Published at 11th of October 2021 10:49:35 AM

Chapter 688: 688

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"I'm not familiar. I once met him in the lower world with my separate body. The boy also put me together at that time."

Ji huanglin looked back at Chu Mochen, shook his head and smiled. His tone was thought-provoking.

Chu Mo Chen joked and said, "Oh, you still sent separate bodies to the lower world, and think of your illusory dream of the common Lord of heaven?"

God and God?

Zhou Xuanji instantly understood Ji huanglin's attempt. No wonder this guy wanted Tiandao jade. It turned out that he wanted to control all Tiandao.

But why does Ji huanglin's cultivation need the way of heaven?

"Boy, you're very good. Keep working hard. When you reach the cultivation of Taoist ancestors, I'll show you around."

Chu Mochen looked down at Zhou Xuanji and smiled. Zhou Xuanji was not angry because the other party was qualified to be so arrogant.

Soon, Ji huanglin and Chu Mochen left one after another.

In their eyes, Zhou Xuanji was not a threat, and he was not even qualified to speak with them on an equal footing.

Even so, Zhou Xuanji also received a lot of envious eyes.

Super star Saint bee continues.

Kunlun Yuanting is still lively. With the passing of projects, all sentient beings forget the excitement previously brought by Zhou Xuanji.

The ratio of argumentation to Taoism is not true, and it is mostly entertaining, so the reward for the first place is obviously lower than that of other projects.

Time goes on.

in a twinkling.

The ratio of learning is coming.

Zhou Xuanji followed hundreds of thunderstruck zuns to the holy platform.

The presence is Tianjiao. Naturally, they are full of confidence in their learning ability.

Learning tests not only blood talent, but also insight.

A total of 489 Tianjiao stood on the stage, even Meng God, the third 16 star Tianjiao, and Chang Sheng, the fourth 16 star Tianjiao.

Sixteen of the top 50 on the superstar monument participated, all in high spirits and looking forward to it.

With a wave of the right hand of the superstar deity, light clusters are suspended in the air and arranged in rows. The lower they go, the more light clusters are. Tianjiao can know what skills are hidden in them with a sweep of their divine thoughts.

"There are nine gods in total. One God is the second and the nine gods are the highest. Demonstrate it once after learning it. Don't hurt other Tianjiao. Except for one God, the time spent by other levels of gods will eventually be shortened. In addition, each participant can only choose one kind of gods. Now start timing immediately!"

Superstar magistrates don't talk nonsense. They directly ordered most Tianjiao to start shooting. This scene once again mobilized the blood of all sentient beings.

After all, Zhou Xuanji won the first place in a project and was funded by a dark horse, so he also attracted the attention of countless creatures.

"Compared with his learning ability, this boy should not be too bad."

The old beggar Fuxu smiled, but he didn't say Zhou Xuanji's ranking. After all, other Tianjiao's talents are more terrible.

Yunzhongxiu nodded and said, "he has won the first place in a project. Even if he doesn't participate later, it's enough."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help looking at Zhou Xuanji again, as if she were looking at a legend.

She bought next week's mystery from the black market. She didn't expect Zhou Xuanji to achieve what she has achieved today.

It's amazing!

Xian Xianghua was looking forward to it. She remembered Zhou Xuanji's talent to learn swordsmanship. It was terrible.


Zhou Xuanji locked the nine gods.

There are twelve nine divine powers in total, and only one belongs to kendo.

Great chaos!

When you have reached great success, you can disturb or even destroy three thousand roads with endless sword Qi!

He put his mind into it and quickly obtained the cultivation method of great chaos.

Well, the magic power also has sword moves here.

The magical powers of Kendo can not be separated from the sword after all, especially those exaggerated powerful magical powers, which are often displayed with sword moves.

Of course, magical powers such as sword sect immortal ghost crying and sword melting do not need to practice sword moves, as long as you can understand its mystery.

Zhou Xuanji took out Tianyu sword and began to practice it in a place ten feet away. This scene attracted the attention of other Tianjiao.

"Is this boy stupid? Can he practice magic powers like this?"

"Don't pay attention to him. He's making a fuss!"

"Tut Tut, you dare to choose the nine gods with only twelve star qualifications!"

"This comparison is not to choose whose magic power is more advanced, but to learn magic power more efficiently. One God can learn magic power very quickly and win."

"Hurry up, Meng God and Changsheng smile have begun to meditate!"

Tianjiao people talked one after another, while Zhou Xuanji entered a state of selflessness.

Outside creatures also felt that Zhou Xuanji was making a fuss.

This boy is really shameless!

While practicing sword moves, Zhou Xuanji understood the method of luck.

Magical powers pay attention to understanding. After each kind of magical power is practiced, the heart moves with the will and can be used directly.

But before that, you have to practice the Dharma again and again to master it.

Zhou Xuanji's sword speed was very fast. It took only half a column of incense to cultivate Dajue chaotic way.

The second time, his speed had accelerated.

Ten times.

Fifty times.

A hundred times!

Zhou Xuanji's sword speed soared, and his sword Qi was full within a radius of ten feet. The momentum was so great that other Tianjiao had to look at him.

Especially Tianjiao, who is close to him, is very depressed. He always feels bad and it is difficult to enter the state.

Tianyu sword is working.

At this time, some people have learned a divine power, displayed it towards the void outside the holy platform, stood out, and then were entrusted to their side by the superstar God.

Those who choose a divine power are in despair.

If a supernatural power of the same level can't compare with others, there is no chance of winning.

It's a higher-level magic power. You can spell the time difference.

Zhou Xuanji seemed to be stimulated. His sword speed was faster and faster. He moved back and forth ten feet. Although he was fast, he was not messy, overbearing and handsome. He was very freehand.

Gradually, the creatures who mocked Zhou Xuanji began to change.

"Does this boy really want to practice?"

"His sword technique is very good. It seems that this son's attainments in kendo are not low."

"Can you learn the magic power of Kendo like this? This is not Kendo!"

"Tut Tut, is he going to be a dark horse again?"

"There's a good play!"

Each divine pulse and Yuan City began to talk about Zhou Xuanji.

Compared with other Tianjiao who meditates, he is so outstanding.

The most important thing is that all sentient beings can clearly see that his sword wielding speed is increasing.

After 200 times, Zhou Xuanji's sword speed reached a new height again.

At first glance, it seems that there are countless residual shadows. We can't see his specific figure clearly.

Two hundred and fifty times!

Three hundred times!

Three hundred and fifty times!

When Zhou Xuanji practiced his sword wholeheartedly, Tianjiao realized the lower supernatural powers one after another.

Meng Shen and Changsheng Xiao enter the Epiphany state respectively and are not disturbed by the outside world.

They were surrounded by a whirlpool of roads, with a fierce momentum.

Another moment.

Zhou Xuanji practiced the basic sword moves of Da Jue Luan Dao to the 400th time.


The violent Avenue gathered towards him and danced with his sword Qi, making the space produce visible fluctuations.

"That boy..."

Ji huanglin looked up at the light curtain, narrowed his eyes, and an incredible color flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

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