zhou Xuanji returned to the room. He asked Nanming demon God to take 24 xuanqinglian. First, he came to the sky and called Zhou Xiaoxuan, Jiang Xue, xianxianghua, empress Zhaoxuan, Xiao Jinghong and others.

Now the earth and the sky have built a transmission method array, including the demon world, to facilitate their communication with each other.

"Father, are there any wonderful adventures to tell us recently?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan asked excitedly, and others looked forward to it.

The little black snake vomited a snake letter and said with a smile, "won't you meet another fairy to spend?"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Xue and Xian Xianghua stared at it at the same time, locked it with murderous Qi, scared it all over and hid behind the demon emperor of Chongming.

Zhou Xuanji began to talk about his experience.

From the qualification assessment, to the elimination, then to the Taoist tower breakthrough list, and finally to the assessment of the God of war in the virtual world, everyone's blood was filled.

"What a cow!"

North owl Wang Jian clenched his fists and said excitedly.

Chen Bantian, Lin Changge, Ning Zifeng and others can't help but be enthusiastic.

How long has it been? Zhou Xuanji's position has been above the main god of the universe!

The strength and richness of Kunlun Yuanting let them open the door to the new world.

"Master, do you want to take us to Kunlun Yuanting?"

Xiao Jinghong tried to resist his excitement and asked. The others looked forward to Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji nodded with a smile and said, "wait until you break through the holy land, otherwise you can't even pass the lowest elimination. In the future, I will improve the aura of all walks of life in lotus and strive to make the aura here reach the level of Kunlun Yuanting."

The crowd nodded, all full of desire.

They also want to see what the Kunlun Yuanting looks like with their own eyes.

Later, Zhou Xuanji summoned the whole imperial sword court and planned to lead the disciples of the court to practice. He still led tens of millions of disciples to practice sword with his sword master's domineering spirit, and talked about the voice of the road, which was absolutely great luck for the disciples of the imperial sword court.

Nowadays, Zhou Xuanji is the baqiong of Ba Sheng, and his body is about to degenerate into the body of Da Dao.

Seven days later, he returned to Kunlun Yuanting because someone came to him.

He put away Nanming demon God and twenty-four xuanqinglian and went out of the house.

Jade bell and jade show stand in the courtyard.

"Xuanji little friend, the virtual realm God in the nearby area came to visit you with the thirteen emperors of the virtual realm. He said that he had misunderstood you before and wanted to apologize. At present, he is received in the dry hall. You can meet him. With the support of our long bow God pulse, if you want him to kneel down, he must kneel down!"

The jade God Zhong smiled and said the origin.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help eyebrowing.

The three prisoners rushed out one after another, all very excited.

They said they also wanted to see it.

Zhou Xuanji had no opinion, and the party flew towards the dry hall.

The dry hall is located at the top of the longbow God vein. It belongs to the hall of receiving guests. Of course, if you want to enter the dry hall, you must have a certain identity.

After a while.

They quickly came to the dry hall. Zhou Xuanji followed the jade God Zhong and walked inward. At a glance, he saw the burly figure of the virtual realm God like an iron tower. There were thirteen figures kneeling behind him. It was the thirteen emperors of the virtual realm.

In addition, he saw five other people.

Yangling Buddha, desolate God, old beggar, Xu Qing, Gu Tianxia.

The wild God was so excited that he knelt down and shouted, "Lord!"

Look at him, he was almost crying. He had no authority of the former heavenly saint!

The prisoner tiger covered his face and scolded, "what a shame!"

The corners of Shengtian Dao's mouth could not help twitching.

The virtual realm God turned and looked at Zhou Xuanji. The thirteen emperors of the virtual realm trembled and dared not turn their heads.

Sitting in the first seat was a tall middle-aged man. He was also one of the ancestors of Longbow divine pulse. He was powerful. Seeing Zhou Xuanji coming, he got up and said with a smile: "Xuanji little friend, you finally came. I am the law enforcement elder of Longbow divine pulse. You can call me Qianlao."

Facing the hope of Longbow divine pulse, Qianlao had to smile even if he was the Taoist ancestor.

This scene made the mood of the old beggar, Yangling Buddha and others more complicated.

When they first met Qian Lao before, Qian Lao gave them a sense of oppression without anger. As a result, seeing Zhou Xuanji was like becoming another person, which had a great impact on them.

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